The number 1 cause of memory loss, for example experts

Knowing how you could lose your memory can help you keep it.

Losing your memory can be a frightening perspective, especially if it seems to you apparently from nowhere. For example, "Brain Fog" - an inability to focus or remember certain things - has been in the new a lot of delay, because it is often linked to persistent symptoms ofCOVID-19 [Feminine.Cap is one of the many possibilities of loss of memory, with the diet andstressor increased physical inflammation.

"There is a multitude of causes of memory loss, unmanaged minds to trauma with excessive stress to mental fatigue diseases to brain injury medicines with neurological disorders to viruses such as COVID that affect the brain - the list is endless, "said Neuroscientifical and a brain health expertDr. Caroline Leaf. An endless thing that it may feel, there are many things we can do to try to make it better. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


What is the loss of memory?

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

"Everything that disturbs the psychonurobiological network (corps connecting to the cerebral) will disrupt the memory," said Dr. Leaf.

To understand the cause of memory loss and how to handle it, we need to understand what memory is. We all have wonderful and terrible memories. These are memories of moments that made us happy or sad, feel loved or feel angry. We live events and circumstances all the time, and it reacts at these days, or even years later, it's our memories. "All this is our spirit-in-action and our integrated spirit makes a product - a thought," said Dr. Leaf. One thought is a real physical thing made of protein and chemicals that occupies mental real estate in the brain.

We all want to build the type of memory that will lead to success. "To do this, we have to think so as to engage neurons to grow small branches called dendrites, which hold the information," said Dr. Leaf. The higher the dendrites, the better our reminder and our application of knowledge will be. This is not a quick solution.


Is stress the number 1 cause of memory loss?

young woman covering her face with her hands
Shutterstock / Vmaslova

Almost everyone suffers from stress and anxiety during their lives, regardless of their profession, nor to what extent their life may seem more stressful. However, the intensity of stress can vary and can have effects on your body. It also depends on an individual in the way they manage stress and their lives around it to feel better or worse. "One of the effects of anxiety and stress has a loss of memory," said Paen Sehat, a registered clinical advisor and a certified mental health professional.

Your nervous system is directly affected when you have stress or anxiety and has an impact on learning ability and memory. "Everything starts with the stress response, where your brain reacts to receiving threat signals," said Shathat. These threats can increase electrical activity in the brain and produce adrenaline and cortisol. The loss of memory can lead if this process occurs when fear or anxiety is beyond the periods of appropriate development. "A study,Anxiety disorder and accompanying the loss of subjective memory in the elderly as a predictor of the future cognitive decline, talk about how memory loss is related to stress, "said Shathat.

Stress can also affect inflammation and this can also result in loss of memory. "Recent studies have discussed the link between chronic inflammation and memory loss, specifically related to Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Kara. They found thatHigher inflammation levels were associated with cognitive decline. That said, keep in mind that memory loss can be linked to inflammation more than just inflammation. "I always stress people the importance of reducing regimes and stress. If you do not eat appropriate diet containing nutrient-rich foods, this may result in inflammation that can in turn contribute to the loss of memory, "said Dr. Kara. In the end, everything is connected.



woman refusing cupcakes
Shutterstock / LoveBighomestudio

We can think of the diet only to the extent that weight or fitness, but you can use a diet to improve memory and avoid brain fog in many ways. According to Dr. Kara, this includes avoiding foods causing inflammation and adding more foods that reduce inflammation. Some foods that cause inflammation include refined or processed carbohydrates, sweeteners or other sugar additives, as well as "unwanted" general articles such as candies or fried foods. On the other hand, some foods that reduce inflammation include leafy green vegetables, fat fish, fruits and olive oil. "I still suggest biological purchases or local products to make sure you get the dense nutrient foods and avoiding unnecessary and / or harmful additives," said Dr. Kara.

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Avoid stress

breathing in

If you do not take appropriate action, such as meditation or other stress reduction activities, the more you are in danger for inflammation and potential cognitive problems. "It is important that people examine the fundamental cause of a symptom such as brain fog before deciding on a line of action to solve it," Dr. Kara said. You can also focus on reducing stress. "Try to put aside 10 to 15 minutes every day to participate in activities such as deep breathing, stretching and meditation," said Dr. Kara.

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Work on the connection to mind

girl thinking

Our mind and health of the brain and body depend on healthy and strong thoughts with their embedded memories. "It is actually damaging brain tissues if we do not think deeply and that we do not prevent learning because the brain is designed to be cultivated through deliberate and intentional deep thought," said Dr. Leaf.

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Start writing things

woman writing

In order to cope with this situation, you must start writing things so that you do not forget them. "You do not have to write all the events of life, but the important things you may want to memorize later," said Sehat. For example, any work limit, any appointment or meetings must be written to avoid any disadvantage or missed connections. While social media is such a part of today's life, it is possible to keep a trace of people and plans on social media is a great way to stay connected and physically recalling your memories!

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Cerebral fog and long Covid

Woman has a Migraine and headache after wake up in the morning.

As the COVID-19 epidemic is endured, some have suffered from what is called a long covidant, or symptoms that endure for weeks, even previous months, initial diagnosis and disease. One of the most common symptoms is brain fog. In fact, ato studyFound brain fog was a complaint of 81% of the participants in sustainable health problems. "It is believed that this brain fog occurs after Covid-19 because of the increased inflammatory response in the body to fight the disease," said Dr. Kara from Karamd. Inflammation, with or without a diagnosis of COVID-19, can contribute to brain fog and other cognitive disorders such as Alzeihmer or dementia. To be vaccinated and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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