The sign surefire your thyroid does not work properly

The answer could be hidden inside you.

Cholesterol-The big heart disease - can really be a good thing. For starters, you need cholesterol. This gentle and waxy essential substance is not only in your blood, but inEach cell in your bodyWhere it works to produce hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, vitamin D, cell membranes and bile acids that help you digest grease. Cholesterol even helps in the formation of souvenirs and is crucial for neurological function.

If you can read this, thank you your cholesterol!

But cholesterol can also cause damage, if you have the wrong type. And there is a surprising reason why you could have the wrong type.

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Good cholesterol vs. bad cholesterol

Lipoprotein or high density HDL is considered a "good" cholesterol because it eliminates the "bad" cholesterol of your traffic and your walls of traffic and artery, referring to the liver for excretion, which can help prevent cardiac diseases.

Lipoprotein or low density LDL is considered a "bad" cholesterol since it circulates in your blood and can accumulate in your arteries, finally forming the plate that shrinks the arteries and makes them less flexible (a condition called atherosclerosis ) If a coagulation is formed in a narrowed artery that leads to your heart or brain, you could suffer a heart attack or a stroke.

A person with high levels of cholesterol often has no sign or symptom, so he is sometimes called silent danger. Routine screening and regular blood tests may, however, help detect high levels and reduce the risk of cardio risk.

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Here is a surprising reason why your cholesterol is high

Surprise: It's this butterfly shaped gland that is at the base of your throat - yourthyroid!

Your thyroid is responsible for the release of hormones that control the metabolism, which govern the way your body uses energy. Your thyroid hormones also govern other vital functions such as respiration, body weight, body temperature, heart rate and nervous system operation. Here is a lesser fact: a growing body of research points to manifestive and subclinical hypothyroidism can increase your risk of high cholesterol.

Sometimes the thyroid under or overload respectively thyroid hormonoid hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, which can cause ravages about your system in different ways.

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How hypothyroidism affect cholesterol

If you have this thyroid condition, your body does not make enough thyroid hormones, which can have a prettysignificant effect on cholesterol levels for several reasons. The thyroid hormones help regulate LDL or "bad" cholesterol game of your blood. Too few thyroid hormones do not mean enough cholesterol clearance, which can lead to an increase in your "bad" cholesterol levels. In addition, low thyroid hormones could cause greater intestinal cholesterol absorption, which can also result in high cholesterol levels.

The data suggest that 1 people in 300 people in the United States live with hypothyroidism andUp to 13 million Americans have undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Prevalence increases with age and illness is more common among women. To add to this, many doctors are not on the lookout for subclinical hypothyroidism.

Recommendation: You could have a thyroid dysfunction that is not yet developed so that your doctor has noticed, so it's important to be proactive and ask questions about subclinical hypothyroidism if you start to see Your cholesterol numbers. Fortunately, keep your thyroid in balance will help keep your cholesterol check.And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

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