This governor has just warned the "third surge" of COVID

He does not think it's going to happen but it could.

A new type ofCOVID-19 [Feminine-HASED The variant of Delta, tore his way through unvaccinated people in America and that a state has been stronger than other: Arkansas. Only 42% of Arkansas residents had at least one dose of thevaccine. "We are in a race against this variant of Delta," said Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson on CNNState of the UnionOpposite Host Dana BashFace the nationToday, adding that "each state" should be concerned about that. "We are now going to the wrong direction, again, we have to worry about what it could be a trend that could continue," said Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for the medical sciences Dr. Cam Patterson. "And if so, it seems that we can be at the beginning of the third thrust of Covid-19 here in the state of Arkansas." Read 5 pieces of economic advice from life, no matter where you live - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


The youngest are struck with the variant of Delta, warned the governor

Teenage boy sick in bed with Covid-19 symptoms

Bash asked Hutchinson if he was worried about a third overvoltage and mask mandates could be implemented. "The solution is the vaccinations," said Hutchinson, "and Dr. Patterson was with me at my weekly press conference and emphasized the points he has made to encourage people to be vaccinated. And in fact, We have done very well in our 65-year-olds, over the age of 65, to be vaccinated, our retirement home residents and our staff have a high vaccination rate, but they are our youngest adults who get Now strike with the variant of Delta, which is more contagious, has more serious consequences. And it is the concern caused an increase in hospitalizations. "


The Delta variant is dangerous, warned the governor

Biotechnology scientist in ppe suit researching DNA in laboratory using microscope. team examining virus evolution using high tech for scientific research of vaccine development against covid19

"What we saw is that as the variant of Delta, it is an increase in vaccination rates and that we want to accelerate that," Hutchinson said. "It is therefore a big concern. Today we celebrate the Independence Day. We have an Arkansas Pops on the river concert, celebrating this great day, but we also have vaccinations that will be available for everything The world. And that's the kind of thing we focus on, making it accessible, ensuring that everyone knows the need, because we are at a race against this variant of Delta, which spreads very quickly and That every state could be confronted with that. So we have to get these vaccinations out. "


The governor warned that we are in a "breed" against the variant

Hand of doctor holding syringe and vaccine

Will there be a third increase? "Wait and see," Hutchinson said. "I do not think so. I think our vaccination rate is sufficient that we can avoid overvoltage of hospitalizations that endangers, but it remains to be seen." In the race against the variant, "if we stopped here and that we did not have a greater percent of our vaccinated population, which we will have problems during the next school year and winter. We So want to move from the front of this curve, working very hard to do it. "


The governor stated that his condition was "rural" and "conservative" and so there is hesitant

A New Hampshire farmer sits on his tractor

"In a rural state, in a preservative state, there is hesitant and try to overcome that," Hutchinson said. "We had the first vaccines because people were anxious. They were in a very vulnerable population. Our cases have slowed considerably and that slowed vaccination, right?" But after that, the urgency diminished. And now, he gathers again. One of the things we are going to focus on working with our employers. They are really one of the keys - obviously, health professionals are the most reliable, but employers have the opportunity to make it accessible for them, give them time paid employees and they can go to vaccination and encourage them with the right level of education and information. These are the types of strategies that I think make a difference in the coming days. "

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How to stay safe where you are

Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

"If your concern is that the vaccine will cause you problems for you, compare 300 CVIV-19 positive patients from our hospitals compared to zero patients in our hospitals due to vaccine complications," said Patterson. "The vaccine is safe and extraordinarily effective. It's easy to demonstrate." So get vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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