Dr. Fauci says does not go here even if he is allowed

"There are things, even if you are vaccinated, that you will not be able to do in society," says Fauci.

CoronavirusCases slow down, predicting experts we could go back to a form of normality by April the earliest, last Christmas. But do not think it's over again.Dr. Anthony Fauci, The Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warns that there are still places where you should not go even if it is allowed. "We need to worry about mutants," says Fauci. "The best way to prevent that it is the implementation of public health measures ... as well as the implementation of vaccine administration efficiently and efficiently and quickly as possible." Read it to see where you should not go - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Fauci says avoid meals inside

Hispanic young woman having drink in cafe during coronavirus outbreak

"There are things, even if you are vaccinated, that you will not be able to do in society," said Fuci on Monday at the Briefing of the White House Response Team-19. "For example, interior meals ... it's because of the security of society."Fuci has already said heonly gets the delivery or take away. "Even if I can cook at home, several nights a week, I go out to take only to support these places," said Dr. Faisci.


Dr. Fauci says theaters are still not sure

People in cinema with protection mask keeping distance away to avoid physical contact

At the Briefing of the White House Response Team Covid-19, Fauci mentioned theaters like places where you should not go even after beingvaccinated. "If all goes well, it will happen a little time at the fall of 2021," said Mr. Faisci, "so that, at the moment we arrive at the beginning of mid-autumn, you can have people who Feel in performing security on stage as well as people in the public. "


Dr. Fauci says avoids anywhere "where people gather"

grocery store

The vaccine protects you. But it's not 100% - and you could convey the virus to someone who is not protected. "For this reason, we want to make sure that people continue to wear masks despite the fact that they are vaccinated," said Fauci, adding that you should follow all fundamental public health measures.


Dr. Fauci says that bars are not good for now

Bartender serves a fresh beer in a pub

"Bars: really not good, really not good. The congregation in a bar, inside, is a bad news. We must really stop this," said that Fauci told the Senate Health Commission, of the Education, work and pensions (help) last summer, and the same thing is true now. At the time, he added, "We should not look at the efforts of public health as an obstruction at the opening. We should look at it as a vehicle to open," he said.

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci


How to avoid Covid-19

Woman wearing two protective face masks at the same time.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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