More than 50? Stop doing these things right now, say experts
See what you can do before it's too late.

A fun thing happens when you are in your 50 years: you feel more determined than ever so that every minute counts, live the life maximum.Eat this, not that! Health discussed with the best doctors in the country to discover the 50 most unhealthy habits after 50 years and their advice on how to minimize theshame of each. We do not want you to stop living; We want youkeep life.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
You do not follow the precautions of coronavirus

Our demography must take this enough seriously. "The elderly and people who have serious underlying medical conditions such as heart disease or pulmonary or diabetes appear to be higher for developing more serious complications of Covid-19 disease," the CDC reports. "Stay at home if possible, wash your hands often; keep the space between you and the others (stay at 6 feet away, which is about two lengths of arms)." A year of this type of inconvenience could add years to your life.

"Do not stop learning and doing", advises Robert Beam, MD, a family medicine specialist with an innovative health-GOHALTH URGENT CARE in North Carolina. "At age 50, the actuarial tables plan that you will live at 80 years. If you suppose that adult life starts at age 21, you have lived 29 years of adults and you have 30 years to live."
RX: "At age 50, your adult life is only half," says Beam. "There is a lot of time to learn a new language, learn to play a musical instrument, discover scuba diving, kickboxing or even going to college." Studies show that staying active and engaged can conjure cognitive decline and dementia.
Do not protect your sexual health

At the meeting in your 50s and beyond, "it is still important to practice sex safely," saysJ.D. Zipkin, MD, Associate Medical Director of GOHALTH URGENT CARE in New York. "Even if pregnancy is no longer a concern, sexually transmitted diseases have not disappeared." In fact, among the ages of 55 and over, the cases of Chlamydia have almost doubled and the cases of gonorrheaes almost tripled between 2013 and 2017, according to the CDC. And the STDs do not always make itself apparent: chlamydia and gonorrhea can be transmitted without symptom, but lead to complications.
RX: "Make sure you have open conversations with new sexual partners and continue to use condoms to reduce the risk of STD transmission when needed," says Zipkin. And talk to your regular STD projection doctor.

"Get these cancer projections," says Zipkin. "New medical tests, especially something like colonoscopy, can be discouraging and not particularly desirable. But remember: the goal is to prevent any disease of life by detecting them early."
RX: Talk to your doctor and stay abreast of the American Cancer Societyrecommendations on the regular screening of breast, prostate and colon cancers, among others. Your 50s are the decade in which a number of cancer screening tests become crucial.
Do not get regular vaccinations

"The chance to be hospitalized or dying of diseases such as influenza or pneumonia increases as we get older," says Zipkin. "It is important to protect yourself by getting all the recommended vaccines."
RX: Talk to your doctor to be vaccinated against influenza, pneumonia, coughs and white shingles, a painful skin rash that near the quarter of adults are developing later in life. The CDC says that everyone over 6 months should get aannual influenza vaccineAnd people over 50 are a priority group. The CDC also recommends twoPneumococic pneumonia vaccines for seniors aged 65 and over, and two doses ofShingle vaccine (ShinDrex) for people over 50 years old.
Ignore acid reflux

Stomach burns or acid reflux can damage the mucosa of your esophagus, leading to a precancerous disease called Barrett esophagus. In some cases, this can progress from esophagus cancer, a particularly deadly form of the disease.
RX: If you suffer from regular stomach burns, do not just take antacids. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms.
Be too restrictive with your diet

With regard to a healthy diet, let yourself live a little. "As a dietitian, I often explain to customers the benefits of less restrictive mental health," Rachel Fine, R & D, CSSD, CDN, Certified Diet Nutritionist withPeak nutritionAt New York. "A state of mind" eaten less "can prepare us for a guilty cycle when unfair expectations are not fulfilled because of the biological consequences of food restrictions (such as the increase in cravings)."
RX: "Practice an inclusive plan approach", explains well. "Instead of the rules, make choices. Add very minimized and dense, herbal foods, such as fresh products, nuts, seeds and legumes at your meals. Psychologically, an inclusive approach allows you to enjoy All foods. Once we give ourselves unconditional authorizations to eat our favorite foods, we relieve the weight of the responsibility that these foods hold us on us. "
Do not wear earplugs
"One of the most badges' habits for older people over 50 is to go to strong events without earplugs," saysLawrence R. Grobman MD, an otolaryngologist of South Florida. "This can accelerate hearing loss and associated tinnitus."
RX: "Hearing loss can be prevented from making personalized or even surgeonist earplugs," he says.
Using Drugs without discernment

