Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science

Reason # 1 that you could have cancer is ... .smoking.

You think ofCancer As inevitable, like death and taxes, focusing on the first. Statistics are well scary: in 2019, cancer has exceeded heart disease as the leading cause of death among middle-aged adults living in rich countries. Almost 4 out of 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year and nearly 600,000 will die of the disease. Yet you should not feel helpless: In fact, 30 to 50% of cancer cases are completely avoidable, the World Health Organization said. How? 'Or' What? By avoiding these most common habits of cancer. Read on Cause # 1 and the rest of this life list - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSign that you had Covid and you did not know it.




The most common cancer is lung cancer and the most common cause of lung cancer is smoking. Tobacco smoke contains 7,000 chemicals and at least 70 of them are carcinogens, thus increasing your risk of cancer in almost all parts of the body. According to WHO, the use of smoking is the greatest evacuable risk factor for the death of cancer; He kills nearly 6 million people a year in the world.

RX: If you smoke, stop. (It's never too late: studies show that even smokers who stop as elderly people extend their lives.) If you do not use tobacco, do not start.


Eat too much sugar

Sugar in spoon

Americans eat too much added sugar, and this can lead to increased risk of cancer. The lastDietary guidelines for AmericansRecommends to consume more than 12 teaspoons of sugars a day. The average American gets 17 teaspoons! Eating too much added sugar can lead to obesity and inflammation - two risk factors for cancer.

RX: Reduce sugars added in your diet. It's easier to do, now that food manufacturers are required to list them as a separate line on the labels of nutrition facts. Check them on each packaged product you buy.


Eat transformed meat

Fresh sliced bacon with spices on white background

In 2015, theInternational Agency for Cancer Researchofficially transformed meat classified as human carcinogen; They are prepared with chemicals that have been found to damage the colon and rectum cells. In fact, eating only 1.8 ounces a day can increase your 18% colorectal cancer risk. What counts like processed meat? Ham, Sausage, Hot Dogs, Pepperoni and Salami, jerky meat of beef and cold cuts, including Turkey and roast beef.

RX: The MD Anderson Cancer Center recommends eating less frequently or not processed meat at all, and increase the number of herbal meals or meat meats you eat every week.


Eating processed foods

Woman reaching for chip and holding soda in processed junk food array on table with popcorn

"Transformed foods are packed with myriad toxic chemicals that can increase the risk of cancer," saidPatel YERAL, MDFamily medicine doctor certified by the Board in Newport Beach, California. "The consumption of processed food causes inflammation - one of the main cancer contributors - and these foods also lack key micronutrients (essential and mineral vitamins) on which our bodies depend on getting rid of harmful toxins."

RX: Fill your diet with as many entire dishes as you can and make sure that the packaged foods you buy also contain few ingredients as possible.


Work on shift

Young exhausted,depressed,concentrated woman sitting in her room or office with french windows in the dark at the lamp

Women who work on a quarter night have a 19% cancer risk of 19%, according to 2018meta-analysis of studiesPublished in the newspaperBiomarkers and cancer prevention. Researchers theorize that staying at night disrupts the production of sleep hormone melatonin, which can protect against the disease.

RX: If you work the change of cemetery, you may want to go to daylight hours.

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Using talcum powder

talcum powder to hand

A study in the newspaperEpidemiology Discovered that the use of talcum powder (baby powder) on the area surrounding the genitals increased the risk of developing ovarian cancer by 33%. Anotherto studyfound that the use of Talcum powder raised the risk of endometrial cancer of 24%. Why? Some researchers theorize that Talc, mineral minera to make talc powder, is often contaminated by asbestos, a powerful carcinogen.

RX: Avoid talc powder. For personal hygiene, use a natural alternative such as cornstarch.


Using plastic

plastic containers

Some plastic containers contain BPA, a synthetic hormone that can disturb the endocrine system of the body and potentially increase the risk of breast cancer.

RX: It is not definitive that plastic actually causes cancer. But it's a good idea to choose plastics without BPA and use alternative containers, such as glass, as far as possible.


Eating fries and chips

Fries with mayo and ketchup

Acrylamide is a chemical found in tobacco smoke and industrial products. It is also formed when vegetables, such as potatoes, containing some sugars are heated. These foods include fries, potato chips, crackers, breads, biscuits and breakfast cereals. Animal studies show that acrylamide can damage DNA, increase the risk of cancer. Although research is not definitive in humans, why risk them?

RX: Reducing the amount of processed foods in general is a proven way to reduce the risk of cancer and improve cardiac health. (Read: You should be reducing these fries, chips and cookies anyway.)

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Bad oral hygiene


A 2018 study published in theJournal of the National Cancer InstituteDiscovered that gum disease is associated with a 24% increase in lung cancer and colorectal. Why? Researchersorize gum disease can change the immune response or distribute harmful bacteria throughout the body.

RX: Practice good oral hygiene: brush and filter twice a day and see your dentist twice a year.


