Patients share signs of heart attack that they want everyone to know

Here are the symptoms to search, as indicated by the patients who lived at them.

According toAmerican Heart Association, Every 40 seconds, a person in the United States suffers from a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that transports oxygen to heart muscle is severely reduced or cut completely, and your body will generally react in a variety of ways. However, contrary to what you have seen in the films, a heart attack is not always obvious, which explains why knowing which symptoms are to be monitored can save your life. Here are five personal stories of heart attack survivors revealing the various symptoms they have lived before and during their heart attacks.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


You could have a thoracic discomfort

african woman feeling menstrual cyclic breast pain, touching her chest,

According to the American Heart Association, most heart attacks involve "discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes - or it can go and come back then," they explain. "It can feel uncomfortable like pressure, compression, fullness or pain. While many people think this type of pain is intense, sudden, and something you see represented in the movies like someone grabbing the chest in despair of cause, the symptom can actually be much more subtle. Angelo Keyes, a semi-professional football player with retirement and bodybuilder, was only 54 when he experienced a heart attack while lifting weights to the gym. Since working on the strengthening of his shoulders and the chest, when he felt a pain in the area, he first ignored. "You get so used to these pains and pseudos and shots. I thought I pulled a muscle in my chest and shoulder, "heAarp.However, the pain persisted, and he told his wife: "If I did not know better, I think I was doing a heart attack. She asked him to go to the hospital, but he ran a first race. "It took about five minutes, and the time I do I could barely stand up. I really realized that I was doing a heart attack. »


You could have arm or shoulder pain

A man experiencing discomfort in his upper arm

In 2012, Rosie O'Donnell suffered a heart attack, and as many women, ignored his symptoms. On herRosie BlogShe detailed what happened after helping a "huge" woman of a car. "A few hours later, my body hurts me, I had a pain in my chest that my arms were painful, everything felt bruised," she revealed. According to the American Heart Association, many "women are a little more likely than men to have some of the other common symptoms", including the arm or shoulder pain. "Although men and women can undergo the chest that feels like an elephant sitting on the chest, women may experience a heart attack without thoracic pressure," Nieca Goldberg, MD, Medical Director for Joan H. Tisch Women's Health Center at Langone University of New York Medical Center and a volunteer American Heart Association, explains. "I'm lucky to be here," O'Donnell continued. "Know the ladic symptoms, listen inside the voice. The one we all so easily ignore. 911. "


You could have vertigo

woman sitting on couch in living room at home with closed eyes, holding head with hand, suffering from strong sudden headache or migraine, throbbing pain

A non-specific sign of a heart attack is dizziness that many people write as something not quite as serious. In February 2017, Bob HarperThe biggest loser has undergone a "widowmaker" heart attack at the age of 51, revealing later that he chose not to listen to the main warning signs his body gave him up to six weeks before his main health complication " I fainted once in the gym, "Harper revealedDuring an appearance on the end of the eveningLook what's going on with Andy Cohen. "I started to have these vertigo spells, and I do not sort of neglecting them. »


You could have the jaw, neck or back pain

Woman is touching her stiff shoulder.

Any embarrassment in other regions of the top of the body, including the jaw, neck and back are other common symptoms of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association. On May 30, 2012, Sheila Caldwell, who was 50 at the time, had a heart attack. Later, she explainedPiedmont Medical Centerthat she had warning panels for a while. "In the months preceding the heart attack, I had a number of warning panels, one of them being chronic fatigue," she says. "The fatigue was so debilitating that I even stopped working part-time because I found it so difficult to work and do daily activities." Another symptom? Radiant pain along its jaw, brush it as stress. Then she had a "enormous quantity of pain between her shoulder blades, but wrote that to her myalégia and her arthritis. However, the morning of its heart attack, it has experienced cold sweats, vertigo, nausea, a pressure of the chest, a pain in the shoulders in arms and shortness of breath. "There were warning signs along the way, but like a lot of women, you can find something else to blame it," she says. "I think many times we blame them on other things or push them in the background because we are busy and we do not want to admit that it could be us."


You could have nausea or vomiting

Sick woman coughing, experiencing hiccup.

The American Heart Association also lists nausea and vomiting as two possible signs of a heart attack. In 2018, when Director Kevin Smith suffered almost fatal quasi-life, the first two symptoms he had lived were nausea and excessive perspiration. "I could not put myself comfortable - what is weird because I can put myself comfortable anywhere ... Then I started feeling pressure on my chest. Not like S ' There was an elephant on my chest. I just could not catch my breath. Honestly, I was never really bad, "he admitted during aFacebook Live Video. As for yourself, stay healthy at this pandemic, because Covid can lead to cardiac disorderfacial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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