"Being very careful with the use of medicines on the counter is incredibly important," saysRob Malizia, MD, an emergency medicine specialist in Sten Island, New York. "The hypothesis is that because they are on the counter, they must be safe. But many GREFRAN drugs can exacerber or even cause hypertensive emergencies, cardiac dysrythmias, gastrointestinal ulcers , gastritis and diverticulitis - and can interfere with prescription drugs. "
RX: "Request medical advice before taking pioneers, especially if you take other prescription drugs," said Malizia.
Do not cover with sun or use solar screen

"The 50-year-old group is from the generation that used baby oil when it goes to the sun," saysJacob Freiman, MD, a plastic surgeon certified by the Council in Miami. "Although most have taken steps to compensate for past mistakes, it is important to find the good sunscreen, one with titanium dioxide and / or zinc oxide to prevent wrinkles and especially, the skin cancer".
RX: Apply a solar screen daily on your face and neck, as well as all parts of your body that will be exposed to the sun for long periods. Make sure it is at least 15 SPF.
Not knowing your blood pressure

Do you think your blood pressure is fine? You may be behind time. In 2018, the American Heart Association lowered the guidelines for sound blood pressure of 140/90 (and 150/80 for people over 65) to 130/80 for all adults. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis means that more than 70% of men over the age of 55 have technically high blood pressure.
RX: Over time, arterial hypertension can weaken the walls of blood vessels, increase your risk of stroke, heart attack and dementia. To reduce your risk, have your blood pressure check and regularly.

Seriously. Regular laugh has benefits for demonstrable health. Laughter "improves your consumption of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increase endorphins released by your brain," says the Mayo Clinic. "Laughter can also stimulate traffic and help muscle relaxation, which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress." It has also been shown that laughter has also demonstrated that your immune system, relieves pain and improve your mood.
Drinking your calories

"Avoid soft drinks and juice is a good idea because they are very high in sugar," says Malizia. Empty calories are terrible for your size and heart and sweet drinks like soda contain some of the most empty calories of all. A March 2019 study published in the magazineTraffic found that people who drank the most sweet beverages had the highest risk of death. "The optimal intake of these drinks is zero," said the main author of the study, Vasanti S. Malik, research scientist at Harvard T.H. Chan Public Health School. "They do not have health benefits."
RX: Hydrate with H20 Classic, Seltzers - Choose those without artificial sweeteners or homemade spa flavors or water.
Do not have a regular exercise

"People tend to be less active as they get older," saysAdam Spaver, MD, a cardiologist with nanosanté collaborators in Hollywood, Florida. "Exercise regularly improves muscle tone and mass, decreases bone loss, improves memory, increases metabolism and improves sleep. On the other hand, recent research confirms how a sedentary life can result in obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular and metabolic disease. "
RX: TheAmerican Heart AssociationRecommends that adults get 150 minutes of exercise or moderate intensity 75 minutes of exercise each week-strong. Some examples of moderate intensity exercises: fast walking, dance or gardening; A strong exercise includes race, hiking or swimming.
Do not have enough sleep

Sleep is essential to good health and longer life. Do not have enough has been linked to an increased risk of weight gain, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, even dementia. Indeed, the repairs of the body itself during sleep, the resolution of cell damage, sweeping the toxins of the brain metabolism and the adjustment.
RX: Experts such as the National Sleep Foundation recommend getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night. If you experience chronic difficulties getting this amount, talk to your doctor. He or she could advise cut caffeine, which limits the naps, do more exercise or treat anxiety or depression.
Do not let things go

"One of the most important pieces of advice I can give is to get rid of toxicity," saysEileen Moran, LCSW-R, A therapist in New York. "For toxic people in our past, forgive and leave them in the past. For the time we were toxic and that was the case for us all learn from these moments and forgiving you. »
Not living in the immediate future

It may seem a cosmic joke: aging can come with as many concerns as naive times such as adolescence or new parents. But your after-50s are also a new uncertain border of life, and worries can be managed with a supported psychological technique.
RX: "Practical mindfulness and live in the moment," says Moran. "This monster called anxiety will not help you in the present. Living in a possible future will only cause you stress. Let the anxiety alone play. You play with the present. »
No recovery after training

