Do not remember this thing can be a sign of dementia

Do not ignore this potential red flag.

Dementia is one of the most dreamed developments of aging. And it is more and more common. But as they say, knowledge is power and it is also the case with this insidious disorder. Although dementia is a progressive illness, and there is no cure at the moment, the identification gives the chance early physicians to slow down its progression and expand the quality of life. The key to this early detection: recognizing one of the most common symptoms. Read it to find out what it is-and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


What is dementia?

senior woman with adult daughter at home.

Dementia is the term used for many disorderswhich cause changes to memory, thought and personality. These interfere with a person's ability to function. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia; At least 5 million Americans are affected.

About 50 million people live with dementia around the world. This number should triple by 2050, the aging of the population and people live longer.


Mismembering it could signify dementia

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

Memory problems are usually one of the first signs of dementia. Head of them: Someone dementia can forget where they left some objects, such as their keys.

Each of us mislead things from time to time. But what separates ordinary oblivion of this potentially caused by dementia is the ability to come back to your steps to find things you've lost. When this capacity fades, it could be indicative of dementia.

What experts say

Senior Hispanic Man Suffering With Dementia Trying To Dress

"A person living with Alzheimer's disease can put things in unusual places," says Association of America Alzheimer. "They can lose things and be unable to come back to their steps to find them. He or she can accuse others to fly, especially as the progress of the disease. »


Other signs of dementia


According toScott Kaiser, MD, A certified geriatric and director of geriatric cognitive health at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California, other symptoms of dementia may include:

  • Linguistic difficulties, such as difficulty finding the right words or communication in general
  • Visual / spatial problems, such as getting lost while driving
  • Difficulty in solving problems and perform mental tasks
  • Organization of difficulty and planning
  • Coordination or march issues
  • general confusion, including bad orientation on time or place
  • Personality changes, such as depression, anxiety or mood swings


When to consult a doctor

Pensioner reading message on mobile phone

If you or someone you know these symptoms, "It is important to continue an in-depth assessment to identify the concerns and address," says Kaiser. "There are many medical conditions and other factors that can cause reversible memory loss. These may include insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression. The only way to know is to get any preoccupation checked.

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