8 habits that negatively affect skin

The grooms are very reverent to the state of their skin. When the first wrinkles appear, they begin to beat the alarm and thoughtlessly seek help from plastic surgeons. Or to cosmetologists, applying Botox injections. However, it is possible to avoid such radical measures by simply making changes to your lifestyle.

The grooming is reverently belong to the state of the skin. With the appearance of the first wrinkles, they begin to beat the alarm and immeummed for help to plastic scrolls. Or to cosmetologists, reservolates of Botox. However, it is possible to avoid suchradical measures, simply mapping into your lifestyle. Here are 8Arted habits that are negative for skin condition.


DailyNews are visible to the face: a tired view, bags of blue circles under the eyes, gray and dull face. Sooner or later, it will lead to premature aging. It is impossible to joke with your own.

Недосып | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty


Excessive demands in the sun provocating early wrinkles. Therefore, we are always sunscreen. Not only when you depart on the beach, but also just walking around the city.

Ультрафиолет | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty


Flag cleans your skin from decorative accumulation. Or you do not use quality assistance: gels, foams, tonic - sagressive paws and alcohol. Always examine the label with the composition of the product before buying it. Watch also then that the selected funds collapsed your type and state. Fat skin is contraindicated oil, while for dry, they are vital. For dehydrated skin, the means with moisturizingcomponents: hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe juice.

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Scrabble, naturally, important. Here only needs to be completely more than two times. If you do it more often, enter the irreparable harm to your skin, flushing the protective layer. In such a state is very vulnerable to inflammation. Alpoint cases frequently escaping the dryness of the epidermis.

Частое скрабирование | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty


Tsistochdl Rumyan, powders, shadows to wash the shadows, using special bacterial agents. They accumulated dirt and bacteria provoke-minded inflammations, from which you most likely are trying to get rid of the powerful driving agents. In them, as a rule, it contains alcohol, which negatively affects the states, thinning it.

Грязные кисти | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty

A lot of sugar

Excessive sugar is negatively influenced by the production of collagen. It becomes becoming. And this in turn, leads to the cyston's skin and loss of its elasticity. Sweet food and drinks also negatively to the state of the sebaceous glands, provoking the appearance of acne.

Много сахара | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty


Smoking slows down the production of collagen and elastin production. The kid of avid smokers with the time of time, acquires an unhealthy or grayish tint. Transmitting lip and eye becoming becoming the appearance of early wrinkles.

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Frequent use of alcohol leads to an increase in male genital hormones in the body. And this can cause extended pores, acne and excessive skin fat. Alcohol also reduces stocks of vitamins E and C, which are involved in collagen production. Reducing collagen generation leads to early wrinkles and loss of skin tone. Regular use of alcohol, undoubtedly, negatively affects the work of the kidneys, liver and other vital organs. Dysfunction of the work of these organs is one of the reasons for the appearance of edema, finishing and bags under the eyes.

Алкоголь | 8 привычек, негативно влияющих на кожу | Her Beauty

Categories: Beauty / Fashion
Tags: skin care
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