Sign that your body may not attack doctors

Identify the symptoms of autoimmune disease so you can fight.

Inside your veins right now, there is an army of white blood cells looking for and destroying viruses and bacteria - consider them as armed forces in your arm ... and the leg, and the brain. They keep you healthy in winter. They fight againstCOVID-19 [Feminine. They are your friend and ally until they are not.

Because sometimes, this army can turn against you. Sometimes these antibodies -Stasements of the combustion of bacteria - sneakably and skillfully attack your body, using all their know-how to destroy you from within.

To learn more about the many forms of autoimmune disease, do not miss this special report, allowing you to quickly identify the symptoms, so you can fight.Read and ensure your health and health of others and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout a sign that you had Covid and he always spoils with you.


"Cytokine Storm" -cure by Covid-19

Doctor nurse in protective face mask listening to breath with a stethoscope suspecting Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In its most severe, COVID-19 form causes pneumonia threatening life and acute respiratory distress syndrome that could result in hospitalization or even death. Coronavirus has already killed more than 130,000 Americans and count. This is not the only bad news: doctors observe that many patients who managed to survive Covid-19 do not feel better than for a short time. After this period, their confused immune system reacts out of proportion causing dangerous inflammation of organs. This is called "the cytokine storm".

"One of the great mysteries of the new coronavirus is the reason why it causes light diseases in most people, but becomes fatal for others", reports reportsWebmd. "In many cases, it seems that the worst damage can be motivated by an immune response disturbed to the infection, rather than by the virus itself. In many peak patients with COVID-19, their blood releases with high levels of protein of the immune system called cytokines. Scientists believe that these cytokines testify to an immune response called cytokine storm, where the body begins to attack its own cells and fabrics rather than fight against the virus. "

As a cytokine storm resembles the immune response seen in people with a type of arthritis, scientists study several anti-inflammatory used to treat this disease as possible treatments for COVID-19.


Multiple sclerosis

Selma Blair at the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscar Party at The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 24, 2019 in Beverly Hills, CA

Even famous people can be misdiagnosed with regard to multiple sclerosis or MS-, which has happened to Selma Blair, which had symptoms for years before finally a diagnosis in August 2018. What is that the SP? It is a rare and potentially disabled disease of the brain and the nervous system that mainly affects women's descent from Northern Europe. Most people with SP are diagnosed between 20 and 50 years old, with at least two to three times more women than men who get it, according to theNational Society of Multiple Sclerosis.

Like many autoimmune diseases, signs and symptoms of MS vary considerably, depending on the amount of nervous damage and affected nerves, and often include problems of vision, equilibrium, muscle control and Other body functions. Although these serious SEPs can lose the ability to walk autonomously or at all, others may have ailum symptoms or experiment with long periods of remission without new problems.

RX: Many of those who have Member States are able to live a long and happy life, with good support. Early warning panels to be careful include tingling and numbness, pain and spasms, balance problems, vertigo and bladder problems.


Rheumatoid arthritis

An elderly man has pain in his fingers and hands

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, more than 1.3 million Americans - and more than 75% of RA patients are women, depending on theAmerican College of Rheumatology. Although the disease strikes most often between 30 and 50 years, it can start at any age. The PR is characterized by articular pain, stiffness and inflammation, usually at its worst in the morning. The hands, wrists and feet are most commonly affected - and those with RA describe soft, warm and swollen joints that can sometimes appear red when they are inflamed. Although it is mainly an articular disease, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect your organs, such as your lungs, your skin, your eyes and your heart.

RX: Advances in physiotherapy and medication have helped make this disease more manageable. Pay special attention to symmetry: it is common for people affected by Ra undergo symptoms in the same joints on both sides of the body.



Known as a thousand faces, due to its complex nature, lupus is a serious illness most often diagnosed in young women aged 15 to 44 years. According toLupus Foundation of AmericaThis disease is often called "the great imitator", because its symptoms are often the same as those of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lyme disease, diabetes and several heart disease, lung, muscle and bone.

