If you spot this in your mouth, you are at risk of heart attack, says study

There is a link between this dental condition and your cardiovascular health.

There are many risk factors forheart Age attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and genetic included - according to disease control and prevention centers. However, there are also less obvious conditions that can determine your probability of experimenting with a major cardiovascular event. On ato studyThere is even a dental condition that can even come into play. Read on to find out what it is.

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The study shows a link between gum disease and cardiac damage

In a longitudinalto studyRecently published in theJournal of Payontology And led by scientists from the Forsyth and Harvard University Institute, people with periodontitis are at higher risk of experimenting with major cardiovascular events. Specifically, doctors found a link between inflammation of active gum diseases and arterial inflammation, responsible for the cautration of heart attacks, traits and other dangerous cardiovascular disease events.

The study involved 304 people, which underlies the numbers of tomography in the arteries and gums at the beginning of the study, then four years later. 13 of them then developed significant adverse cardiovascular events. After controlling other risk factors, researchers determined that the presence of periodontal inflammation was predictive of cardio events.

"This is very definitely linked to people who currently have an active inflammatory disease, Dr. Thomas Van Dyke, a senior member of Forsyth staff confirmed in aPress release.

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Ignore signs can "be dangerous", says the researcher

It is important to note that people who had undergone bone loss from previous periodontal diseases were not at increased risk of cardiovascular events - only those with gums that were actively inflamed. The researchers believe that the relationship could be that the local periodontal inflammation active and mobilizes signaling cells through the bone marrow, triggering the inflammation of the arteries.

"If you are in the age area for cardiovascular disease or if you have experienced cardiovascular disease, ignore your periodontal disease can actually be dangerous and increase your risk of heart attack," said Van Dyke. So see a dentist if you need, and to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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