18 easy cooking recipes for beginners to try

It's not because you have never cooked before you do not want to create delicious sweet and savory treats from your oven.

With many of us at home during this period of social distancing and self-isolation because of the coronavirus, an easy, fun and delicious way to spend the time starts cooking. And just because you never cooked before you do not want to create delicious sweet and savory treats from your oven. There are innumerable easy cooking recipes that you can master the first time you do - and we found the best.

Before cooking your cooking, here are 5 tips for beginner bakers before starting cooking.

1. Read the recipe thoroughly before starting and planning in advance.

"In this way, you will know what you need, what condition for each ingredient must be in the procedure when you start doing the recipe and how long does it plan to take from the beginning to the end," saysBrown maegan, Owner ofThe Boulanger Mom. "You want to be aware if a recipe calls for a pulp refrigeration for 24 hours or soften butter in advance."

2. Use cookie dough spoons to wear your cookie dough, your muffin paste and cupcakes.

"Cookie dough spoons perfectly guarantee portions every time," says Brown. "Bakery products will be more uniform and cook uniformly."

3. Link your cooking pans with parchment paper or a silicone cooking mat.

"Silicone parchment or cooking paper mats create a no-stick barrier between your bakery products and saucepan. They are more reliable than grease your stove and allow you to transfer cookies, breads and cakes without To tear them or fall into pieces, "says Brown. "On a greased pastry plate, good baked stockings can over-brown, but on the parchment or silicone, they tend to better cook. Cut parchment paper to fit bread stoves and stoves Cakes also easily lift the pan once bakery products are cooled. "

4. Get to know your oven

"Oven temperatures vary considerably. Often check your bakery products to make sure they do not cook too. If you notice that your bakery products are cooking earlier than what is called most Revenue, be sure to always start checking earlier that the instructions indicate, "says Brown." If your oven takes longer to cook that recipe instructions recommend, simply know that you will probably have to leave more time for Most of your goodies cook properly. You can always put an oven thermometer in your oven to test it if you think your oven temperature is off. "

5. Always test your quick breads, muffins and cakes with a toothpick for cooking

"When you think your bakery products are closed, insert a toothpick into the center to determine if it is finished cooking or responding more time in the oven. If there is a wet paste always on the cure. Tooth, it has to cook longer, says Brown. "But if it goes out or with a few crumbs on it, it's done! If the top of your baked is finished, but the interior needs more time, hue the bachelor's baccalaureate with aluminum foil and that it continues to cook until the center is cooked all the way through. "

And here are 18 super easy cooking recipes you need to try if you are a beginner baker.


Classic banana bread

classic banana bread
Courtesy of mother baker

Banana bread recipes are the queens of easy cooking recipes. "Banana bread Can be cooked at any time and anywhere with simple and practical ingredients. You can really use any type of pan for cooking: bread stove, muffin stove, cake stove, "says Brown." Most banana bread pastes take just a few minutes to do, because there is no rising dough. And you can mix the dough in an electric support mixer or in a mixing bowl with a spoon. The only requirement is that you use mature bananas. Richer best! Banana bread is also ideal for cooking because it can easily be changed with what you have by hand. "

Get the recipe forThe Boulanger Mom.


Chocolate chocolate chocolate cookies salt salt

sea salt chocolate chunk cookies
Courtesy of mother baker

"Cook a cookie of impressive chocolate chips Should be fun and of course, the delicious results are a nice reward, "says Brown." Chocolate chip cookies are a great way to practice your cooking skills. The practice makes perfect, so they say! By ensuring the Preparation and measuring your ingredients correctly, first separating the dry and wet ingredients, cooling the dough, measuring the cookie paste in a uniform way, learn how your oven fucks the best, checking the cookies for an ideal cooking and Let the cookies on the pan are all the best practices that come with chip chip cookies in cooking. "

Get the recipe forThe Boulanger Mom.

RELATED:This tip will make your chocolate chip cookies even more delicious


Blueberry muffins Stusel

blueberry streusel muffins
Courtesy of mother baker

"The muffins are so fast and relatively simple to do. Most of the fastest bread and cake recipes can be cooked to muffins. The most important thing to remember is not to mix the dough or too many cups Muffins, "says Brown. "You want your muffins to be tender but wet and magnificently mink into the pan. You can be really imaginative with muffins. They can be tasty or sweet and can be kept from delicious additions like fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts , spreads, cereals, cheese, and much more! The options are endless, making cooking so fun muffins! "

Get the recipe forThe Boulanger Mom.


Almond flour cookies

almond flour cookies
Courtesy of Cotter Crunch

"This recipe is super easy because you only need 6 ingredients, no sieving of flours and no eggs!" saidLindsay Cotterhost ofBootcamp Foodie workshops and author / photographer of cooking recipes forNourishing superfood bowls. "In addition, if you are spoiling, you can simply eat the dough. Issue solved!"