"With regard to exercise, we always want to feel like we can work as we did in our 20th anniversary," says Chris Cooper, NCSA-CPT, a certified personal trainer withMovement and Active Performance In Massapequa Park, New York. "To bounce back after workouts, recovery workouts are important so that your body can rebuild and repair itself. »
RX:Let yourself be recovered for a day or two between the workouts. Stay active, just do not go all azimuths. "Recovery days can include stretching to do mobility exercises or just walk," says Cooper.
Do not work in force

"The best thing someone can do for their health is to lift weights, make compound movements such as squats, slits, bench press, and deadlifts, who use the main muscular groups," explainsRobert S. Herbst, A personal trainer and 19 times dynamic world champion. "I am 61, so I know what I'm talking about. »
He specifies:. "By building the muscles, slow exercises or reversing the natural loss of muscles that occurs with aging by insisting on the spine and long bones, they cause the body to a new bone tissue, which slows down or reverse the loss. normal bone density and prevents osteoporosis. Weightlifting also causes the body to produce more testosterone and human growth hormone, whose level also decreases that people are aging. It builds strength and coordination, which will make it easier for people to do daily activities and prevent debilitating falls. He is a win-win all around ".
RX: Anthony Kouri, MD, orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center, of the same opinion: "In 40 years, our bone density decreases by about 1 percent a year when we train weight, traction muscles on the bone, which increases the density. the bone. Recent data suggest that even lightweight lifting with higher repetitions can increase bone density up to 8 percent. Aim for two bodybuilding training sessions a week.
Children welcome on activities

There is no mystery why some seniors are described as bitter; They live in a past world hurt. You do not have. "If you remember the painful betrayal of a friend, a particularly cruel rupture or a time is wrong, decide consciously to let him go," saysChristine Scott-Hudson, A psychotherapist in Los Angeles. "We can not change the past. People often suffer when they stop repeating hurtful memories several times in their heads. Ruminant on someone who has hurt you, or one thing, a person said, do not serve us in the present moment. »
RX:Scott-Hudson shares a mental exercise that has helped some of his clients fighting to stop ruminer: "Think of a color that reminds you of the person you have trouble forgiving," she says. "Imagine their head like a balloon of the same color. When you notice that you start reminding betrayal or offense, imagine that you hold a balloon of this associated color, then imagine release the balloon. Visualize it to float away . Then, let's say consciously 'I free you. Quickly, this exercise will cause you to become aware of how much time and emotional bandwidth that need to rehabilitate these old wounds. "
Do not change you

"As we get older, maintaining mobility is essential if we want to continue doing what we love without pain or limitation," saysSukie Baxter, Cr, LMT, Lat, a specialist in the posture and movement in Seattle. "One of the most neglected health tips is to work on physical alignment. What tends to happen is that a narrow muscle getting your body out of the alignment to the same place- Saying, your chest - will cause another muscle to overload and become chronically steep and painful - in this case, usually the muscles of the upper back. "
RX: "Stretching is ideal for releasing general tensions, but for long-term health, it is essential to cope with the development of your posture," says Baxter. "The good news is that if you let your posture slip for many years, it is never too late to meet these compensations. I worked with customers as old as 75 to help them find better alignment and A better youth agility. Well posture can be either at any age. "
Unlock friendships

"The best investment we can do in our health, as we get older is a commitment to create and maintain significant and sustainable friendships," saidGina Handley Schmitt, MA, CMHS, LMHC, a psychotherapist in Seattle and author of the bookFriendship. A growing research corpus shows that social isolation can lead to a shorter life. "Loneliness is the main epidemic of people Péphames over 50 in America today," said Prakash S. Masand, MD, CEO of theCenters of Psychiatric Excellence (TO COPE).
RX: Hit the gym, expand hobbies, take classes, a volunteer. Take the time to call or text with friends or family. If you feel socially isolated or depressed, talk to your doctor about the best action plan.
Eat up

These are not only children and grandchildren who are guilty of spreading meals. Eating too quickly can cause calories that are too consumed, which is particularly difficult for post-50 metabolism to prevent themselves into weight gain.
RX: "By slowing a little chew food to chew food and take a complete inhale and exhale after swallowing - the parasympathetic nervous system is activated," saysHeather Lynn Darby, Nasm, CNC, a certified personal trainer and a nutrition coach in Richardson, Texas. "This answer" rest and digestion "optimizes the absorption of nutrients of your food and inhibits chronic stress."
Do not think positively

