This daily staple can go out after Covid, search shows

You may not use much this common element after the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pandemic coronavirus has turned the world upside down, changing a lot of the way people live. After all, masks and social distancing were notpart of the standard before the pandemic. However, changes may not stop when the pandemic ends. In fact, new research shows that one of the daily stands can be off after Covid:species.

An August survey of just over 2,000 Americans conducted by Travis Credit Union found that more than half of respondents (58%)think that the country should move to a cash system. And exactly half of the respondents admitted that they used less money now than before before the coronavir pandemic.

But why is money exiled during the pandemic? According to an April study published inThe lancet, theCoronavirus can survive on a bank note for four days. AndVandana A. Patel, MD, Clinical Advisor for Cabinet, aEssentials Health Company, previously saidBetter life this money isEven worse during the pandemic, because it is exchanged through many hands every day and not so easy to keep clean.

NumerousPeople are turning to a contactless payment or using a payment card because of that. Patel said that "you can disinfect a credit card easier than money, while reducing the transfer of person to anyone".

Convenient store female cashier counting the cash at the counter

Fortunately, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) reported thatCatch the coronavirus to touch objects is not the most likely way a person is infected. Although it is possible to become infected if you touch a contaminated article, then touch your eyes, your nose or your mouth, Covid spreads mainly by personal interaction to the person.

The fact that money is unlikely to disseminate the coronavirus could be a new to investigative respondents, however: 1 out of 3 admitted that they did not use cash during the pandemic due to health problems and 1 of 2 grateful to have actively avoided a situation that called money.

When questioning respondents, researchers gathered their general reasoning to go without money. According to respondents, 52% preferred to use a debtor or credit on money because of its "ease and convenience", while 24% felt it was safer than using money and 11% felt that it was more hygienic than money.

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Pandemic coronavirus did not result in non-cash companies, of course. Amazon started its Amazon Go stores in 2018, which are cash-free transaction stores. And otherRetailers have introduced cashless stores Throughout the country before 2020. In fact, 63% of respondents said they were completed in a cash-free business.

And although 69% of respondents reported having planned a completely non-cash future, everyone is not so optimistic about these prospects. Out of respondents, 7 out of 10 admitted to worry abouthave their intimacy violation of privacy When using a debit or credit card or when using a digital payment platform.

This may be why 77% of respondents have always felt that all companies should at least be required to accept money if necessary. There is also the fact that many people believe thatNon-cash systems discriminate directly Low income, homeless and undocumented communities. It's hard to imagine a future entirely without money - but Covid has changed so many things already. And for more means, the pandemic can change our future,The pandemic made this change of much more common life.

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