The best and worst food for acid reflux

These will help or feed the burn!

If you have gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or Gerd, you probably know acid reflux. For those who are not familiar with what acid reflux is and his anger that is wreaking havoc on your body, here is a break of what this digestive disorder decreases.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux?

A big symptom of acid reflux is a burning sensation, otherwise calledstomach pains, which occurs when the acid brings the esophagus from the stomach. That's why people seize their chest - pain canliterally Breathtooth.

As acid flowed backwards, alias esophagus, swallowing can be difficult and there may be feeling that there is a mass in the throat. But the symptoms do not stop there other parts of the body take the heat.

There are many factors that go in a good night's sleep and feel like your chest burns is not one. The reflux of nocturnal acid can disrupt sleep, aggravate asthma and can cause coughing, according to theMAYO Clinic. So, consuming things that can help prevent these symptoms are essential for not spoiling sleep, which then leads to other adverse effects.

How you can relieve acid reflux symptoms by eating or avoiding certain foods.

To help you minimize uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms, we talked with registered dietitiansCynthia Sass, Mph, ma, rd, cssd,Natalie Rizzo, Ms, rdand author ofThe Nutrition Guide No-Breaker for each runner, andDr. Reezzana Chowdhury, MDAssistant professor of gastroenterology medicine and hepatology at Johns Hopkins, in order to compile a list of foods that cause, attenuate and / or prevent the acid reflux from brewing.

Foods that cause stomach burns and you should avoid when you have acid reflux, have some common points. Foods sitting on the stomach longer (hello, fat and heavy food!) May worsen some of the symptoms listed above, says Dr. Chowdhry. We will start with those to avoid, then mention enough some that can help.

14 foods that cause acid reflux.

Foods that cause stomach burns and you should avoid when you have acid reflux, have some common points. Many take a lot of time to digest and can sit in the stomach, leading to acid browsing the esophagus, says Dr. Chowdhury. But others are just really acidic!


Fried food

fast food

Regardless of whether you consumehealthy fats Or, greases not healthy, you put yourself in danger of experiencing a digestive discomfort. Fried and fat foods cause the sphincter of lower oesophage to relax and, finally, do not perform its functions properly. The ERPs are a packet of muscles that separate the esophagus from the stomach. More specifically, it is supposed to seal the bottom of the esophagus in order to prevent food from recovering after its deposits in your stomach.

"Fat and fat foods can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to not tighten properly, which leads to the acidity of the esophagus" stomach, "says Rizzo.

Foods like fries, fried chicken and funnel cake actually immobilize your. "Frozen foods also take a lot of time to digest, so they are sitting in the stomach for a long time and the symptoms of reflux last for a long time," she says.


Dairy products

dairy aisle

Eating upper and fat dairy products can help you feel more powerful, longer, but unfortunately, those who suffer from acid reflux fight to harvest the advantages of these items without feeling like their esophagus is eroding.

Once again, this concerns the high fat content. There areAlternatives of milk Cow's milk that have non-existent lactose levels (dairy sugar can cause gas, bloating and congestion). The milk with a lower lactose content can also place less pressure on this tender.

It is also likely that the reflux is caused by aIntolerance or sensitivity Dairy. "Reflux can be a symptom of food sensitivity, a non-allergic immune response that triggers inflammation," says Sass. "For many, Nixing Dairy can eliminate reflux."




SamehealthyBlack chocolate causes the acid flood. The reason? Methylxanthines. These are natural substances that act on the central nervous system and cause smooth muscle tissue in the ERS to relax.

Similar to fatty food and fries, cocoa is just as capable of weakening the ERPs. The two types of methylxanthines in chocolate are caffeine and theobromine, stimulants that allow us to enjoy the "good" vibres that you get when you eat on a square or two.


Fizzy drinks


What are you saying? You already open your second diet soda box? Just say no.A soda And other soft drinks aroused a serious oesophageal distress. Bubbles in carbonation develop inside the stomach, which causes a lot of extra pressure to reside just under your fragile muscles.

