5 worst dangers of visceral fat, says science
There is nothing cute of belly fat - this can cause serious health risks.

Visceral grease-More to be commonly called belly fat, is more than unsightly. It could eat you alive. This type of fat is not the kind you can pinch or feel; The visceral fat surrounds orgues at the bottom of the abdomen, such as stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. And its proximity to these vital organs can cause serious problems. These are the five worst dangers of visceral grease. Read more - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
Why is visceral grease dangerous?

Grease stored in the abdomenseems to increase the production of inflammatory substances in the body. Its proximity to vital organs such as heart and liver can deposit these toxins out there, with potentially dangerous consequences - including the five major health risks.

"Studies that examined the relationship between abdominal fat and cardiovascular results confirm that visceral fat is a clear health risk, "said the primary author of a published study.Last April in the newspaperTraffic.He found that people with excess belly fat had a greater risk of cardiac attack even if they had a normal IMC (body mass index). And a 2018 study published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationFound that women who wore more weight around their mids had a risk of cardiac crisis from 10% to 20% higher than women who were generally heavier.
How to reduce the risk of belly fat and patients? Get 150-minute exercise weekly, the American Heart Association, adds that exercise itself or in combination with a healthier diet - can reduce belly fat, even if you do not lose weight.
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Foie gras disease

According toCleveland Clinic, excess visceral grease raises your risk of serious metabolic disorders such as foie gras disease,A condition in which too much fat accumulates in the liver. This prevents the vital organ from doing its crucial work - cleaning the body of toxins and metabolizing the greases and carbohydrates you consume. The foie gras disease left left can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure.
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Increased risk of cancer

According toMD Anderson Cancer Center, excess belly fat is associated with increased risk of several cancers. These include:
- Colorectal cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Breast cancer (after menopause)
- Uterus cancer
Increased risk of diabetes

Too much belly fat increases your risk of developing type 2. "visceral fat diabetes can weaken or damage your orgues," saysMD Anderson. "Too much visceral fat can tell your body to make more insulin than necessary. High levels of insulin over time can lead to diseases such as diabetes and cancer."
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Chronic renal disease

A study published in theNewspaper of the American Society of NephrologyI found that people who are "apple-shaped" -or bearing more fat around the belly - had higher blood pressure in their kidneys, even if they were not technically overweight. Over time, high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, compromising their ability to filter blood toxins.
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How to reduce visceral grease

Following a healthy diet is important, but the diet alone does not reduce belly fat.Exercise is the key. According toJohns Hopkins MedicineeXericise Background of belly fat because it reduces insulin (which signals the body to hang with grease) and worsen the liver to burn the fat deposits nearby.
It is repeating: reduce belly fat - and your risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer-aim at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise (such as fast walking, dance or Gardening) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (such as running, cycling or swimming) every week. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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