Insisting on

Worried woman at home alone

There is no solid evidence that stress can directly cause cancer. But theNational Cancer InstituteNotes, stressed people are likely to develop bad habits such as "smoking, overeating or drinking alcohol - all that increases the risk of cancer.

RX: Take active measures to reduce stress, including exercise, socialization, doing relaxation exercises or talking with a mental health professional.

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Eating carbonal meat

Spicy Grilled Jerk Chicken with Lime and Spices

According toNational Cancer InstituteStudies have found that high temperature cooking or frying meat can form chemicals that can damage DNA, increasing your risk of cancer.

RX: Avoid blackened meats. Cooking, roasting and grilling are safer cooking methods. If you can not live without the barbecue, do not overflow. Marine your meat for 30 minutes before cooking and / or zapper in the microwave for 60 seconds after, considerably reduces the compounds caused by cancer caused by a flame tank.


Using parabens

A hand holds a blue jar and a magnifier, where the harmful ingredients of a detergent are written in close up.

According to the search published in theApplied Toxicology Journal, parabens-chemical chemical preservatives used in toothpasters, shampoos, deodorants and cosmetics - are easily absorbed by the skin and can increase the growth of breast cancer cells.

RX: Look for paraben-free products. The common parabens include methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben and butylparaben.


In the bedroom

A couple near the window, under one blue blanket

Sorry to break it. According to a study published in theJournal of Clinical Oncology, oropharyngeal cancer cases increased in the United States more than three decades,and hpv (human papillomavirus) is the culprit.

RX: The good news: The research has shown that the HPV vaccine protects against oral cancer in addition to cervical cancer. Get your children vaccinated as recommended. And the FDA recently approved the vaccine up to 45 years.


Inhaling second smoke

Closeup portrait headshot woman pinches nose with fingers hands looks with disgust

Just like smoking itself, inhaling used smoke causes lung cancer. It has also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, cancer of the nasal sinus cavity and cancer of nasopharyngeal in adults and leukemia, lymphoma and brain tumors in children, said the National Institute of the Cancer.

RX: Avoid second-hand smoke to the extent possible. Stanford University Researchersto suggestMove at least six feet of smokers to reduce your exhibition.



Friends Eating Out In Sports Bar With Screens In Background

According to the National Cancer Institute, alcohol use can increase your risk of cancer of mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver and breast. The more you drink, the higher your risk of cancer.

RX: Health experts, including the American Cancer Society, recommend moderate consumption: no more than two alcoholic beverages per day for men and one for women.


Do not exercise regularly

Couple Walking Along Suburban Street Holding Hands

"One of the biggest causes of cancer is to lead a sedentary lifestyle," said Patel. "The human body must move. Exercise is crucial to help eliminate harmful toxins of the body."

RX: "Just break a sweat while walking (or doing some kind of cardio) for 30 to 40 minutes a day is enough to reduce the risks," says Patel.


Chronic inflammation

Sick woman having a stomach ache

Inflammation is a good thing - This is the first step because the immune system clicks on equipment to heal a wound. But chronic inflammation throughout the body, when there is no injury, can damage DNA and lead to cancer. What causes chronic inflammation? Smoking, excessive consumption and poor diet with processed foods and added sugar.

RX:Do not smoke, drink at all or not at all, and eat an anti-inflammatory diet such as the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats and focus on added sugars and processed foods.


Excessive sun exposure

elderly women Wearing blue sunglasses Walking around the sea

Sunlight produces ultraviolet radiation (UV), which is the leading cause of skin cancer, including squamous cell carcinoma and basal cells. Getting a sunburn once every two years can triple your risk of melanoma, the most murderous skin cancer type.

RX: Wear a solar screen of at least 30 SPFs during a prolonged sun exposure. Avoid tanning beds. Make an automatic check once a month for all freckles or freckles that have changed shape, size, appearance or color or bleeding. And does your health care provider have a bodily check for signs of skin cancer once a year.


To be overweight

Man with hand on his stomach to depict indigestion

According to the International Cancer Research Agency, 13 cancers are associated with being overweight or obese, including the esophagus, thyroid, postmenopausal chest, gallbladder, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, ovaries, uterus, colon and rectum. Researchers do not know how excess fat leads to cancer, but statistics are stable and clear:A CDC analysishave found that 40% of cancers diagnosed in the United States are now associated with overweight or obese.

RX: Maintain a healthy weight like a lifestyle, via regular exercise and a sensitive diet founded in many whole foods.

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Do not eat enough fruits and vegetables

Assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables

According to a study published in the newspaperResearch on cancer prevention, "The consumption of fruits and / or vegetables has been conversely associated with the head and neck, at the risk of stomach and colorectal cancer." Mortgage researchers who are because fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes.

RX: At each meal, aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. Current food guidelines for Americans recommend to eat at least 2 ½ cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit every day. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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