"In addition to triggering reflux, soft drinks can cause bloating and make the ballot," says Sass. "Trading your sparkling drink for a flat water infused with something like a cucumber, ginger or lemon can help your overall digestive system better feel better."



milk being poured into coffee
Dakota Coffee CO / Facebook

This morning Joe cup can simply send your esophagus into a burning Tizzy; Not a great way to start the day. "Although you like your Joe cup, the acid nature of the drink can exacerbate the symptoms of reflux," says Rizzo. "If you notice that you feel refluxed after your Joe cup, you maybe to go togreen tea. "

And it's not even a little caffeine can be enough to cause symptoms of stomach burns to evad, Dr. Chowdhry says.



raw beef

"Where is the beef?" If you suffer from reflux acid, you must know that even healthy, raised,fourte-fed oxen Contains a good amount of grease. And the fatty foods, as you know now, because the potential lax as they are sitting in your stomach, waiting to be digested. A single portion of 3 ounces of lean chopped beef of 85% contains 5 grams of saturated grease.

So, to put this in perspective: if you eat about 2,000 calories a day, it will cost 25% of your daily intake! It is better to limit this meat as much as possible to keep your symptoms at the bay.



drinking alcohol

When you go out a night with friends or night night, you may want to make clauds by combining a beer or glass of wine (or two) with dinner. Well, think twice before you can open this second bottle because alcohol has slowed down the speed at which your food is green through your digestive system. This means that your food is not decomposed as quickly as it should, and it is sitting in your stomach, which increases your probability of undergoing an acid reflux episode, explains Dr. Chowdhury.


Spicy food

spicy food

This one is a bit not obvious. When you suffer from reflux, your esophagus already looks like it is on fire, and the last thing you want is to eat something that ignites the flames. Rizzo says thatspicy food Can trigger acid reflux symptoms in many people for mainly two reasons.

"First, for those who suffer from reflux, the spicy foods can ignite an already irritated digestive tube. Secondly, they can also take longer digest and food sitting in the stomach for a long time can cause acid reflux" , explains Rizzo.


Jam & jelly

peanut butter jelly

"Peanut butter jelly time" is no longer a total plenty of pleasure for those who are fighting with acid reflux. Jelly, with jam, ranks at the top of extremely acidic foods, weighing with a pH of 5.5. Instead of spreading thatJelly sugar loaded on your peanut butter, throw slices of an alkalizing fruit such as bananas and / or strawberries; The pH of the sandwich will be less acidic with an alkaline fruit!

Strawberries can also be quite acidic, Dr. Chowdhury said. So skip the strawberries - in the jam or the form of berries - can keep acid reflux with the bay.



halved cherry tomatoes with knife on cutting board

Despite the stellar lycopene content of tomatoes, this diet is actually congested with citric and malic acid. This is prejudicial to those who undergo acid reflux battles because these two acids can cause the stomach to produce too much gastric acid.

Gastric acid is the chemical responsible for breaking the food and the size of the amount too large, it has now nothing to go with the exception of the esophagus. So, go easily on the tomatoPasta sauce The next time you turn on Spaghetti and go to Evoo instead!


Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea

Peppermint acts as an incredible agent in the under-editing of the effects of certain disorders such as irritable intestine syndrome and can soothe upset stomach. But unfortunately, it can increase the effects of acid reflux, Dr. Chowdhury's notes.

"For those who suffer from acid reflux, peppermint tea can aggravate the digestive tract. It is best to avoid any idea of ​​fragrant mint if you notice that it makes you reflux or stomach burns," says Rizzo. The problem is not that it does not allow the mucosa of the digestive tract. It is in fact that these refreshing leaves are actually actuallytoo much Good to soothe the muscles, especially the. You may want to just jump on this past-dinner peppermint.




This morning, the dose of scrambled eggs is troublesome with your. Not to mention, the eggs are part of one of theBig eight food allergensWhich means many people have intolerance to them, which could cause acid reflux as a side effect. If you are a vegetarian with acid reflux, checkProtein shaker recipes For additional ways to respect your daily intake of protein without the help of meat!