"What happens in the brain influence the rest of your body", Kouri explains. "Many studies have shown that people who advance thinking and do not focus on the past, are more likely to live longer life. Positive thoughts and emotions help to increase your immune system and reduce your Blood pressure. Positive power. Thinking not only helps prolong our lives, this allows us to have a better quality of life with the time we have. "
RX: "There are skills acquired that anyone who can apply to his life to think more positively," says Kouri. "These include recognizing a positive event every day and logging on this subject, setting achievable goals and thinking about your progress, thinking about minor constraints and through them in a positive light, to do Small acts of kindness every day and think about personal forces and how you can use them. "
Eat too much drawer
"Do not pack your own lunch or eating regularly is an unhealthy habit in general, but becomes more a problem than we get older," saysPatrick J. Amar, MD, a gastroenterologist in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. "Our metabolism decreases as we get older. We need fewer calories, making it difficult to lose weight or even maintain a stable weight. In addition, making wise food choices diminishing our risk of diabetes, d Hypertension and heart disease. "
RX:"We can better control what we eat and what we have in our eating choices when we prepare them ourselves," says Amar. "Although the meals prepare and fill your pantry with healthy snacks, healthy habits prevent temptation, weight gain and a crowd of medical problems."
Do not dispute your brain

"When we stop using something dynamic, it tends to stagnate and / or lower the healthy health," says Stephen B. Hill, DC, a chiropractor withHill functional well-being At Tempe, Arizona. "By systemulating systematically your cognitive ability, your brain will continue to maintain plasticity: its ability to adapt and reshape."
RX: "Some simple ways to do this are to read regularly, make puzzles and play games," says Hill.
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Drink too much

A recent study revealed that 10% of people over the age of 65 engage in the consumption of frenzy, which is defined as having four or more beverages in one session. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer and heart disease at any age, but as we mature, there are even more reasons to moderate.
"As we get older, our lean body weight decreases, creating a higher concentration of alcohol compared to our younger bodies and all the problems that accompany it," says Dr. Zipkin. "For example, the experience of a later drunkenness in life is more likely to produce injury - sometimes of shortening life - without any padding. Similarly, we tend to have a higher need for Long-term drugs later in life compared to young people, what can lead to alcohol interacting with these new drugs. "
RX: Experts say women should not have more than one alcoholic beverage per day and men should be limited to two.
Do not understand your basic blood tests and monitor them regularly

"Most blood laboratories are taken to test diseases instead of monitoring health, but there are practitioners who will help patients find out what the numbers mean," says Hill.
RX: "Watch for your numbers every three to six months and talk to your doctor about how you improve your health through diet and lifestyle recommendations," he adds.
Do not handle stress

When implementing stress management techniques, it is important throughout life, it becomes even more important after 40, "says Rachel Fiske, NC, CPT-NASM, a nutritionist and a personal trainer on the Advisory Board forSmart life. "Stress is closely linked to inflammation and many diseases, and can be a fundamental cause of common affections we get older."
RX: "Think about what works for you, whether you find peace with meditation, yoga, tai-chi, dance, art or simply deep breath every day," says Fiske.
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Continue to smoke

In addition to lifting your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, "smoking is wreaking havoc on your mouth," saysDavid Magid, DMD, a dentist with magidal dental care in New Jersey. "Smoking causes a dry mouth, which increases the risk of cavities, causes the coloration of inflamed gums that can lead to periodontal disease, slower healing and wounds, as well as bad breath. As you old, the immune system of your Body does not work like well, so it can not fight the harmful effects of smoking, and your salivary flow decreases, then smoking amplifies this problem. "
RX: To leave. Now.
Skip regular dental balance sheets

"Often, people over the age of 50 jump for regular dental balances and cleaning because they have not had any dental or cavity problems for a while," says Mark R. Dennis, DDS, a dentist of the North Miami Beach, Florida. "When they finally see the dentist, they need root canal treatment rather than a small filling. Or on the periodontal forehead, they will need a large scale under a local anesthetic rather than regular cleaning.
RX: See your dentist every six months.
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Do not eat enough fiber

