Dr. Fauci says do not do it after getting your vaccine

Getting vaccinated is not a free pass.

What you can and can not do after havingvaccinated is always confusing. Can you meet old friends? Grandchildren? Can you do grocery shopping without fear? Try to erase some things,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said what you shouldnot do after having had yourCOVID vaccine. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Fauci says do not travel

woman with smartphone going on holiday, wearing face masks at the airport

"It's not a good idea to browse the trip period," Dr. Fauci said in a CNN town hall. "I mean, if you have absolutely traveling and it is essential, so obviously, it should be done, but we do not want people to think because they have been vaccinated, then other public health recommendations. 'Simply do not apply. " He added: "getting vaccinated does not say now that I have a free pass to travel, and does not say that I have a free pass to put aside all the public health measures we are talking about all the time ".


Dr. Fauci says Do not remove your face mask

Woman taking off mask with ear gesture annoyed by mask in coronavirus pandemic

"One of the biggest things that are really not well understood as people ask why should I even have to wear a mask after getting my second shot? And the reason is very clear than the main end point of the vaccine testing was a clinically apparent apparent infection. For you to possibly be infected, do not get any symptoms and still have a virus in your nasal pharynx, which means you should wear a mask to prevent you from infecting someone. On the other, as well as on the other side of the room, where you may not be totally protected yourself, "says Fauci.


Dr. Fauci says do not gather with people - with a warning

Friends at an evening dinner party.

Dr. Fauci says that gatherings are still out of bounds, with one exception: "You can start meeting as individual people, even if the risk is not zero, the risk becomes extremely low when you have both parties Vaccinated, "said Fauci at CNN on Thursday night. "My professional judgment is that when my daughter wants to come here and she's doubly vaccinated, I'll have it at home and I'll give him a big hug that I could not be able to do for a year," Declared Fuci.


Dr. Fauci says when you have the most immunity

Doctor holding syringe in hospital.

"You can get some degree of protection, some extent that is not durable, 10 days to 14 days after the first dose, but you can not rely on that. Maximum immunity begins about 10 days to two weeks And beyond the rest of the second dose - which applies to anyone, that you want to travel or not. This would give you a group of efficiency from 94 to 95% and a good security profile. "

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Dr. Fauci says the CDC will soon announce new rules

A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

Fauci said it was "common sense" that some relaxation of the rules for those who would already be vaccinated announced by the CDC and it could be soon. "If I'm fully vaccinated and my daughter comes to the room and is fully vaccinated, do we really need to have a strict public health measure that we would do if it was a stranger who was not vaccinated?" He said on CNN. Until then, do not travel, be vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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