CDC has just prevented "do not" do not "do this after your Covid vaccine
You can visit other vaccinated people in small gatherings, but you can not do the following things.

The CDC has finally released a list of what you can - and can not do it after getting yourCOVID-19 [Femininevaccine. "We know that people want to be vaccinated so that they can go back to do what they like with the people they love," Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) "Some activities are fully vaccinated, people can start to resume now in the privacy of their own homes." And there are things you can not do. Read on those and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
After your Covid vaccine, you can not visit another household without mask if they are at high risk.

"CDC recommends that the entirely vaccinated people can visit non-vaccinated people from another household inside without masks or physical distances, as long as non-vaccinated people and non-vaccinated members of their household are not at high risk of serious.COVID-19 [Feminine illness, "says Walensky. As an example, she said," If grandparents were vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and family, even if they were not vaccinated as long as the girl and her family were are not at risk of serious illness. "
After your Covid vaccine, you can not stop wearing a mask during public settings

"Everyone, including those who are vaccinated, should pursue all mitigation strategies when they are in public contexts," explains Walensky. It means keeping your mask even when going out. Why? Because you could always transfer the virus to someone who is not vaccinated.
After your Covid vaccine, you can not stop wearing a mask when you visit unaulted people from multiple households

You must "wear masks and a physically distance when you visit unvaccinated people from multiple households," says the CDC. "When the entirely vaccinated people are visiting non-vaccinated people in several households, everyone should wear masks and a physically distance and meet outside in a well-ventilated area."
After your Covid vaccine, everyone should wear a mask and a distance physically around any high-risk risk

"If a non-vaccinated individual or a non-vaccinated member of their household risked serious illnesses, everyone, regardless of vaccination status, should always wear a mask and a physically distance and choose to meet outside or in A well-ventilated space, "Walensky said.
After your Covid vaccine, you should not travel

"Everyone, whether or not it is vaccinated, should continue to avoid medium and large gatherings as well as non-essential trips," says Walensky. "And when in public spaces should continue to wear a well-equipped mask, physically remotely and follow other public health measures to protect themselves as others, CVIV-19 continues to demand an impressive toll on our country. Like you, I want to be able to return to daily activities and dialogue with our friends, their families and our scientific communities and the protection of public health must guide us. "
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After your Covid vaccine, you do not need to test Covid if you do not show any symptoms

"The new CDCS guidelines also recommends that the entirely vaccinated people do not need quarantine or test, following a known exhibition to a person with Covid-19 as long as they are asymptomatic at that time. "Explain Walensky. "The CDC is not to adjust the current travel guidelines. We believe that these new recommendations are an important first step in our efforts to reduce CV's daily activities in our communities. However, we remain in the middle of A serious pandemic and always more than 90 years.% of our population is not entirely vaccinated, but we work hard to get there. "To be vaccinated when it is available for you and to protect your life and your life from others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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