We eat more at this time of the day, studied

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

We all know more weight gain calories equal and less means weight loss. Of course, there are other things to consider too. The types and quantities of food consumed are important. But a new study reveals that the time of the day you consume most of your calories is also to keep in mind. Eating later in the day could be to add many calories to your daily total compared to consumption earlier.

A recent study by scientists at the 2020 European Conference on Obesity, found that eating later in the day led more calories consumed. More than 1,170 adults responded to the National Diet Survey and U.K Nutrition. Between 2012 and 2017. The results show that participants eaten 39.8% of their daily calories, also known as energy intake (EI) after 6 hours. People who eaten earlier have also eaten fewer calories throughout the day.

But that's not all. The researchers watched the foods that those surveyed had to eat later in the day. They then ranked them against the nutrient-rich food index. They found that not only the last eaters consumingFollowing Food, but it was not so healthy. (In touch:What happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day.)

"Our results suggest that the consumption of a lower proportion of employment insurance in the evening can be associated with lower daily energy consumption, while consuming a greater proportion of energy consumption in the evening can be associated with a lower diet quality score, "say the authors, according toMedical news today.

Navigation meal navigation can be delicate. On a2013 study, our internal circadian clock makes us further away. That's why we tend to eat more before a fast period, AKA sleeping. So, although an aperitif, a dinner and a dessert (perhaps even a midnight snack?) Seem appetizing, it is better to stay away from caloric and dense foods25 foods that make you happy.

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: News / weight loss
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