Yellowstone National Park will no longer let visitors do this

Officials have announced a major change that will take effect immediately.

As older and one of the largest sites in the system, Yellowstone National Park is aabsolute priority destination For travelers who seek to benefit from nature to its best. More ... than4.8 million visitors According to the National Park Service (NPS). But even if outdoor enthusiasts and tourists make a massage in mass, the park always poses some unique challenges. And now officials have announced a major change for visitors who will take effect immediately. Read more to see what customers can no longer do in Yellowstone National Park.

Read this then:The 10 best national parks that must be on your list of buckets.

Yellowstone is always recovering from a major natural disaster that has just occurred.

Photo of a place flooded. Overflow.

The high season of 2022 has tragically started for Yellowstone National Park while the devastating floods caused by record precipitation and an increased snow melting due to warmer temperatures have created what the park managers called "1,000 -year -old event, "PerThe New York Times. While evacuating more than 10,000 visitors, the officials closed the five entrances to the park on June 13 while the water torrent launched roads, destroyed bridges and blocked routes with muds and debris flows.

However, the park was quickly able to recover and reopened partially on June 22. And while officialsTemporarily limited guest entrance Depending on the vehicle license plates,Yellowstone reopened his northern loop On July 2, bringing access to 93% of its total roads and all its main entries, except two.

And in addition to treating a catastrophic natural disaster, park managershas issued a warning On June 30, reminding guests that "bison is wild and unpredictable" after three visitors were hospitalized with injuries caused by animals in one month. But now, officials have made a change that could affect your next trip to Yellowstone.

Yellowstone National Park leaves guests do one thing.

Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone National Park
F11Photo / Shutterstock

On July 6, officials from Yellowstone National Park announced that they revived a mandate demanding that all visitors aged 2 years and morewear a facial mask In all interior facilities, because COVVI-19 cases increase in the region, reports CBS News. AccordingPark guidelines, this includes all the park's reception centers, administrative offices, lodges, gift shops and restaurants.

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Local covid rates are raised in the area in Yellowstone and around Yellowstone.

Medical worker wearing personal protective equipment doing corona virus swab on female patient - Covid19 test and health care concept

The NPS says that masking policies in its parks are based on local conditions and theLevel of risk that the virus poses, as determined by the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). TheThe health agency calculates this Considering the number of occupation of hospital beds, the rate of admission to the hospital and the total number of new COVVI-19 cases in an area, according to the CDC website.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

While Yellowstone covers five counties and three states, three are currently classified "high" in the community spread of the CDC, reports CBS News. This includesThe County of Teton of Wyoming, which currently has the highest level of propagation in the state, with an average of 443.2 new weekly cases per 100,000 people, 16.9 weekly admissions to the hospital per capita and 3.2% of the beds of Hospital filled with coated patients, according to COVID law now from July 7.

Other national parks have interior mask mandates right now.

Yellowstone national park sign and entrance.

Yellowstone is not the only national park to reintroduce a recently mask mandate. Of the ten most visited parks in 2021, four are currently located in "high" risk areas, notably Yosemite, Les Grande Testons and Le Grand Canyon, reports CBS News. And through the United States, NPs require runnersPort masks on public transport In all parks.

However, the NPS reminds guests that the decision to wear a facial cover is always available for guests in one of its parks. "In most low and average COVVI-19 community areas, masks are optional, but visitors must follow the panels and instructions for park and volunteers. Visitors and employees are always welcome to wear a Mask if it makes them more comfortable ", the agency writes on its website.

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