This type of blood can protect you from COVID, the study says

There is a link defined between the blood type and the risk of covidation.

In the past year, researchers continued to study risk factors forCOVID-19 [Feminine. One of them? Blood group. According to a number of studies, there is a particular type of blood that seems to be more protective with regard to the virus, and people with it are less prone to severe and even death infection. Read more about the last major study linking the blood type at the risk of COVID and to ensure your health and health of others,Do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


This type of blood can develop COVID antibodies

Hand in blue glove holding samples for DNA amplification with red reaction mictures

A study published at the end of 2020 inAnnals of internal medicine, revealed that people with type o or rh-negative blood can be at slightly lower risks of COVID-19. 225,000 people tested for the virus were involved in the study, researchers finding that the risk was 12% lower for those who type blood type compared to those with A, AB or B. In addition, their risk of Serious covidation or death was 13% lower. In addition, those who have a rh-negative negative blood type, especially o-negative, have also appeared to have some immunity against the virus. Continue reading to see what type of blood can put you at risk.


Other studies confirm the connection

adult male in face mask receiving treatment at hospital suffering respiratory disease lying on bed

In addition, a November 2020 study published in the Medical ReviewNatureAlso found that the blood type influences the risk of covidation. "Recent evidence suggests that the type of blood can affect the risk of severe Covid-19", "he explained. This study participated in 14,000 people in the New York Presbyterian hospital system and found that those with non-O blood types had a prevalence of "slightly increased" infection.

"The risk of intubation has been reduced among A and increased among types AB and B, compared to Type O, while the risk of death has been increased for the AB type and decreased for types A and B, a concluded researchers. "Our results add to the growing set of evidence suggesting that the type of blood can play a role in Covid-19."


Your type of blood does not make you safe from Covid

Corona virus COVID-19 laboratory research,scientist examine blood sample under microscope,closeup of hand holding pipette,convalescent whole blood research for possible platelet-rich plasma treatment

"Recent data suggest that people with a blood group have a significantly higher risk of acquiring CVIV-19 than types of non-blood blood", reportsMedicine of Nebraska. "Blood Type O seems to have the lowest risk. However, these risks are relative, which means that people with type o blood are not safe from Covid-19." "We know that people of all types can be infected by Covid-19," cardiologistDaniel Anderson, MD, Ph.D.told them.

RELATED: If you feel that you may have already had Covid says Dr. Fauci


Other facts can complicate your chances of infection

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"The type of blood is not the only factor in diseases," says Nebraska. "How many viruses have been exposed, your age, none of your underlying health conditions also affects the course and severity of the disease. Say, for example, you and your friend who have the same susceptibility shared a bus With someone who has asymptomatic Covid-19. Your friend is sitting next to the infected person. You are sitting at 7 feet of the two. Your friend would have a worst case of Covid-19 because they were infected by more than viruses. "


How to survive the pandemic - and save lives

Woman wearing two protective face masks at the same time.

As we said, regardless of your blood group, you are not immune to Covid-19. So follow the fundamental principles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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