# 1 thing biden was wrong about Covid last night

He said you will not receive COVID if you are vaccinated. Not true.

Last night to aCNN Town Hall, President Joe Biden addressed a number of topics, theCOVID-19 [Femininepandemic first among them. With 100 million Americans who are still unvaccinated and a variant of Delta proving "more communicable" cases ", deaths and hospitalizations increase at an alarming rate, especially in low areas.vaccination. Biden seemed to answer questions to the best of its capacities - protruding that Covid vaccines receive full approval by October and that children under 12 would have a vaccine at their disposal, but it stamped a large which could cost you your life. Read it for the # 1 biden thing was wrong about Covid last night. And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


The # 1 biden thing was wrong about Covid last night

Sick woman lying in bed with high fever.

President Biden said, "One last thing that is really important is not in a position where we think that any virus, including the delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more murderer in terms of non-evacuated persons ... the different clichées who people get now cover that there is that you are well. You're not going, you're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations. "

It's not correct.Dr. Anthony FauciThe Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke several times about "revolutionary infections", a few hours before the word of Biden. "We are afraid to see more valuable infections," said Fauci on CNBCClosure bell. "This is something we obviously do not want to see, deal with a highly transmissible virus."

"I was really disappointed by President Biden's speech tonight, or his answers tonight, because I thought that he answered questions as if it was a month ago," saidDr. Leanda Wen, emergency physician, former Commissioner in Baltimore of Health, CNN Medical Analyst, andWashington Post Colonomie contributing, on CNN after the town hall. "It does not really meet the realities, what happens on the ground." Keep reading to see what they say we know and do not plan to protect yourself.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci has just published this cooling warning


Expert virus stated that we did not know these specific things yet yet

Two professional doctors in blue medical uniform standing in front of each other in hospital corridor and looking thoughtful

"We have tripled the number of infections that we, compared to a month, we have an escalation in cases throughout the country because of the delta variant," said Wen. "And we really do not know the answers to a lot of questions. He spoke about how, if you get the vaccine, you are well protected to have a serious illness. It's true, but we do not really know about What point are you protected from sweet disease and whether with the delta variant, if you are vaccinated, could you still be contagious for others? We do not have the answer to that. I did not think it was irresponsible. "Read on taking water.


Dr. Fauci commented if you can or will not broadcast Covid after vaccination

Nurse with face mask sitting at home with senior woman and injecting covid 19 vaccine.

In fact, Fauci was asked if you could transmit the virus if you get it after vaccination. After all, children under 12 years old are unvaccinated; Are they even more risks now? He did not know exactly. "This is a question that is very appropriate and continues to ask again and again," said Fuci. "The wide overall recommendation of the CDC is that if you are vaccinated, you are protected and you do not need to wear a mask inside or out, but many local authorities - and I think the Prototype of example is the county of Los Angeles, which is that the county of Los Angeles. High level of transmission and infection, they say that if you are vaccinated, even if you are vaccinated, it is suggested To wear a mask when you are inside in a situation where you have a virus dynamics level in the community that is high. So, I'm not sure exactly where you are or what are their dynamics in the region that You want, but you may want to consider if you want to make an extra security effort, even if you are vaccinated, when you are inside, especially in congested locations, you may want to consider wearing a mask. "Click Next to see what we know.


"Here's what we know"

Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

"Here's what we know," says Wen on CNN. "We know that the vaccine reduces your probability of transporting the virus and the amount of viruses you would like to wear. But with the delta variant, a person infected with a delta variant has a thousand times the amount of virus compared to previous variants. And so, this is the problem we do not really know this question of transmission. And I think President Biden actually leads people get away when he said, if you are vaccinated, you can remove your mask . We do not know that. I think it cowards a very important opportunity tonight. I think he could have said to the public, you are all protected because everyone is vaccinated. You are safe. If you Are vaccinated and everyone around you is vaccinated. But if you are vaccinated and that you are around unvaccinated people, you should keep a mask on the vaccine can save your life. "

"This virus is clearly different from viruses and variants we have previously," said Fauci. "It has an extraordinary ability to transmit a person to the person. Fortunately, if you look at these so-called revolutionary infections, which means an infection to a person who has been entirely vaccinated, that, usually the majority of these Infections, are either asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic, which is compatible with the fact that it is very similar to what vaccines continue to protect yourself very well against hospitalization and death, even against the Delta region. "

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How to stay safe out there

Woman getting COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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