Symptoms include inflammation, swelling and damage to skin, joints, kidneys, blood, heart and lungs - and 16,000 new cases are reported each year in the United States. The diagnosis of lupus can be very difficult. Here's why: There is no one definitive test that can give doctors a clear answer "yes" or "no". And sometimes it can take months - and often years - before a diagnosis is done.

RX: The most distinctive sign of lupus-an eruption that looks like the wings of a butterfly taking place on the bridge of the nose and both cheeks - occurs in many, but not all, cases of lupus. If you see this model, call your doctor.



Psoriasis on lady's elbow on dark background

Dry and cracked skin that sometimes bleeds? Red standard patches that itchy? Thick nails stitched or rinsed? Itching, burning, pain? Psoriasis can be the culprit - a common skin condition that causes rapid growth of cells to the surface of the skin, which forms demolished ladders and red patches that can be painful. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that comes and goes. There is no healing, but symptoms can be managed, especially with lifestyle changes, such as stress and hydration management, many. But one of the first known therapies - according to theDermatology Jama, found in an old Egyptian medical text dating from around 1550 AV. Good thing we have progressed to less pungent treatments since 1550 AV. J.-C.

RX: Although there is no cure for psoriasis, symptoms can be managed, especially with lifestyle changes, such as stress management, quitting and hydrating. And there are other remedies that can calm inflammation and irritation, such as turmeric or fish oil. Looking for inspiration? Check these21 winning curfa recipes.



Man with hyperhidrosis sweating very badly under armpit in blue shirt because of hot weather

Sometimes things become hyper, which is happening exactly with serious disease, a self-immune disorder that causes hyperactive hyperthyroidism or thyroid. With severe, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland, resulting in a more thyroid hormone than necessary. Your thyroid is a bit, butterfly-shaped gland Located on the front of your neck, hormones produce a control quite a number of different body processes, and the symptoms can be extended, including curved eyes, L 'widening of the thyroid gland (also known as a goiter), weight loss despite normal consumption, cardiac palpitations, finger tremors or hands, an increase in sweating or hot skin, skin, frequent movements of the intestine and more.

The grave disease is seven to eight times more common in women than in men according to theNih- Generally affecting people aged 30 to 50, although it can grow at any age. Serious problems with heart, muscles, bones and women, with infertility and irregular menstrual cycles - if tombs "(and hyperthyroidism in general) are not treated.

RX: There are a number of treatments available for grave disease. Most aim to inhibit thyroid hormone overproduction while others focus on reducing symptoms.



Woman holding her neck

Hashimoto thyroiditis can be a furtive disease. You may not notice symptoms at first, as this generally progresses enough slowly for several years, resulting in chronic thyroid damage that results in a decline in global levels of thyroid into your blood. According toAmerican Association of ThyroidHashimoto's disease is the leading cause of underly-active hypothyroidism-thyroid-in the United States. In fact, it is the most common thyroid disorder, affecting 14 million people in the United States!

Here's what's happening with Hashimoto's disease: your immune system wrongly attacks your thyroid gland, which is part of your hormone or endocrine system. And when your thyroid comes under the attack of malfunctional immune cells, it alters the ability to produce a thyroid hormone, which helps to regulate many bodily functions. When this happens, many internal systems can go wrong. Classic symptoms include fatigue or sofa meaning, unexplained weight gain, joint pain and stiffness, fragile nails, hair loss, constipation, increased cold sensitivity, among others. And in case you wondered, the thyroiditis of Hashimoto is named after the Japanese surgeon who discovered it in 1912.

RX:The treatment is very effective for the thyroiditis of Hashimoto. Depending on the levels of thyroid hormone in the blood, doctors can simply observe. For those who have manifest hypothyroidism, synthetic levothyroxin taken orally works very well. Getting good dose can take some finesse, our advice: find a doctor with whom you would like to collaborate.


Type 1 diabetes

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors

Your body breaks down glucose carbohydrates, which it uses for energy. With type 1 diabetes, your body produces little or no insulin, the hormone needed to move glucose (or blood glucose) from the blood circulation in the cells of your body to produce energy.

