That's what you need to know before traveling now, says CDC

If you are traveling? If you do, here's what you should do.

Everyone you know seems to be on vacation right now. So, does it mean that you are safe to book your next vacation? During the White House of MondayCOVID-19 [Feminine Decrease in the intervention team, director of disease control and prevention centers, addressed the recent rise in travel in the United States, urging people to put future trips and reveal anything you should do if You plan to take one way. Read to hear what she has to say - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


Cases increase

Emergency medic and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

Dr. Walensky explained that there are a number of Covid epidemics across the country. "I think we find that many of these states open to levels we do not necessarily recommend," she said. I work with governors. I will talk with them tomorrow to try to stop me from getting ready too fast. "


More people travel


She also pointed out that despite the fact thatvaccines are scaled up, there has been a rise in the trip. "Many more trip is happening," she confirmed. "I think people want to be done with that. As I mentioned, too, I also want to be done with that. The thing that is different this time is that we actually have it in our power to be done with the scaling of vaccination. And it will be so slower if we have another push to treat. "


Essential trip only, please

female wearing protective mask while standing opposite the worker of airport and checking temperature

"We have consistently discourage travel by saying, please hold it limited to essential trips. And what we see now is more trips than we have seen throughout the pandemic, including The Christmas and New Year's holidays. " She believes that this is because people perceive "a relative lull" in cases and want to "take advantage of their spring break time".


If you are traveling, you should do that

woman wearing a face mask and peeking out from blinds

As it discourages trips, the CDC has a number of recommendations for anyone to make a trip. "You should have a pre-travel task. You should in quarantine for seven days. You should have a trip after the trip. And then you have to monitor the symptoms between seven and 14 days," she asks.


Overvoltages are inevitable

Two professional doctors in blue medical uniform standing in front of each other in hospital corridor and looking thoughtful

However, she points out that there were surge possible "after each holiday" - on July 4th, the Labor Day, Christmas Included: "And we see the high end of that right now", A-T- She emphasized. "I would just like to repeat CDC's recommendations by saying, please limit displacement to key trips for the moment."

RELATED: Doctors say "Do not" do this after your Covid vaccine.


Do your part in the end of the pandemic

Middle aged employee fitting protective mask on her face

So followDr. Anthony Fauci fundamentals and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live itfacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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