Dr. Fauci says it's his "worst nightmare"

It would be the appearance of a new virus that jumped from the species of an animal host to a human ... ".

WillCOVID-19 [FeminineNever go? That's the questionDr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was laid during an interview with IsraelCANAL 13. This country notes that the decrease in the decrease in the virus of quasi-flock-immunity, and Fauci also discussed the lessons we could learn from its success. Read on his answer, with 4 points that can save your life - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSign that you had Covid and you did not know it.


Dr. Fauci says it's his "worst nightmare"

Walter Reed Hospital flu ward during the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19, in Washington DC

Mr. Fauci was asked if he thought he had never seen a pandemic like that of 1918. "I had hoped that I would never see that, but deep in my mind, I am always very concerned," answered. "People often ask me over the years, what is standing at night? What is your worst nightmare? And I would say very systematically: [that] would be the appearance of a new virus that jumped into species an animal host. Human that had two major characteristics. One, it spreads a person to a person to a person to the person as a respiratory infection. And two, he had the ability to create a considerable degree Morbidity and mortality. And unfortunately for all of us in the world, my worst nightmare has reality reality. "


Dr. Fauci said that US business can start declining seriously, as in Israel

female doctor in surgical face mask meeting patient in medical office

Dr. Fauci says he would use "Israel as a prototype example of what is fine." He clarified: "I do not think Israel has done everything perfectly. Nobody does things perfectly, but you had some things in your favor. A small country with a small population used to group up. I think the 'history of Israel because of the political circumstances that surround you in the region, you know what it means to stick together as a single unit. Otherwise, you would not have survived as well as you survive. When I give conferences and briefings on the answer to Covid-19. I have a very well known slide because I show it so often the curve of thevaccines Amount in Israel, as the cases fall and now they are separated by many. That's where we want to be in the United States. And I continue to tell them when I briefly have the leaders of our country, I think we are almost at this stage where Israel was some time ago when the lines have crossed and the cases diminished considerably. "


Mr. Fauci said Israel is close to the immunity of the flock - and that Covid-19 will never be completely eradicated

Doctor studying virus bacteria in the lab

There is only one virus "that we have never eradicated. And it's smallpox," said Dr. Faisci. "There are many that we have eliminated in some countries such as poliomyelitis in the United States and Israel, but there are others where you do not control it. You are so low as it is not An epidemic threat, but you did not get rid of it completely. I think that's what will happen with Covid-19 because it is too easily transmissible and it is expanded so widely around the world. I think that countries will finally control it. There will be a troops of immunity in different countries. I'm almost sure that Israel will recover from getting them because you are close to that right now. But I think we will have to have Most likely to continue to vaccinate over a period of several years. "

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Dr. Faisci said it's "essential" for children to have vaccinated

Child with face mask getting vaccinated

"I would strongly recommend that children be vaccinated for a few reasons," said Dr. Faisci, "even if most of the time of children do not receive a serious illness. There is a certain proportion of children who really do sick and young people. Also children could be an important vehicle to spread throughout the community. So I think it would be essential to vaccinate children, but in the way we vacate children against all infantile diseases that you and me are vaccinated for each year. "So do you vaccinate when it becomes at your disposal and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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