Get the recipe forCotton crunch.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


Bread bars without fuzzle banana

banana bread bars
Courtesy of Cotter Crunch

"I like this recipe because you do not need real flour," says Cotter. "Simple ingredients like oats, almond, banana, yogurt and eggs. In addition, you will learn toMake your own oatmeal! "

Get the recipe forCotton crunch.


Multised house crackers

homemade healthy crackers
Courtesy of Cotter Crunch

"The homemade crackers have never been so easy to do! Just combine seasoning, herbs, water, soak, mix, wait 10 minutes, then spread on the Pan for cooking, "says Cotter. "The chia and linen linen holds everything together for you! Your job consists of being patient while they had been."

Get the recipe forCotton crunch.


Florida chocolate chip chocolate peanut cookies

peanut butter cookies
Courtesy of cupcakes and chips chips

"With only a few basic ingredients and no flour, there is no need to buy and provide special supplies or to be overwhelming or cooling your dough," saysBrianne Izzo, recipe developer and publisher ofCupcakes & Kale Chips. "Just mix everything together, add all the chocolate chips you have on the hand, scoop and cook. Tons of peanut butter flavor even better with chocolate."

Get the recipe forCupcakes and chips chips.


Cookie Bars Monster

monster cookie bars
Courtesy of cupcakes and chips chips

"It is not easier than biscuits. Mix them in a bowl, tap a pan and cook cooking," says Izzo. "You will end up with a fully charged treat that is crisp to the outside, chewing inside and filled with peanut butter, oats, chocolate chips and M & M & M &

Get the recipe forCupcakes and chips chips.


Brownie Brownie Brownie Brownie Brownie

crinkle top brownie bites
Courtesy of what is gaby cooking

"These brownie mini bites are ultimate comfort food!" said Gaby Dalkin, publisher ofWHAT IS GABY COOKING. "Just blow up a few in your mouth and you left. Bonus, they do not take a while to get up!"

Get the recipe forWHAT IS GABY COOKING.


SnickerDoodle Blondies

snickerdoodle brownie blondies
Courtesy of what is gaby cooking

"You know the SnickerDoodle classic cookies, they are they in the blondie form! It's 1 stove, super easy and incredibly addictive," says Dalkin.

Get the recipe forWHAT IS GABY COOKING.


Brownies of black beans without float

black bean brownies
Courtesy to eat bird food

What facilitates cooking recipes? How about the fact that it is almost completely practical? "This recipe mixes in a culinary robot or a mixer," saysBrittany Mullins, publisher ofEat bird foods. "Simply add all the ingredients, mix, pour into a pastry dish and cook! The perfect recipe for a beginner baker."

Get the recipe forEat bird foods.


Cookies with chocolate chips and peanut butter

peanut butter oatmeal cookies
Courtesy to eat bird food

"Made with only 10 ingredients, in a bowl - these cookies are a fan of fan!" said Mullins.

Get the recipe forEat bird foods.


Easy homemade rollers

easy homemade rolls
Courtesy of laughter spatula

"The rollers increase and cook at the same time, no separate time required," said Kathi and Rachel Kirk, publishers ofSpatula. "They are infallible!" OUF - An easy cooking recipe for bread you can try for the first time!

Get the recipe forSpatula.


Blueberry pie bars

blueberry pie bars
Courtesy of laughter spatula

"The crust and filling filling are one of the same way, so no useless step is required", say the kirks. "It has classic ingredients that you probably have in hand."

Get the recipe forSpatula.


Cinnamon Sugar Bretzel Ball

cinnamon sugar pretzel bites
Courtesy of Lil Luna

"If you are a beginner with yeast, no worries! This recipe is rather infallible," saysKristyn Merkley, publisherLil Luna, about his recipe.

Get the recipe forLil Luna.


Pecan scones

pecan scones
Courtesy of wood and spoon

The scones, especially cream scones like these pecanes, are shocking. Here, a studded base of pecans is garnished with a brown butter frosting that is extremely delicious. Browning butter is a bigCooking competence to acquire, and it's a big recipe to train you.

Get the recipe forWood and spoon.


Toffe Espresso Chocolate Cookies

toffee espresso cookies
Courtesy of wood and spoon

Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies ... like everyone else. Which makes these cookies some of the best cooking recipes easy to try when you simply go. These are manufactured a little more special with the addition of espresso bits and caramel. You will be really proud to share them with friends and they are pretty simple to do. Bonus: theyfreeze!

Get the recipe forWood and spoon.


Strawberry Bretzel Tart

strawberry pretzel tart
Courtesy of wood and spoon

This pie is beautiful and requires very little effort given the final result. You can use the crust and the filling recipe with fundamentally any fresh fruit you have on site. Easy cooking recipes like this are great to have your run at any time of the year!

Get the recipe forWood and spoon.

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