5 "red flags" after your Covid vaccine

Some side effects are normal. Others are not.

According to disease control and prevention centers, as well as the administration of food and drugs, all threeVaccines against COVID-19-Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson-are "safe and effective". However, side effects - the mild and temporary majority - are totally normal. There are also some potential side effects that are not so normal and can even be considered as red flags. Read on to learn what they are - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


You encounter symptoms of blood clots

woman in a couch with headache and a hand on forehead

Serious headaches, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath are all signs you might meet a blood clot after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. During an interview with Martha Raddatz on ABCThis week,Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, discussed "red flags" concerning J & J vaccine. When asked why not just put in Break the distribution of the vaccine in demographics experiencing women of blood - Women aged 18 to 48-Fauci pointed out that the FDA wanted to make sure "they are not lacking something." He explained that "often when you are dealing with unwanted events, you get an indication that something is wrong, what these six cases were a bit a red flag," he said. "Then, when you look more deeply, you see other things. So, if you're going to take a break, you might like the pause period, then come back as soon as you can possibly . "


You meet a severe allergic reaction

Pretty brunette coughing on couch at home in the living-room.

Pay attention to allergic reactions, including hives, swelling or respiratory breathing. "If you had a serious allergic reaction, also called anaphylaxis - after obtaining the first shot of aCOVID-19 [Feminine vaccine,CDC recommendsThat you do not get a second shot from this vaccine, "says the CDC on their website." If the reaction was after an Arna Covid-19 (Pfizer-Biontech or Moderna) vaccine, you should not get a second shot of a second photo of one of these vaccines. An allergic reaction is considered severe when a person needs to be treated with epinephrine or epipean © or if they have to go to the hospital. "Also," If you get a Covid-19 vaccine and you think you have a severe allergic reaction after leaving the vaccination provider's website, consult immediate medical care by calling 911. "


Redness or sensitivity in the shooting area worsens

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

Although in most cases, "the discomfort of pain or fever is a normal sign that your body is a protection of construction", if you suffer redness or tenderness in the region where you got the Shooting getting worse after 24 hours, the CDC suggests contacting your MD.


Your side effects do not disappear

Health visitor and a senior man during home visit

If one of the "normal" side effects, including pain, redness or swelling in the injection area or fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea - Do not seem to leave after a few days, you should call your Doctor Asap.

RELATED:Most coovidants did this before getting sick


You feel about COVID symptoms

Healthcare worker with protective equipment performs coronavirus swab on a woman.

The symptoms of COVID-19 can closely reflect the side effects of vaccine. However, if you think you may have contracted the virus itself after being vaccinated, you need to consider as a red flag and contact your MD immediately. You should also be tested as soon as possible. Dr. Faisci reported a small fraction of "breakthrough", possibly caused by variants.


Continue protecting yourself and protect yourself

woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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