Dr. Fauci has just published this urgent warning
The delta variant hurts our children. Use precautions even if they are vaccinated, Faucies warns.

If you arevaccinatedyou can feel impervious toCOVID-19 [Feminine. But not only are you completely protected because the revolutionized infections are possible, but the new Delta variant threatens to extend the pandemic - and possibly endanger the people you like, or innocent children not vaccinated.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onCnnLast night in front of don lemon to ring an alarm. Read 5 essential counseling pieces, life-saving - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
Dr. Fauci warned that you can be infected after vaccination

Dr. Fauci said that it was possible to be infected after vaccination and to pass this infection to your children. "It is possible that you would see that infected people are infected with revolutionized infections despite the fact that they are vaccinated in general. When you have a pierced infection with a vaccinated person, the level of virus in the nasopharynx is lower than that That if you have an asymptomatic infection in someone who is not vaccinated. We have not yet proven to have the amount of decrease in the probability of transmitting it to someone else, including children. and That's one of the reasons you need to pay attention when you need to be careful. "Regation of something like the Delta variant. You want to make sure you are vaccinated. If your children are not old enough to get Vaccinate, when they are there in the community, they should wear a mask if they are too young to get vaccinated. "
Dr. Faisci warns that he sees younger people and children become "seriously sick"

"Do people need to rethink the dangers of this virus for children now that this delta variant is here and that children under 12 years old do not have protection because they can not yet be vaccinated," asked the lemon. "Don, you struck him at the head," said Dr. FaCi. "That's exactly what we need to worry about. We see more and more young people to be infected and even to be significantly ill. Nevertheless, the statistics tell you that it's much more likely for an elderly person or a person with an underlying illness to become seriously ill. But this virus infects young people. Clearly, when you look at the infection rate among young people in a virus in a virus we've had business before the delta, he seems to be considerably more. One of the reasons why we know as a do not conjecture, but as the fact that this virus is spread more effectively from the person to a person and that it also leads to A more severe disease. We therefore see more young people, not only to be infected, but to be seriously ill. "
Mr. Fauci stated that you could be vaccinated and disseminating your COVID to children

"It's possible," said Dr. Faisci. "We do not know that ... I think what we're going to see is that vaccinated people who get a revolutionary infection, namely they are infected, but they have no symptoms that the level Virus will be quite low in their nasopharynx, that it is unlikely that they transmit it to someone else. But we have not often proved it. So, I can not say that definitely. "
Mr. Fauci says be careful where you are

Lemon asked questions about schools and camps raising mask mandates. "You must be careful because it depends on where you are," said Fuci. "It's up to what we said before. If you are in an area where viral dynamics are really high, you must be careful to pull back masks. You really have to pay attention. If you are in a zone when a lot of People are vaccinated and that the level of virus is very low, you can be much more flexible for not having children wearing masks. "
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Dr. Fauci said these states are in danger

The lemon mentioned "states like Alabama, Arkansas, my state of origin of Louisiana, Mississippi, Wyoming, that they have less than 35% of the fully vaccinated population." Dense outbreaks have been predicted in these states. Fauci has agreed that it is a problem. "This is something we are very concerned about, when you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed on a variant that has a high degree of propagation efficiency," he said. "What you will see among the under-vaccinated areas, states, cities or counties, you will see these types of individual blips. It's almost like it's going to be two Americas. You will have areas when The vaccine rate is high, where more than 70% of the population has at least one dose, when you compare this with areas where you could have 35% of people vaccinated, you clearly have a high risk of seeing these tips in these selected areas. The thing that is so frustrating about it - is that it is completely preventable, fully avoicable. If you have been vaccinated, you decrease considerably. "So do you vaccinate when it becomes at your disposal and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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