Simple tips to avoid "deadly" diabetes, now say doctors

Strengthening sugar in your blood can be fatal. Follow these tips to save your life.

You can haveDiabetes And to love a long life, manage it - but it is also deadly, one of the main causes of death in America. Why is it so dangerous? "Diabetes is the condition in which the body does not properly deal with foods to use as energy," says the CDC. "Most of the food we eat is transformed into glucose or sugar, so that our bodies can use energy. The pancreas, an organ that is near the stomach, makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose to enter the cells of our body. When you have diabetes, your body does not do enough insulin or can not use its own insulin as well as possible. This causes sugars to accumulate in your blood. "Better, then, not to do it at all. There are some simple tips that you can use to avoid any diabetes (although some people are genetically arranged). Continue readingand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Do this exact workout

Female athlete with protective face mask doing plank exercise with hand weights in a gym.

Do you already know that exercise exercise benefits your health, but what exacts to do exactly? The CDC has the answer: Expand or find a fitness program for yourself that has both an aerobic swimming activity, cycling, a running, rowing, rowing, and resistance training (catch a dumbbell , do push-ups). Research shows that the mix of both can help control diabetes and prevent diabetes. As a result, you will lower your blood glucose, lose weight and keep your blood glucose in a normal range. Aim for 30 minutes minimum, 5 days a week.


Lose this percentage of your current weight (if you are overweight)

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat.

"Excess weight is the most important cause of type 2 diabetes", according to theHarvard T.h. School Chan for Public Health. "Being overweight increases the chances of developing a type 2 diabetes to seven times. Be obese makes 20 to 40 times more likely to develop a diabetes than someone with a healthy weight. Lose weight can help if your weight is at -Dessus of the healthy weight beach. Losing 7-10% of your current weight can reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes in two. "


Your fiber consumption

green peas cooking

Make sure each meal includes a good source of fiber. These sources can help prevent peaks of blood glucose and stabilize insulin levels. The peas, the bran of corn, the oatbran of oats and the psyllium have been proven to have "substantial reductions" in blood glucose, but simple legumes, nuts and seeds, while grains, whole oveans and the Vegetables help all.


Make sure you have enough of this vitamin

vitamin d

Studies haveShown that you have enough vitamin D can help you. "Vitamin D helps to improve the sensitivity of the body to insulin - the hormone responsible for the regularity of blood sugar - and thus reduce the risk of insulin resistance, which is often a precursor of diabetes Type 2 ", according to the United KingdomDiabetes Authority.

RELATED: The case # 1 of diabetes, according to science


Drink these drinks

woman holding tea cup in hands

Added sugars can be found in everything, breads with pasta sauce, but they are never more harmful than in sweet drinks; By drinking your calories, you get a zero fiber. Instead, drink water, tea or coffee. Do not think that the soda diet is all that's better. A "study also found that the consumption of more artificial sweet drinks instead of sweet drinks did not seem to reduce the risk of diabetes. However, the replacement of a daily portion of a sweet drink with water, from coffee or tea has been linked to 2-10% lower risk of diabetes, "according toHarvard.

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Stop smoking

Middle age hoary senior man

We saved this one for the last time because it is the most obvious smoking contributes almost all the most common causes of death, including diabetes. "We now know that smoking causes type 2. In fact, smokers are 30 to 40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-smokers," says theCDC. "And people with diabetes who smoke are more likely than non-smokers to have trouble dosing insulin and control their disease." For free help to quit smoking, call 1-800-leave now (1-800-784-8669) or your visit . And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss these 13 daily habits that kill you secretly .

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