Dr. Fauci said these people are more at risk of COVID than others

"Obese people, especially morbid obese people, have a much higher rate of other underlying comorbidities."

Everyone could catch thecoronavirusand become terribly sick. However, some groups are more likely to be serious disease than others.Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke with the host of the Radio-Talk ShowHugh HewittWhy obese people are so sensitive to Covid-19. Read to find out why and how you can protect yourself, or a obese person you know - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Dr. Faisci explained why obese people were so sensitive to Covid

Young overweight caucasian adventurous teenage girl with blonde hair looking out at the ocean, while leaning on the wooden railing along the beach

"Mr. Fuci," Asked Hewitt, "Why are obese people so sensitive? I understand heart disease. I understand, but I do not understand obesity."

"You know, it's an excellent question," said Fauci. "I think it's a couple of things. I think it's the mechanical movement of the diaphragm to expand and contract your lungs. And we know that because people do better when you have left them subject to opposition To supination. So, have one of the obese things do they have not the ability to inhalation and expire easily because of the constraints of their plasticity of the lung. It's one of the things. "LU for the second.


Mr. Fauci stated that obese people have a higher rate of underlying conditions


"The other thing I believe," says Fauci ", do obese people, especially morbid obese people, have a much higher rate of the other underlying comorbidities, who get a serious result. C ' is diabetes, hypertension, heart disease - incidents a morbid person obese from these other diseases is much higher than the general population. "


Mr. Fuci said obesity is an "epidemic" in America

"Obesity is an epidemic in this country," said Dr. Faisci. "It's really one of the unhappy situations and there are so many reasons for that, it goes back from the moment a person is a child, the type of diet they are exposed. And it is particularly Disproportionate in some demographic groups. I average, African-American, LATINEX - clearly almost certainly linked to the lack of accessibility early when their children [need] a fully varied and healthy diet. "


Obesity aggravates COVID-19 results, says CDC


"Adults with excess weight are even more numerous during the CVIV-19 pandemic," says the CDC:

  • To have obesity increases the risk of COVID-19 serious illness. Overweight people can also be at increased risk.
  • To have obesity can triple the risk of hospitalization due to a CIVID-19 infection.
  • Obesity is linked to altered immune function.
  • Obesity decreases the capacity and the pulmonary reserve and can make ventilation more difficult.
  • AsImcIncreases, the risk of death of Covid-19 increases.
  • Studies have shown that obesity can be linked to the reduction of vaccine responses for many diseases (flu, hepatitis B, tetanos). "

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What you can do if you are obese

Woman with protective face mask setting music on smart phone and putting earphones before exercise.

The CDC recommends that you eat healthy diet, regular physical activity, to have enough sleep and learn to cope with stress. "Over time, these actions can help individuals with obesity improve their overall health. And if they lead to even modest weight loss, there are health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure. blood cholesterol and blood glucoseland. and with aBMI lower, the risk of COVID-19 serious illness is reduced, "says the CDC. And protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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