Peanut Butter

spreading peanut butter

Beware of all peanut butter drug addicts, this PSA is for you. The peanuts are one of the higher nuts in bold, which means that they land your ERP in a troubled space. By way of comparison, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter clocks about 3.3 grams of saturated fat, while 2 tablespoons of almond butter clocks are only 1.4 grams. .

The difference does not seem very great here, but if you connect these numbers in a full week (2 tablespoons every day), it calculates 13.3 grams of fat saturated per week. No wonder why your chest is distressed! If you are a fan of Diehard Pb and refuse to abandon it, at least read our exclusive guide of thehealthier peanut butter See which are the lowest saturated grease.


Table sugar


Mom has always advised to eat too much sugar to avoid inciting a stomach ache. Well, she was right because that's exactly what fructose makes those with acid reflux and is half of the ingredients of table sugar. Sugars that are not easily absorbed in the blood tend to linger, and they become nutrients for unhealthy bacteria. This causes havoc in your stomach, which can then easily make wreakements in your esophagus.

For advice on scaling, here is20 ways to end sugar cravings for good, according to nutritionists.

The best foods for acid reflux.



ginger root

Pretty talk about feeling burn! On aNutrition in clinical practice review,Ginger Is one of many herbal remedies that you can eat to avoid aggravating your esophagus and calm acid reflux. For starters, ginger is notorious for hisanti-inflammatory properties and is often used to treat gastrointestinal conditions.

It is interesting to note that melatonin is quite interesting, the ginger component that helps relieve the symptoms of east acid reflux. You probably know melatonin as the sleeping chemical of our bodies. When the melatonin levels are too low, the stomach acid becomes more widespread. Not only does the melatonin reduce gastric acid, but also prevents loosening or weakening the ERPs. Dice, slice or shave this fresh root in a smoothie or tea!



Plain bowl of oatmeal and raw oats

Now you should already know thatgroatsis a superfoint way to start your morning. These whole grains will not cause acidity; In fact, it absorbs it. If you had to launch into cranberries (which are quite acidic), it really temperite the acidity and neutralize the dish.

"One of the reasons for which oat milk has become so popular is due to the fact that, in addition to not being a common allergen, oats is anti-inflammatory and tends to facilitate digestion," says Sass. "You can also add oats rolled to a smoothie, or make night oats without dairy products, a breakfast or snack hill."

For recipe ideas, here is theBest oat recipes.


Almond butter

Almond butter toast

If you were not already a connoisseur ofalmond butter, then you will be now! As indicated earlier, this nut butter contains a little saturated fat, so your journeys will not be so quick to go lazy when it passes through.

"In addition to his good fat and his bonus-vegetable proteinAlmond butter provides more magnesium, vitamin E and calcium than peanut butter, "says Sass." It's a good choice like dip for fresh fruit or vegetables, or mixed with smoothies. You can even use it in salty recipes to thicken soups, or as the basal of Gingery nut butter sauce. "



Baby spinach colander

Not only 1 cup of raw spinach fills a remarkable181% From your daily vitamin K needs, but it is also one of the most alkaline foods in its gross state. Alkaline foods are essential for consuming because they balance the pH of our body; They work to neutralize acidity. Make a point for consuming spinach in its gross state - it actually becomes a little acid once cooked.

Here is a recipe forSpanish style pizza with ROMESCO sauce, spinach and artichoke hearts-Lbler this acid reflux aid can also be delicious!



Hello I am nik / dead

This fruit has actually an alkaline effect on your body. More clearly, it reduces the acidity in your system. Your them and your kidneys will glad you both for this one, because the watermelon is full of the substance that your body must survive: H2O. "The watermelon is incredibly anti-inflammatory. The pigment that gives it its beautiful hue is attached to the health of the brain, eyes, heart and bones," says Sass.

