More than 40 years? Stop doing these things immediately, say experts

You are not the age you used to be.

More than 40 years? Stop doing these things immediately, say experts, even if we know you will not want.Aging Naturally comes with a compromise. And no one wants to feel limited. However, being realistic about aging can help you kiss it and maximize your health so you can feel young, even if you are not. "Great greatly aware of your own physical and emotional feelings is something" many people neglect to do, says Dr. Martin Miner, Regional Medical Director ofVault medical services, "And it has a negative impact on their health as they get older. Take the command of your feelings and feelings and your life, and learn to take action that run the ship as you want to go." With that in mind, we collected 7 essential tips that each after 40 should follow. Stop doing these things immediately - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Stresses that you had Covid and you should tell your doctor.


Do not neglect your levels of vitamin D - or your iron, your riboflavin and more

Natural sources of vitamin D and Calcium

"Vitamin deficiencies can be a matter at any age, particularly with the American common regime," explains theBurgess Health Center. "However, like the age of women, the vitamin deficiencies become even more common and can be the cause of many symptoms and conditions. Vitamin D deficiency is particularly widespread and can contribute to increased bone mass loss (more 40 years old, it happens to women naturally, but a vitamin D deficiency accelerates the problem) and osteoporosis. Low vitamin D has also been linked to depression and seasonal emotional disorder. Other potential deficiencies include the iron, riboflavin and vitamin B. "


Stop eating just before going to bed - it saves you weight too fast

A woman in her 40s wearing headphones and eating popcorn while watching a movie on a streaming service on a laptop at night.

You used to be able to cut down an entire pizza or a pint of Ben & Jerry while scoring a Netflix marathon, or maybe have some beers at the bar until midnight, but now ... you can not. Or at least you should not. "Eating before the bed can slow down the body's metabolism", say the experts ofAmember. "The body slows down his duties at night to prepare for sleep, but the consumption of food, especially these high carbohydrates, can make it more difficult to digest and gain weight gain." It is already more difficult to lose weight after 40; Do not do it anymore.


Stop obeying your hair loss. Accept it or do something about it.

man with hair loss problem indoors

A zipper collected, a baldness or thinning are a natural part of the aging of men and women, as ordinary as your hair goes gray. Rather than years of waste, it is difficult to look like what you look like, do one of two things: 1) accept it. You do not look like you. And it's good. 2) A much more expensive option is to try hair growth products, some of which actually work. Search for products with Minoxidil-shown to grow hair more quickly in women in Rogaine.

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Pump iron and eat iron

Female athlete with protective face mask doing plank exercise with hand weights in a gym.

"At this time of life, many people take good health for a healthy diet and exercise are often asked on the back burner," says theBBC. "But as we get older, good nutrition andregular exercisebecome even more important. A rich antioxidant diet can help protect certain health problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts and certain types of cancer. "Not to mention:" After the age of 40, the metabolic rate (the speed at which the body burns calories) the drops, but the fall is very modest and the real reason many people of this age support begin To suffer from an average age spread is due to a change in level of hormones and bad food choices, combined with a lack of exercise. Excess weight, especially around the "environment", is a risk factor for heart disease,DiabetesAnd the osteoarthritis and the more you expect longer before tackling the problem, it becomes more difficult - any weight gain in the bud now before it becomes a serious problem. "


Do not think you're too cool for therapy

depressed woman talking to lady psychologist during session, mental health

Some of us ignore psychological pain even more than physical pain, especially men. "Men in their forties tend to ignore their emotional needs, resulting in an increase in stress and stress-related disease," saysHaley Nedich, LCSW, a New Haven-based therapist, Connecticut. "Recognizing when you need support and you are looking for good mental health advice to your needs is essential."

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Do not skip these essential health screenings

Woman have her blood pressure checked by female doctor.

According toBEAUMONT HEALTH, "The age group's projections aged 18 to 39 should continue to be completed each year, or as recommended by your doctor, including:

  • A cholesterol check must be completed in your twenties, then annually once you have 35 years; It will be checked every five years so normal, each year if you have risk factors
  • Verification of the skin of the complete body to examine for suspicious taupes or skin lesions
  • Women: exam for breast pieces
  • Women: pelvic examination
  • Women: Pap smears should be conducted every three years from 21 years old
  • Men: testicular examination "

And if you have more than 40 years, add them, says Beamont:

  • "women:mammographystart the age of 40 and should be done annually; If breast cancer works in your family or if you have other risk factors, you may need to start regular mammograms at a previous age.
  • Men: Prostate projections start at age 50 unless you are a high-risk individual, you start at 40 years old
  • Complete body sweep for suspicious taupes or skin lesions must be completed each year, as well as blood glucose signs of diabetes
  • colonoscopyshould be completed at 50 or ten years earlier than the youngest family member with colon cancer; With normal results, colorectal cancer projections should be completed every 10 years. "


You can think that you are young. But do not exercise that way.

A man and a woman stretching in the park.

Said the Clinic of Cleveland, when it comes to exercising:

  • "Heating:" It is important to warm your muscles before the formation of force, "said Tom Iannetta ATC, SCCS, a senior sports coach and certified force and packaging specialist. 'Five or 10 minutes on the elliptical machine or The stationary bike gives you a good preparatory light before lifting weights.
  • Be expandable: "Incorporate a good flexibility program alongside your strength training program," he says. Whether yoga or a simple stretch routine, it will help you stay flexible and reduce the risk of tendon tears and other injuries.
  • Try machines: If you are used to lift free weights, consider moving to weight machines. These can be safer and help you avoid injury when aging causes a loss of muscle tone.
  • Listen to your body: it's true at any age, but especially as you get older. If you have muscle pain that lasts the best part of a week or joint pain that lasts more than a day or two, it is a red flag. "

And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

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