4 items Costco Bakery Customers want in the food court

"Who should I contact for this to happen?" A member requested. (Hey Costco, are you listened to?!)

TheCostco cooking yard andbakery are two sections of the superstore that the Costco members adore the most - so imagine howsoft Your Costco trip would be if these two sections have capitalized on everything that love! This weekend, a group of Costco members compiled a list of bakery products they said they would dream of seeing in the food yard. Find out what happened when a Costco employee said they had presented that recommendation to senior management.

Read the Wish list from Costco Bakery that members want to see in the food court - and do not missThe only Costco Bakery Hack Everyone should know about.(Editor's Note: Some images may differ slightly from Costco's real products, although we aimed to respect the nearest representation.)

Cosco chocolate chip cookies

costco kirkland chocolate chip cookies

It all started Saturday, when U / Middle-Journalist762 recorded a recommendation in the COSTCO community onReddit:
They should sell their chocolate cookies in the food court. I would buy one every time I shopped! I can not engage in a giant container of the bakery, but if they were available at the food court. Game changer. There is no preparation, easy to visit. . . Man! Who should I contact for this to happen!

We saw the post and we had it. In the meantime, U / SCOOTERJ76 suggested an idea of ​​how Costco could keep the chocolate chocolate caps with warm, "the options for slightly frozen or heated in the Churro case would be the bomb!"Touch.

RELATED:The Costco bakery has just brought back this favorite summer article

Cinnamon brioches

costco cinnamon rolls
Costco / Facebook

U / slavnar95 took place on the brainstorm: "The cinnamon rolls they sold would be easy and awesome. They are huge. 2 dollars maticieces, I would have one from time to time." [sic]

Indeed, the Costco Cinnamon rollers are so popular that the company has created aGiant box of the miniature version at one point.

Cookies Costo Chocolate Cookies with Soft Service


U / SAUCE07 saw the convo and offered this upgrade of chocolate chip cookies: "Combine the cookie with soft service, load me $ 3. Please and thank you."

It might seem a bit on top, but we'll give it, sauce07. After all, it's the National Ice Cream Day.

RELATED:The best ice creams to order in fast food chains, say dietitians

A rotation of Costco Bakery

shelves and selection at costco bakery

Redditor U / Evan_evan_évan was all about problem solving and innovation: "I would like to rotate bakery articles in the food court so that people try them. Saves them samples." We are fans.

On this note ...


Consciously aware of the passion of many Costco members feel for the Food Court, U / Curseyonurmom seems to be a Costco employee who had been planning for some time - they thought the idea of ​​U / Evan_evan_evan has also done something on this subject. "In fact, I suggested that to my warehouse manager during a meeting a little before Covid struck the fan," he said. "No idea if she went anywhere with all madness." (Costco, we know you rewarddedicated employees!)

A possible solution, for now ...

Freezer door

Unless Costco's decision-makers do not include members to use on this Court Food Court / Bakery collaborate (like a single popular steakhouse chain has just done with their belovedbread), Some members of the COSTCO on Reddit community offered what turned out to be a common recommendation on the thread: buy the bakery cookies, then freeze them until a dress strike.

U / NYCGIRL2112 was the one who said: "I buy the entire container and put them in the freezer. The chocolate chip cookies freeze beautifully. I take an exit when I want one and I'm installed on the counter for about 5 min. The gel also helps, I do not sit down and do not eat all the container in a day! "[sic]

Anyway to practice aware of eating, even from the costco bakery!

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