8 COVID warning signs is in your blood

Read it to find out if coronavirus can face your veins.

COVID-19 [Feminine is a respiratory disease, attacking your lungs unimaginably. However, doctors, researchers and other medical experts always learn how it can do a lot of damage when it comes to your blood. Here are all the warning panels and the symptoms that Covid-19 is ravaged by your blood. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You meet blood clots

blood clot

The doctors of the world havereportedAbnormal blood cabin in coronavirus patients, especially those that are seriously ill. "The number of coagulation problems I see in the ICU, all related to Covid-19, is unprecedented," Jeffrey Laurence, MD, a hematologist in Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, saidCnn. "The problem of coagulation of blood appear to be spread in a severe crude." Although it is still not clear how the virus causes blood clots, it could have something to do with all pre-existing conditions, including heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. . "


You suffer from deep vein thrombosis

Thigh pain or muscle twitching or muscle cramp.

Covidient patients around the world suffer from a condition known as deep vein thrombosis. "Blood clots can form in the veins deep in the members, a condition called deep vein thrombosis or DVT," explains theAmerican Heart AssociationOn the condition generally affects the deep veins of the legs. "A blood clot in a deep vein can decompose and cross the bloodstream. If the clot moves to the lungs and blocks the blood flow, the condition is called pulmonary embolism."


You notice unusual swelling or numbness

Acute pain in a women wrist

Blood coagulation is dangerous mainly because of the mere fact that it can cut the blood flow into your body. Some patients, including the Broadway actor, Nick Cordero, are forced to undergo an amputation as a result of "thrombotic events". A recent study published inThrombosis researchfound that 31% of the 184 patients underwent thrombotic complications. One of the first signs you encounter blood clots is if your members or your fingers begin to feel pain, numbness or experience of any swelling.


Or, strange rashes or discoloration

Woman holding leg in pain

Dr Alisa Femia, director of hospital dermatology and self-immune connective tissue disease specialist at Nyu Langone, is one of the many physicians who reported skin manifestations - including strange rashes and fading among Coronavirus patients. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology keeps aRegister of symptomsTo record, research and hopefully, to be able to explain why the virus is manifested in the skin. Dr. Femia recently notedTimethat somepreliminary researchImplies blood flow problems can be behind these odd skin problems.

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You meet a stroke

Woman hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness with motion

Covid-19 patients, even those who are very young, live features and experts believe that this relates to blood coagulation. Even more weird? Many of them have no pre-existing condition linked to the heart make them prone to a stroke and have not shown any other coronavirus symptoms at the time of the accident. "We see a privileged number of young people who have had a minor cough, nor any memory of viral symptoms at all, and they isolate self-insulating at home as they are supposed - and they suddenly" Adam Dmyrift, MD, a radiologist from the University of Toronto, told theNew York Times.


Blood clots fill your lungs

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A new study published inRespiratory medicine lancetfound that blood clots fouging the lungs of African-American coronavirus patients. "We found that the small vessels and capillaries of the lungs were obstructed by blood clots and associated hemorrhages that contributed considerably to the decompensation and death in these patients", "Richard Vander Heide, MD, Head of Pathology at The health of New Medicine of New Orleans of LSU and Head of the Study, explained. It is important to note that the ten people involved in the study, whose organs were examined at an autopsy, have undergone underlying conditions that have been demonstrated to aggravate infection, such as arterial hypertension, diabetes and obesity.


Covid toes

doctor, the podiatrist examines the foot

Some younger coronavirus patients reported inflated and discolored lesions on their toes, a condition of medical experts nicknamed "COVID toes". Experts believe that the inflammatory condition results from blood clots. "It is possible that it was a skin reaction or caused by a small obstacle or microchors in the blood vessels found in the toes" Cleveland Clinic Pulmonologist Dr. Humberto Choi explained in a blog article on the medical centerwebsite.

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You meet a heart attack or other heart damage

Man With Heart Attack

"Blood clots can wreak havoc on your heart and coronaviruses weaken the heart muscle and causes dangerous arrhythmias and heart attacks due to small clots", reportsThe Washington Post. If you encounter heart health problems, immediately contact a health professional.As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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