If you notice it on your nails, have the cancer checked, the experts warn

It is often confused with another common disease. Here is when calling the doctor.

Skin cancer can take many shapes and shapes. While certain cancers are located and easily treated in the office of a dermatologist, others can easily spread andmortal. Knowing what to search is crucial in early detection, which can make all the difference in your prognosis. Attracted early, localized melanoma has a survival rate at five more than 98%, but if it spreads to parts far from the body, this number falls considerably, toJust 30%. Read the rest to learn to spot a particular sign of melanoma that could be hidden for your nails.

Read this then:If you feel that in your throat, check the cancer.

"Hidden melanomas" are a rare but potentially dangerous type of skin cancer.

Dermatologist inspecting patient for skin cancer

Melanoma is largely considered to be the deadliest form ofskin cancer, given its ability to spread to lymph nodes and parts distant from the body. Most often, melanoma appears to be growth on the skin in areas with high level of sun exposure, but there are exceptions to this rule.

"Melanomas can also develop in the areas of your body which have little or no exposure to the sun, such as spaces between your toes and on your palms, soles, scalp or genitals," explains the Mayo clinic. "These are sometimes calledHidden melanomas Because they perform in places that most people would not think of checking. ""

Read this then:If you notice it on your hands, check the cancer.

If you see this on your nails, check the cancer.

Woman using emery board on fingernails

A place that hidden melanoma can develop is under a nail or nail. When this happens, it is known as acral-lentine melanoma (alm) or sometimes simply as acral melanoma. This type of melanoma can also be found on the hands, palms and soles of the feet.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Subongo melanoma, one of the most common subtypes of acral melanoma, presents itself as a brown or black sequence or a stain of pigmentation on the nail. "Decoloration can progress towards thickening, division or destruction of the nail with pain and inflammation," explains a study in 2021 published inStatistics pearls. Most often - in 75 to 90% of cases - these changes appear on the big toe or the sticker.

It is the most common type of melanoma among certain ethnic groups.

Unrecognizable woman looking at her nails, while removing her nail polish.
Goodlifestudio / istock

Acral melanoma is considered rare among the general population, representing only up to 3.5% of all cases of clever melanoma, according to the 2021 study. However, it is always the most common form of melanoma among Certain ethnic groups, because other types of melanoma are less common in these populations.

“Nailing device melanoma also occurs in all racial groups. However, it is the most common variant of the malignant melanoma of African Americans, Asians and Hispanics. It represents 75% of melanomas in African populations, 25% in Chinese populations and 10% in Japanese populations, "explains the study." These groups generally have a very low incidence of skin cleansing because of the pigment of melanin Protecting their skin from ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, "add the researchers.

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This type of pigmentation can have other causes.

Podiatrist treating feet during procedure
Inside Creative House / Istock

One thing that can make acral melanoma difficult to identify is how similar it can be to the nail bed injuries, called hematomas. Like acral melanoma, hematomas are often brown or black and can come in the form of sequence or stain under the nail.

The main difference is that, generally, when a hematoma is to blame, you will remember the injury that caused it. However, running, hiking and playing sports can cause hematomas on nails absent from major trauma in the nail bed. AccordingMedical news today, anail hematoma Can take between two and three months to heal, while a nail can take up to nine months to heal. If you notice that the change of pigmentation lasts longer than that, or if you do not remember a trauma that could have caused discoloration, consult your doctor or your dermatologist.

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