The n ° 1 sign that you get obese, say experts

This is a better method of tracking than walking on a ladder.

How do you know if your weight becomes out of control and maybe become dangerous? Many health warnings involve if you encounter obesity, which means you have exceeded some BMI. But if you are like many of us, you avoided walking on a ladder, calculate a lot less an IMC, during the majority of the pandemic. Although BMI officially calculates obesity, there is another way to know that your weight has reached a level of concern. Continue reading.

What is obesity?

The Mayo clinic defines obesity as "a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat". This can lead to a broad spectrum of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity are defined as "an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that presents a health risk". A tangible body index (BMI) is considered an overweight and more than 30 obese.

However, the Mayo Note clinic "The BMI does not directly measure body fat, so some people, such as muscle athletes, may have an IMC in the category of obesity, even if they have no excess body fat. "

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So, how do you know if you become obese?

"The best measure of this is to change the size of the size," saysJoann Manson, MD, DRPH,Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medicine School and Leader of Preventive Medicine at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.

Experts like Manson does not recommend that people weigh regularly. It's a better idea to stay attentive to the way your clothes are fit, especially around the waist. "People will notice if their clothes behave differently, if their size seems to be greater," Manson says, who details the latest science on healthy eating habits in the new documentaryBetter. "We often recommend that people - perhaps once a month or a tape at the puzzle around their size and watch the circumference, because it is such a good measure to know if they earn weight."

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What if you are afraid you become obese?

According toNHS, obesity is caused "eating too much and moving too little ... If you consume high amounts of energy, especially fat and sugars, but do not burn energy thanks to the exercise and At physical activity, much of the excess energy will be stored by the body as grease. "

The opposite would be to change your eating habits and move more. But if you are concerned about your weight, it is always wise to consult your health care provider, who can recommend sound health strategies and weight loss tailored to your medical history and current status.

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