Dr. Fauci says these people need a reminder now

Boosters "are likely to happen".

The FDA should announce that immunocomproduced persons may be an organ transplant, for example or steroids - qualify for aCOVID Shot of booster of vaccine. (Ask your doctor if you are curious.) We will all need one time?Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared onCBS this morningWeigh, and also addressed the concerns of pregnant parents and women. Read on five pieces of rescue notices - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci said everyone will need a reminder at a given moment - but not yet

Doctor holding syringe in hospital.

A booster blow for everyone? "It is likely that this happens at some point in the future, because ... We are already starting to see indications in some sectors on a decrease over time, it is a durability," said Dr. FACE. "We do not feel so that, in addition to the compromised immunuan, we do not need to give boosters right now. But above all, we follow this in real time, literally on a weekly and monthly basis, we "Following cohorts of individuals, seniors, younger individuals, people in retirement homes to determine if the level of protection begins to mitigate. And when it happens at a certain level, we will be ready to give Boosts just to these people. "


Dr. Fauci said it was preferable that your reminder is the same brand you previously

Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

"It's better to go with the same brand," said Dr. Fauci des Boosters. "If you get Moderna, get it from Moderna. If Pfizer, Pfizer, J & J ... .You will hear instructions on this FDA through the CDC and the Consultative Committee on Immunization Practices . So, there will be advice when this time occurs. "

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Pregnant women should be vaccinated, says Dr. Fauci and CDC

Portrait of the young pregnant woman

The CDC recently found that there was no increased risk for pregnant persons to obtain thevaccine. "The data is really very strong," said Dr. Fauci. "If you look at tens and tens of thousands of pregnant women who have passed vaccinated, there is no safety signal at all. Balanced we absolutely know that when unvaccinated pregnant women, when these people get Covid -19, it is very detrimental, not only to the woman herself, but in the fetus. So the reason the recommendation has passed, could be vaccinated, should be vaccinated. "

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Dr. Faisci addressed to the concerns of parents of non-vaccinated children have

Mother puts a safety mask on her son's face.

"We have studied now to the NIH as well as pharmaceuticals, examining safety and immunogenicity, or the capacity of the vaccine to induce an appropriate response in children," said Dr. Faisci. "And we do this in what is called an area of ​​the climbing age, making 11 to nine, nine to six, six to two, then six months to two years. And we get good data at this time. In the end, it will be a regulatory decision of the FDA, which will then be recommended to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. I hope it is within a reasonable time, this fall so that we can Getting these protected children. But in the meantime, what you want to do, what we recommend is that in the school system, you surround the children with vaccinated people, who are eligible to be vaccinated. And it's The reason we want to see as much as possible teachers and school staff to vaccinate. Children who are old enough and are eligible to get vaccinated, should be vaccinated. and in the other situation, that You mentioned, children who are not yet eligible, it is St-to say that the reason we want to hide at school for everyone vaccinated or not, because we do not want to keep the children out of school. We know the harmful effects of keeping children away from physical presence in school, mental development, social development and things like that. We must therefore balance things, and that's why we feel strongly. We should hide people to protect children. "

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How to stay safe out there

Brunette woman wearing a KN95 FPP2 mask.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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