Type 1 diabetes does not discriminate. It can happen at any age, in people of all breeds, shapes and sizes. According to NIH, type 1 diabetes represents about 10% of all cases of diabetes, which occur most often among the people of European descent, which affect 2 million people in North America and Europe. There is a remarkable geographical variance in the type 1-according to theNih, a child in Finland is about 400 times more likely that a child in Venezuela to acquire the disease. Amazing enough, right? Researchers do not know exactly what causes type 1 diabetes - but believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors is to blame.

RX: The good news is that type 1 diabetes can be successfully treated via insulin therapy and other treatments, which allows those who have a long and healthy life. Regular exercise and healthy diet are essential for living well with type 1.



female model in black tank top suffering from vitiligo disorder

The vitiligo is a skin disorder in which spots of skin without pigment appear on the body. It occurs when melanocytes - the cells responsible for the pigment of the skin - are destroyed. Although the cause of vitiligo is unknown, scientists believe that this can be an autoimmune disease, where the immune system of the body attacks cells producing pigments.

Winnie Harlow is the first model with Vitatigo walking in the secret show of Vantoria Victoria Vantoria. Living with a skin disorder like vitiligo can be difficult, but Harlow has shown that it does not need to remember your best life.

RX: Vitamin B12, folic acid and sun exposure can be viable treatment for vitiligo, depending on the results of atwo years study Done at the university hospital in Sweden. The researchers found that more than half of the study participants experienced redepensation in a vitamin B12 cocktail, folic acid and sun exposure. And in 64% of those of the study, the spread of vitiligo has been arrested! Living with a skin disorder like vitiligo can be difficult, but Harlow has shown that it does not need to remember your best life.



Alopecia Aerata - Spot Baldness

Experience hair loss on your scalp or face? It may be due to Alopecia Areata, a common autoimmune disease that affects up to 6.8 million Americans alone, depending on theNational Alopecia Foundation. With this disorder, the body's immune system attacks healthy hair follicles, which pushed them to become smaller to significantly slow down the production of hair growth.

Alopecia does not discriminate affecting men and women of all ages and ethnic groups. Scientists believe that nature and maintenance are at stake with respect to this disease. In fact, identical twins, which share all the same genes, have only 55% of the two developing an alopecia-highlighting the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

RX:Struggling with a recent diagnosis of Aleopecie Araraata? Know that you are not alone. Become part of a community can really help, find a local support group meeting


Celiac disease

Woman refuses to eat white bread. Shallow depth of field

Someone in your immediate family (parent, child, brother) has a celiac disease? There is a chance of 1 out of 10 of your development according to theFoundation of celiac disease. A serious autoimmune disease, the characteristic of celiac disease is the inability to treat gluten normally. When a coeliac person consumes gluten - a protein found in wheat, rye, barley - their body mounts an immune response that attacks the small intestine. Repeated attacks result in damage of small finger projections aligning the small intestine, known as Villi, which are crucial for proper nutrient absorption.

Celiac disease can be delicate to diagnose as it affects people differently. In fact, some who have trouble have no symptoms, despite positive tests for the disease. One thing is certain if it is not treated untreated, celiac disease can lead to serious health problems. Today, there is only one treatment for celiac disease: a lifetime adherence to a strict gluten-free regime. This means no bread, pasta, pancakes, beers and other foods like soy sauce.

RX: The trick here is to make your life without gluten as succulent as possible.


Guillain bar syndrome

Ankle pain, painful point. Unhappy woman suffering from pain in leg at home

Guillain-Barré's syndrome, also known as GBS, is a rare neurological disorder affecting a person in 100,000 each year. What happens is that the immune system of the body wrongly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system - the network of nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord.

Some cases of GBS are very light, characterized by a brief weakness. Other more extreme cases can cause almost devastating paralysis - sometimes causing a person who can not breathe independently.

Fortunately, most people eventually recover the most serious GBS cases. However, after recovery, some people will continue to undergo a degree of weakness.

Guillain-Barré syndrome does not discriminate. He can hit anyone regardless of sex at any age. However, it is more common in adults and the elderly, explains theNih.

RX: There is no known cure for GBS. However, there are treatments, including plasma exchanges and immunoglobulin-based therapy, which can reduce the severity of symptoms as well as shortening recovery time.