"Fiber can often be forgotten in the daily diet, but it is essential in healthy nutrition," said Kim Yu, MD, family doctor at the Mission Viejo, California. "Do not eat enough fiber can result in constipation, reduce intestinal transit and increase the risk of colon cancer."
RX: Visit five to seven portions of fruits and vegetables daily. Other high fiber foods include whole grains, nuts, seeds and oatmeal.
Do not drink coffee

Your morning Joe is packed with antioxidants, protecting your heart and liver and guard against diabetes and cancer. "Moderate coffee consumption (three to four cups per day) has been linked to a longer service life," said Robert H. Shmerling, MD, editor of Harvard Health Publishing Faculty. "In fact, a November 2015 study inTraffic found that coffee consumption was associated with a reduction of 8% to 15% of the risk of death, with larger reductions in people with upper coffee consumption. "
RX:Enjoy coffee with moderation.
Have a negative state of mind on the exercise

"Stay in shape on 40 is just also on your motivation level as on the training plan you choose," says Dennis Timanaro deCultivation. "While the workout typically target your weakest area, fitness motivation works better if you focus on your strength."
RX: Concentrate on making exercise something, expect. Do what you like. You do not have to run marathons; Any amount of physical activity is better than nothing. Timpanaro advises: "Say you are motivated by doing exercise with friends. If you commit yourself to solitary workouts in your basement, you will find your commitment almost instantly. It is much smarter to register for a group fitness class in your local studio. If you are really looking to stay motivated for 40 years, spend time discover what motivates you and plays your strength. "
By pushing you too far

Regular exercise is crucial to stay healthy as we get older, but you push at the injury will undermine your fitness goals. "Realize the power of your body and use your voice," saysLisa Corsello, a personal trainer and an owner of thePilatee Studios in San Francisco. "The older you are, the better your relationship with your body, and the more you should want to say" no "to things that do not feel physically correct."
RX: Corsello says it's time to say "when" when you make a movement that causes pain or discomfort or gives you the feeling that it is not safe. "There is a difference between the burning you feel in your muscles tends to be in a general area - hamstrings, quads and biceps - and sharp / rotating pain that suddenly comes and is going to "She not better," she says.
Do not eat an anti-inflammatory diet

"It means staying away from packaged / processed foods and eating foods of nature, most of them being plants," says Fiske. "This provides your body nutrients, polyphenols and antioxidants to reduce inflammation, which is the basis of many chronic diseases."
RX: An anti-inflammatory regime, such as the Mediterranean diet, contains many fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy greases such as lawyers and olive oil.
Do not eat enough healthy fats

"Our brain needs omega-3 fatty acids for optimal cerebral function and mood stability. This is probably the thing # 1 that you can do for your brain," says Lorraine Miano, a coach in good integrated health and a certified integrated author ofThe magic of menopause. "Omega-3 enhance the health of brain cell membranes. Eating healthy fats also fights anxiety and depression."
RX: "Eat foods such as wild fatty fish, flax seeds and chia, lawyers and walnuts," says Miano.
Stay totally out of the sun

Apply a sunscreen is a smart idea to prevent skin cancer and premature aging. But do not entirely avoid the sun. "We need a moderate amount of solar light to stimulate our levels of vitamin D. Not enough d can lead to cardiovascular disease, cancer and early death," said Miano.
RX: The vitamin d council Recommends your skin exposure to the sun for a short time, not long enough to tan or burn. This will allow your skin to generate vitamin D.
Be naughty for yourself

"We have to practice a great kindness, for the truth is that we are not always nice with our body," saysSimone Levy, a physiotherapist of recorded APA pain. "In our daily life of the daily life of the thrust and constant constant, having a sweet nice about our physical limitations can help us make better choices about what we can do and on the content of what we Have done. Being grateful for these choices is important. Also. "
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Do not get a hormonal panel assessment

"Your endocrine system is crucial for everything, mood to function, muscle gain and fat loss, etc., saysPhilatory, NASM, a certified personal trainer and the author ofJust your type: the ultimate guide to eat and train right for your body. "If you eat very healthy and you work, but your hormones are weak, crushes or unbalanced, you will not get results - and it's not your fault. My first recommendation to everyone after 40 years is to book a balance sheet of a hormonal panel with their doctor. "
RX: "Note: It's not just a CBC [full global account] or regular", says Catuudal. "Some doctors verify, but some do not do it. Specifically ask for a hormonal panel."
Do not eat a low glycemic diet

