A predicted virus expert when we are back to "normal"
"As we look in the summer, we will be able to resume normal activity" or something like that.

ThecoronavirusThe pandemic is not over, but the experts become more voice when things could at least appear normal-Ish, at least here in the United States. As cases revive in India, more than half of the Americans have had at least one dose of aVVID-19 vaccine, considerably reduce cases, although caution is still needed. The former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb appeared onFace the nationSunday to predict when we were back to normal - and also other essential tips. Read each slide for its economic advice - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSign that you had Covid and you did not know it.
The virus expert said we would come back to something "resembling" normal by the summer

The Mayor of New York City Bill of Blasio said the city of New York will be fully reopened on July 1st - Is it a good idea? "Look, I think when we look at the summer, we will be able to resume normal activity or something that looks like normal activities - there is still a layer of protection on what we do," said Gottlieb. Read to hear about how mutations could complicate things.
The expert of the virus shared very good news to read

The "situation in the United States continues to improve," said Gottlieb. "And I think in the coming weeks we will see an acceleration [of] declining cases. And one of the great reasons is that we have vaccinated 145 million Americans - who had at least one dose-to About one hundred million Americans were fully vaccinated at this stage. This was a monumental achievement that deploys this vaccine, to draw many Americans vaccinated, he will continue. We will continue to shoot. The vaccination rate will slow down. In the coming weeks, but we will continue to take up more people as we enter in the summer. And if you want to have a hubinger of what it looks like, look at San Francisco right now - About 71% of people in San Francisco had at least one vaccine dose, 47% were fully vaccinated. They record about 20 cases a day. They have about 20 people who were hospitalized. So they have considerably reduced Covid in this city. And it's St largely the result of a vaccination. I think for the moment, the gains we are seeing through the country are locked. We enter hot months when this will create a backstop against the continuous propagation of coronavirus. And so we lock these gains. "
The virus expert stated that the virus will continue to mutate up, so be vaccinated

"The more this virus continues to circulate, the more it will continue to mutate," said Gottlieb. "But the reality is that these variants do not occur in a market and migrating around the world, they recharge simultaneously on each market. You get what we call converging evolution, where the same mutations that occurred in Other parts of the world also lifts here spontaneously. There is probably a finite number of ways that this virus will try to mutate to escape immunity. And it tests us all over the world. So, the same mutations that Here happen in other parts of the world are also rising here. They simply did not take a foot here in part because we vaccinated the public. "
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The Virus Expert stated that the numbers are downseeing

"There are a lot of testing at home," said Gottlieb. "Now, with these tests at home that are not necessarily declared reported unless positive cases. So, I think the positivity rate around the country is still lower than we record, but we find that The cases come with hospitalizations go down, which is really the most difficult measure of the overall impact of Covid's hospitalizations is a very good indicator of where the direction was heading and they descend too. So, I think these gains are quite sustainable at this point. "
How to stay safe until July

So follow the fundamental principles of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-you-impede as soon as possible. facial mask which adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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