Related:This is what happens to your body when you eat watermelon



Black lentils red lentils puy lentils

Have you made a double catch when you saw lenses? We understand. Many people think thathigh fiber food is notorious for causing bloating, gases and even stomach burns. However, this is the way they are prepared that often cause these symptoms to climb. Most of the times, people like to lose their lentils in spices and seasonings, two main guilty of acid reflux, to add some flavor to tasteless natural legume.

"The lentils are a true superfood. This member of the pulse family, which also includes beans, peas and chickpeas, are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, vegetable protein and fiber", declares SASS. "They are also naturally gluten free and support stable, even energy."

So love plain or at least go easily on the seasonings to harvest their benefits. And hereRecipes of healthy lentils you should try.



Woman picking out kale and leeks at a farmers market or grocery store

All Hail Kale! This leafy green is not only one of theBest foods for a toned bodyBut it also ranks up there with spinach on the alkaline scale. Not to mention, Kale provides a multitude of other body advantages and is easy to add to smoothies in the morning, but also salads, sandwiches or wraps later in the day when the reflux of nocturnal acid can hit.

"There are so many reasons to make Kale a Veggie in Veggie," says Sass. "It is responsible for vitamins to immunity and skin to support vitamins A and C, vitamin K, antioxidants of health protection and natural detoxifiers, which help disable potentially damaging chemicals or the Body shuttles faster. "


Bone broth

bone broth

If you have not sipped on a collagen-rich bone broth, do one point to do it as soon as possible, especially if you encounter repeated acid reflux fights. Not only is collagen known to relieve articular pain and promote the elasticity of the skin, but it can alsoget rid of inflammation in the gut.

Related:5 Benefits for the health of bone broth



person cutting celery with plastic knife

Munch on this snack to harvest its alkalinerant effects and, similar to watermelon, get an extra boost of hydration.

"Celery Is composed of more than 90% water, and it is not an acidic vegetable, "says Rizzo." If you can not drink enough water all day, celery consumption can help you stay hydrated and calm acid reflux symptoms. "

He also has the ability to calm the pangs of hunger, so if it is 5:30 hard. and dinner is not just 7 hours barely, grab a celery stem to calm these lumpsand Help prevent acidic reflux symptoms that can prevent you from sleeping.




A word: Bromlain. This enzyme is one of the only reasons why pineapple is one of the best food foods to tame the acid reflux flame. More specifically, bromeline is an anti-inflammatory agent that facilitates digestion and, therefore, reduces your acid reflux symptoms. You are also goingIncrease your metabolism With a cup of fresh pineapple!




These low calorie red bulbs contain a variety of chemicals allowing the digestion to flow without clashes, making your chances of experiencing an acid tumult in the very minimal throat. Many cultures swear by the ability of radish to relieve stomach burns and stomach and gas pains. In addition, the radishes are key players to keep your gallbladder in good health.



plain roasted broccoli in white bowl

Broccoli is loaded into probiotics, composed of good bacteria that your intestine likes to flourish. (You may have heard doctors recommend to yogurt to their patients if they prescribe antibiotics because antibiotics extinguishall-Good and bad bugs.)Probiotics Work to protect the property and keeping evil, which can sneakly encourage gastric acid to improve with your.

Rizzo says that eating a diet filled with green vegetables is the best nutrition for the fight against acid reflux, especially broccoli. "It is high on the pH ladder, which means that it is alkaline and not acid. However, broccoli is very rich in fiber and can cause gas and indigestion in some people with digestive problems." she says.


Fermented foods

kimchi cabbage

Having optimal bacteria in good intestinal health is a key factor in the evacuation of acid energies. Look for rich foods inprobioticsCan help your stomach flourish in good gut flora that facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients. Some fermented foods to try to include things like drinking kombucha and eating Sauerkraut and Kimchi. They will give you the right kind of bacteria and, therefore, promote the health of the intestines.



frozen papaya

Finally, we have this tropical fruit! Papain is the credible enzyme to improve your digestion and help your body absorb the protein. It can also, of course, help acid reflux. Disable this bottle of tumes for good and dig into a juicy papaya at any time during the day.

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