"A low blood glucose diet (low glucid) is an advantage at any age because it will reduce the conditions that lead to metabolic syndrome, which is obesity, diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia," explains Malizia.
RX: Always opt for complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains) on processed foods and simple starches such as white bread, cookies and cakes. The complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly by the body, allowing you to gain longer and your stable blood glucose.
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Do not apply enough sunscreen

"A unhealthy habit applies a solar cream but not enough," says Jeffrey fromowitz, MD, a dermatologist in Boca Raton, Florida. "SPF is calculated by applying 2 mg / sq cm of sunscreen. Most people have half a third to a third of this amount. Even if they apply enough, they forget to apply a solar screen on the lips The ears tips, the back of the knees and the scalp. Or they apply a religious solar cream when they go outside, but not when it's a cloudy day or when they are inside. "
RX: "To cover your whole body, you need an ounce of sunscreen, which has the size of a golf ball or enough to fill a glass of firing," said fromowitz. "The sunscreen is a habit like brushing the teeth. You must apply it daily, no matter where you will spend the day."
Do not do Kegel exercises

This is one of the most important workouts you probably do not do. "Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, especially for women," said Jennifer Lane, a nurse authorized in California. These muscles can be weakened by aging, causing incontinence and erectile difficulties. "Men and women can benefit from doing pelvic floor exercises daily. They will help improve bladder control and possibly improve sexual performance."
RX: Make at least one set of 10 kegeels a day. here isHow? 'Or' What.
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Not knowing your cholesterol levels

As aging, the body produces more cholesterol, which can accumulate in the arteries, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Experts advise to have your cholesterol checked every five years. The elderly may need more frequently. Your total cholesterol levels must be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), with an LDL level of less than 100 mg / dL and an HDL level of 60 mg / dl or higher.
RX: To keep cholesterol levels on the point, limit saturated and trans fats, exercise and maintain an ideal weight.
Ignore your risk of cerebral stroke

As for heart attacks, the risk of features increases as we get older - and the vast majority can be avoided. The National CTP Accident Association indicates that up to 80% of brain strokes are preventable.
RX: Keep your blood pressure and weight in a healthy beach. If you have high cholesterol, diabetes or facefib, provide them under control - all are risk factors for stroke, according to the NSA. Do not smoke and keep your alcohol consumption under two drinks a day.
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Eat too much sugar added

Consuming too much added sugar - sugar that manufacturers add to food to soften or expand their shelf life - is a major risk factor for heart disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, adult men consume 24 teaspoons of sugar a day, the equivalent of 384 calories. "The effects of sweet blood pressure added, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and disease of foie gras - are all linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke," said Dr. Frank HU, Professor of Nutrition at Harvard e Chan Public Health School.
RX: Always check nutrition labels. The amount of sugars in improbable products can shock you - whole wheat bread with pasta sauce. The American Heart Association indicates that adults do not consume more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams) of sugar added daily. This is about the amount in a 12 ounce soda can.
Drinking diet soda

Diet Soda is not a healthy alternative for sweet drinks. Several studies show that people who drink dietary sodas and artificially sweet drinks have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome - in which the body can not treat insulin, resulting in weight gain of diabetes, osteoporosis and a decrease. renal function.
RX: Somprate this soda for water or selertzer without artificial sweeteners.
Eat too much saturated fat

Unfortunately, this habit seems to be ageless. Consume too much saturated fat - "bad fat" found in red meat, cheese, bakery products and fries foods - increases the amount of cholesterol in your blood, increasing your risk of heart attack and Cerebral accident.
RX: Do not eat more than three moderate red meat portions every week. The American Heart Association recommends that you do not have more than 13 grams of saturated fat a day.
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Ignore your snoring

Frequent snoring could be a sign of a dangerous disease called sleep apnea, in which the airway behind the tongue collapses when you breathe, reducing or even stopping your flow of air for one minute. Sleep apnea has been associated with high and cardiovascular blood pressure, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The researchers think it is because the condition causes repeated oxygen deprivation that emphasizes the blood vessels and the heart.
RX: If you told you that you snore, talk to your doctor.
Be alone

Consider socializing as important to your health than doing exercise - keep the links to your family and friends, but you can, given the coronavirus.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

The bride surprises her husband-to-be inviting his friends from work