Crohn's disease

Woman touching stomach painful suffering from stomachache causes of menstruation period, gastric ulcer, appendicitis or gastrointestinal system disease

Crohn's disease is a type of irritable intestine disease characterized by inflammation in the digestive tract. It can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms can go slight to severe, with some debilitating pain.

According to Crohn and Colite Foundation of AmericaHe is quite common, with about 1.6 million Americans diagnosed.

RX: Although there is no cure for Crohn, treatments are concentrated on the decrease in inflammation in the intestines, which can help control the thrusts. Some people are prescribed of anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants or antibiotics, while others can find relief with over-the-counter drugs or food changes.


SJÖGREN syndrome

woman worry about her teeth and look in the mirror.

Sjögren Syndrome - A disorder that can be characterized by dry eyes and a dry mouth occurs by itself. In fact, it regularly accompanies other autoimmune diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. How does it work, it is because the mucous membranes and the moisture moisture glands of your eyes and your eyes and your mouth are usually attacked by the decrease of tears and saliva, explains theMAYO Clinic.

With regard to sex, this disorder certainly discriminates - nine out of 10 of the 4 million Americans who suffer are women. Most of those diagnosed are over 40 years old.

RX: The treatment of SJOGREN syndrome will depend on which parts of the body are affected. For example, some people will use eye drops on the counter counter to treat dry eyes or simply focus on hydration methods. The growing moisture in the house via a humidifier can also help.



Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, an inflammatory reaction in the blood vessels

Vasculitis is a condition defined by inflammation of the blood vessels that occurs when the immune system of the body accidentally attacks the blood vessel. While the cause is unknown, it can happen as a result of an infection, a medicine or other illness, by the Nih. He isextremely rare, with a global annual annual incidence ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 cases per 100,000 people.

Vasculitis may result in serious problems - including damage to the body and aneurysms. This is due to the fact that inflammation in the blood vessels can affect the arteries, which carry heart blood to the organs of the body, the veins, the vessels carrying black to the heart and the capillaries, the small blood vessels connecting the Small arteries and veins.

Symptoms may include fever, swelling, weight loss, fatigue, pain, rash, and a general feeling of feeling sick.

RX: The treatment of vasculitis varies, depending on the type of vasculitis that you have, the affected organs and the severity of your condition. The ultimate goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation. For those with light vasculitis, anti-anti-countercutting medications may be useful. However, for serious cases, prescription drugs - including anti-inflammatory and corticosteroids may be prescribed.

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Tired upset african young woman massaging hurt stiff neck

If you meet the paradox of being unable to sleep despite the burnout twin with a "brain fog" and a widespread pain and pain for more than three months, you can have fibromyalgia. "Fibromyalgia is another example of an immune system that goes on an overdrive and then is exhausted," saysJacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of the best sellingTired fantastic!.

Fibromyalgia can attack many parts of your body, including key brain chemicals such as acetylcholine (the memory molecule), as well as thyroid and adrenal glands.

RX: According to Dr. Teitelbaum, many doctors are poorly trained in this condition, partly thanks to its "overwhelming mixture of symptoms", can include generalized musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood problems. speakMAYO Clinic-It's they do not recognize.

However, once diagnosed, treatments generally include drugs ranging from antidepressant analgesics - to physical or professional ergapadies.

Dr. Teitelbaum emphasizes that even simple things can be considerably beneficial. "Two studies have shown that completing an energy molecule called ribose increase of energy an average of 61%", he explains, adding that hemp oil has been very useful for improving sleep and pain.


Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthearthritis

Senior lady is demonstrating suffering from ache

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory disorder that causes generalized pain, rigidity and symptoms of influenza type, according to theFoundation of arthritis. Although the cause of the PMR is unclear, it is believed that the body's immune system attacks healthy tissue. Genetic and environmental factors - including infections - can play an important role.

Women are more likely to get it than men, as well as caucasians compared to other breeds. Age is also a factor because it is rarely seen from anyone under 50 years of age and often developed at the age of 70. Because of this, it can be somehow linked to the aging process.

RX: Although there is no cure for CMA, it usually lasts from one to five years. Treatment focuses on the relief of symptoms such as stiffness, pain, fatigue and fever and pain reduction and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as prednisone and physical therapy are common treatments.

