The 2016 elections literally have made some sick people, says research

The elections are stressful. But they could actually make you sick.

Do US presidential elections stress you? Seems to boil your blood, even? A new study revealed that political competitions could have observable health effects. More specifically, the 2016 competition between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton may haveRaised the risk of abnormal heartbeat in people with cardiovascular disease.

In the study, published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationResearchers have examined 2,500 people with implanted heart devices (such as heart stimulators) in North Carolina, a swing state in 2016 that has seen a large number of negative ads, advertisements and campaign events with A fiery rhetoric.Read more information and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sign that you had Covid and you did not know it.

Scientists found more than several different heart events

Scientists have recorded the number of cardiac arrhythmias in heartbeat that are too fast or too slow - in two periods of six weeks immediately before and after the election, comparing these rates with two periods of six weeks for years before years the elections. The researchers observed:

  • A higher 77% risk of cardiac arrhythmias during elections. "Increasing risk was important, even after taking into account known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as age, hypertension, health behaviors and other medical conditions," said the Senior Author of the Study, Lindsey Rosman, Ph.D., An Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina
  • An increase of 82% of atrial arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation. "This is important because it can increase your risk of blood clots, stroke and other heart-related complications," said Rosman.
  • 60% more ventricular arrhythmias, abnormal heart rate that can lead to cardiac arrest.

Rosman stated that previous studies had found that serious cardiovascular events increased after major national events such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks. "But the direct link between a stressful political election and an increase in cardiac events has not been established so far," she said.

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Political party has not affected the result

Interestingly, the study revealed that the risk of cardiovascular problems was not affected if the topics supported Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. "We have not been able to show conclusively that the election was more stressful for some of the other because of the size of our study," said Rosman. "Risk of cardiac events has increased for people, regardless of their political affiliation, race or sex. But we have seen that the recorded democrats have experienced nearly twice as much cardiac changes than Republicans, which is a trend that we would like to explore further. "

Rosman stated that she would like to do a similar study on how the 2020 elections affected heart rhythms.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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