Science says it's the best way to strengthen your immunity now

Protect yourself against each virus with this notice of a cardiologist noted.

There are protective measures that you can take to protect your body against the infection of any virus, and they all involveStrengthening your immune system. Here are 16 ways to boost yourimmunity Against coronavirus, according to a top cardiologist, health organizations and the latest research. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


Avoid processed foods

hamburger or cheeseburger, deep-fried squid rings, french fries, drink and ketchup on wooden table

A simple way to increase immunity is to maintain a fresh and clean diet, to say cardiologist and expert in nutrition certified by the board.Luiza Petre, M.D. "Reduce inflammation and build your immune system in your body by eating organic foods, foods, avoid sugar and everything that is delivered in a box," she says. This includes a lot of vegetables, herbs and Fruit rich in vitamin C. "What we eat can help prevent and keep chronic inflammation in control," she continues.


Make a healthy diet plan

woman preparing vegetable salad in modern kitchen

A global healthy diet plan provides nutrients that help maintain your immune system. "Fruits and vegetables contain natural components called phytonutrients that help protect against inflammation," says Dr. Petre. "Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, also help inflammation. Foods rich in saturated and highly transformed fat will increase inflammation and weaken your immunity."


Enter your garlic and your onion

Slate plate with fresh garlic and onion on wooden table.

Dr. Petre encourages the amplification of your admission to garlic and onion. "The garlic is rich in allicin, which stimulates the immune system and helps to fight against colds. In addition, it has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that help fight viral infections and bacteria," she says , recommending consuming a pod two to three times a day. Onion, on the other hand, is rich in quercetin, which is a flavonoid and a very powerful antioxidant that has the regulation effects of histamine, antiviral properties and contributes to immunity, "explain-T- she. "Onions are loaded with immunoate nutrients such as sulfur compounds, selenium, zinc and vitamin C."


Amp your vitamin C

sweet and ripe mandarines (tangerines) with leaves

Dr. Petre emphasizes that the vitamin C rich fruit-orange-oranges, grapefruit and mandarins included are called "muscle of the immune system" for good reason. "They help to increase the production of white cells and improve T cells the key actors of the function in the fight against infections. As antioxidant, vitamin C fights free radicals in the body that can help prevent Or delay certain cancers and certain heart disease and promote healthy aging. "


Eat omega-3 rich foods

Plant-based and animal sources of Omega-3 acids

Foods rich in omega-3, including sardines, salmon, lawyer and nuts - are perfect for combat viruses. "Each of these elements improving the function of immune cells, improving the white blood cell function," says Dr. Petre.

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Add to Foods rich in beta-glucan

Shiitake mushroom on wooden table

Shiitake mushrooms, yeasts, algae and algae are all rich foodhouse Beta Glucan foods that facilitate the improvement of T cell function and antiviral properties, depending on Dr. Petre. "They increase the immune response of the host by improving natural killer cells and the macrophage function, as well as the activation of the defense immune cascade," she explains.



Broccoli, baby spinach and green beans salad in ceramic bowl

Make sure you keep your green diet, Dr. Petre encourages. "Broccoli and spinach are the two gems full of vitamins A, C and D as well as fibers, antioxidants and antioxidants increase the ability of the immune system to combat infection." The key to keeping its intact power is cook as little as possible - or even better, eat it.

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Foods rich in vitamin D

Natural sources of vitamin D and Calcium

Vitamin D is an essential component of improving immunity. Some foods rich in vitamin D include fatty fish, eggs, fungi, oysters and caviar. "They are known to be" better than vaccines "and popular in winter to combat viral infections, vitamin D being a strong modulator and improves natural immunity," says Dr. Petre.



glass bowls against grunge wood: cucumber pickles, coconut milk yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, red beets, apple cider vinegar

Probiotics, Aka Live Bacteria, can help establish a healthy intestine, "and that's where immunity begins," says Dr. Petre. "About seventy percent of our immune system reside in our intestine. Probiotics are the key to balancing the intestine microbioma and strengthening our immune system. They protect our bodies from dangerous pathogens, promote energy, improve mood and enrich our health in many ways. "You can either take probiotics as a complement or eating fermented foods, such as Kimchi or Sauerkraut, which nourishes healthy bacteria.