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Meniere's disease

Male patient visiting doctor otolaryngologist

According toMAYO ClinicMeniere's disease is an internal ear disorder leading to stunned spells (alias Vertigo) as well as auditory loss. In most cases, the meniere disease affects only one ear. Curiously, about one-third of cases seem to result from an autoimmune origin - but the exact way in which the body is attacking itself is unclear. The others seem to be related to incorrect fluid drainage or viral infection. Although meniere disease can occur at any age, it usually develops between young and middle age adulthood.

RX: Although there is no cure and is considered a chronic condition, there are treatments for treating the spells of vertigo as well as hearing complications because of that. They can include medium ear injections, hearing aid or various surgeries. Your medical expert could also recommend food changes, such as salt limitation, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.

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Addison autoimmune disease

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

In Adison's Automune disease, the adrenal glands - the small hormone-producing glands above each kidney - are attacked as a result of a malfunctional immune system. Because of this attack, hormone production is disturbed, which has a negative impact on many body systems. Addison Automune's disease is very rare, with an incidence rate of 11 to 14 people in 100,000 people of European descent.

There are vast symptoms of the disease, according to the Nih. Extreme fatigue (fatigue), nausea, decreased appetite and weight loss are all common. Many affected individuals will also undergo low blood pressure (hypotension), causing vertigo when they got up quickly, muscle cramps and a desire for salty food. Hyperpigmentation can also occur, especially in areas that feel a lot of friction, such as armpits, elbows, joints and palm folds. The darkness of the lips and the mucosa inside the mouth are also possible. With regard to women, the imbalance of hormones can result in the loss of underwear or pubic hair.

Addison Automune's disease may result in an adrenal crisis - a life threatening condition defined by vomiting, abdominal pain, back cramps or leg and severe hypotension leading to shock. This condition is often triggered by a stressor, such as surgery, trauma or infection.

RX: SpeakMAYO Clinic, Treatment of Addison's disease focuses on drugs. Hormonal replacement therapy can help correct the level of hormones that your body do not produce. Oral cortuises are also used. With regard to food modifications, sodium consumption is recommended.



Male hand Skin disorder pepper appearance from vitiligo,scleroderma and raynaud, medical concept autoimmune disease

Systemic sclerosis (SSC) or sclerodermia of skin skin diseases, in part, an abnormal healing response from the wound, explainsMonique Hinchcliff, MD, yale medicine rheumatologist specializing in scleroderma. "Normally, large quantities of new collagen in the skin are produced only for an injury: you cut and your skin repairs the wound with collagen and other proteins," she explains. However, for difficult reasons, patients with scleroderma develop too much collagen in the skin and that excess tissue prints other skin components such as nerves and pigment cells. The result can be painful and itchy skin and skin darker as if you were in the sun.

Fortunately, scleroderma is treatable and that the prognosis in many patients is good enough. "There is a misconception there that there are no effective treatments for the different aspects of scleroderma. Although we do not know current treatment, there are many effective treatments for scleroderma that can help Patients who can continue the activities they love, "says Dr. Hinchcliff.

RX: Currently, when someone is diagnosed with Scleroderma, a coordinated team care approach works best where patients have access to expert clinicians who can meet the many potential symptoms of the disease. "It's through these clinics that patients can participate in clinical studies to allow testing and discovery of new treatments," says Dr. Hinchcliff.

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Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis (mg) translates into a severe and serious weakness, or serious muscular. "According toNihIt is a chronic self-immune neuromuscular disease that causes weakened skeletal muscles - those that are responsible for breathing and moving parts of the body, including arms and legs. Like other self-immune disorders, this happens because the immune system is wrong.

There are specific muscles that are generally affected by the disease, including those that control the movement of eyes and eyelids, facial expression, chewing, conversation and swallowing. In addition, muscular weakness usually worsens after activity and improves after rest.

Although it affects the Genders and all ethnic groups, young adult women (under 40) and older men (over 60) are more inclined to be diagnosed.

RX: Although there is no known cure, there are treatments - including surgeries and medicines, control the symptoms of those who suffer from myasthenia gravis.And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

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