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Move this body !!

woman in sports clothing at home, doing domestic fitness and training abdominals on swiss ball in living room

Dr. Petre emphasizes that exercise is well known to strengthen the immune system. "It is well established that a regular physical activity reduces the risks and severity of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lung disease, various chronic diseases and the effects of aging," she says. Physical activity helps get rid of bacteria in lungs and respiratory tract, which can reduce your chances of obtaining influenza, cold or other disease and "exercise causes a change of antibody and white blood cells that are the cells of the body's immune system that combat the disease. "

A recent to studyfound that the exercise at least 5 days a week relative to the sedentary lowered the risk of obtaining superior respiratory infection. For those who have fallen sick, the follow-up of this routine rendered their symptoms less serious from 32% to 41%.



Calm couple in pajamas meditating, listening spiritual practices lessons on laptop, sitting on lotus pose at home

Dr. Petre encourages meditation as an immune practice of stimulation. "Meditation lowers the level of stress and the level of cortisol, reinforcing the body's response to combat viruses," she says. "It has been confirmed through research that what we feel and we believe that we can affect our immune system through brain chemical messages. As a result, negative thinking, stress and emotional states can have an impact Negative on our immune system, creating an environment more and more sensitive to disease.. "

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Restore to sleep

woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

Make sure you get your ZS if you want to stay healthy. "Sleep helps support cells and proteins from your immune system to destroy and detect germs. It also helps to remember them, so in the future, they can fight them faster", Love Dr. Petre . This also greatly increases the immune response of your body ", make sure you get at least seven hours per night."


Avoid heavy alcohol consumption

Woman's relaxing at home on the sofa with a bottle of wine and glass by her side.

Although it can be tempting to hit the bottle during the pandemic, theWorld Health OrganizationRecently published a declaration of declaration against it. "Alcohol consumption, in particular intensive use, weakens the immune system and thus reduces the ability to deal with infectious diseases," they explained, adding that this can also cause certain types of cancer, increases the risk of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Ards), one of the most serious complications of COVID-19 and change your thoughts, your judgment, your decision-making and your behavior.

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Keep obesity in the bay

weight loss

If there was always a time to strive for a healthy weight, it's now. According to the CDC, severeobesity, defined as abody mass index(BMI) of 40 or more, puts people at higher risk of CVIV-19 complications. Like malnutrition, obesity is known to alter the function of immunity, according toresearch. If you believe you are obese, you need to talk about your health care provider who can help you offer a healthy weight loss plan.

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To get vaccinated

Woman in medical face mask getting Covid-19 vaccine at the hospital

While a Covid-19 vaccine will probably not be available for a while, you can make sure that your overall immunity is the best possible form by ensuring that you are up to date on all your other vaccines, and that you Get the flu. it's time. TheCDCExplains that: "There are many benefits of flu vaccination and influenza influenza prevention is still important, but in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is even more important to do everything to reduce Diseases and preserving limited health care resources. "

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Beware of over-complementation

Colorful pills and medicine in the hand

Yes, "too much of a good thing" applies even to vitamins and essential nutrients. For this reason, you should avoid revealing "immune" supplements, warnsD. Barry Boyd, MD, RDN,A hematologist, oncologist and nutritionist of Yale medicine. "Due to the complexity of the immune response, both in potentially controlled viral infections such as Covid and to contribute to the inflammatory response associated with serious and even fatal infections - the" unintentional consequence law "applies here "He explains.

Most of this has to do with the uncertainty surrounding the virus, as well as our "limited knowledge of potential negative and unexpected risks" with use of the "immune" supplement. It suggests sticking to a simple multivitamin "providing levels of proper but not surplus nutrients" and avoid everything that promises a "super great power" with excess and unnecessary levels of vitamins, depending on your diet.And pass through the healthiest life, Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer .

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