Some ways to forget nothing, say experts

This is a story you will never forget.

Never walk in a room and forget why you went there? Or look at a colleague's face for 20 seconds before reminding you of his name? Or try to remember the name of this movie, the one you liked, featuring this guy-it's on the end of your tongue! (It's Jeff Goldblum.The Grand Budapest Hotel.)

Forgetting is normal and if you want to notice it more recently, you do not lose your balls. You just get older. According toHarvard HealthThere are seven types of normal forgetting. These included:

  • Fugacity. Forgetting facts over time.
  • Distraction. Forget because you do not pay attention.
  • Blocking. The inability to recover a memory.
  • Data. Remember that something.
  • Suggestibility. Erroneous facts about an incident.
  • Bias. Adding your personal bias to the facts on a memory.
  • Persistence. Memories that will not disappear.

Unless your loss of memory is extreme or persistent, it is not necessary to worry about Alzheimer's disease or other serious serious illnesses. (Dr. Gary Small, MD, an aging professor of the David Geffen School of Medicine in UCLA, explains: "About 40% of people aged 65 or older have a value of memory associated with age - in the United States, about 16 million People. But if your oblivion is just driving you crazy, check out these simple, technical strategies and lifestyle changes that you can bring to improve your memory.Readon and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Continue to repeat

memory exercises

Repetition is one of the easiest and most effective methods of remembering things. According toUniversity of IllinoisThe technique of space repetition spaced (SIR) was developed in the 1960s by a famous psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus. It uses repetition at specific intervals to make sure you remember a fact or name. After learning something and you want to continue remembering it in the short term, repeat yourself to yourself:

  • Just after learning it.
  • 15 to 20 minutes after initially learned.
  • After six to eight hours.
  • 24 hours later.

If you want to memorize something long term, you will have to repeat it to yourself after a day, after two to three weeks, then again after two to three months.


Try to learn in the afternoon

Woman learning online on a sofa.

Even if you think you are doing better in the morning or late at night, studies show that it is easier to keep information if you learn it and you have examined it in the afternoon. A study published in theBrazilian medical and organic research newspaper proved this theory. 68 Undergraduate participants received words to remember. A group was invited to study only in the morning, while the other group studied only in the afternoon. The results concluded that "the topics that have acquired information in the afternoon had a better performance than those who acquired it in the morning".


Write it

middle age woman working at home with laptop and notebook. writing a note

We do not want to say a note in your smartphone or doc on your computer. Put a real pen or a pencil with paper. Researchers atOregon University Led a study to see if physical newspaper readers understand better than those who read their daily reports online. The study concluded that "Print Press Readers remember many new news than online readers."

Online playback and from a computer screen is more difficult to remember than when it is written on physical paper. If you really want to remember a fact or name, write it on a piece of paper and examine it physically picking it up and reading it.


Use the "Chunning" method

Several varieties of tropical vegetables neatly arranged for sale

The memory method "chunking" is just like it sounds. You can set the information dilatations together to facilitate recalled memory, referring to the information on a ground. For example, if you try to memorize the items you need during a grocery exit, you could determine items together where you will find them in the store. Thus, apples, potatoes and lettuce would all have been bitten as "produce" while soups and tomato sauce would be bitten as "canned goods". Categorize these items together makes them easier to remember than watching a long list of unrelated items.

"The advantage of a chunking mechanism is that it mediocrates the amount of knowledge that can be treated at some point," says an article published inBorders in psychology. Using the chunking method on a large amount of data or a long list of items, you can also easily validate this information to your short-term memory.


Make up a story or a scene

Jeff Goldblum

In order to remember something, you must be interested in it. If your brain is bored, it can be difficult to involve and really learn new information. When you are stuck, try to learn boring materials, you will need to find a way to make it intriguing for your brain. Sometimes, make a story or create a scene that includes this information may be exactly what you need to engage your brain.

A study published by theAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) analyzed how people reacted to the scenes created. The study concluded: "Subjects were much more likely to remember great value scenes than low value scenes." If you are going to use this visual strategy to remind you of information, it is important to create a scene or story in your head that is interesting for you or quite ridiculous for your brain to be involved. For example, "one day, I went on vacation in Budapest and who did I see in the lobby, reading a newspaper? Jeff Goldblum! What great hotel!"



Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta of Christopher Columbus

"In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." When you were a child learning the months of the year or states, it is likely that your teacher has changed you a small song to help you commit the complex concept in memory. You probably remember these songs or these rhymes and you could even use them to help you teach your children the same concepts.

You can still use rhymes or songs to memorize information like adult, as long as you are ready to press your creative side. Take a recognizable melody, such as "flickering, flickering, small star" and set the information you need to remind you at the rate. If it does not work for you, create a rhyme that you can easily repeat using the information. According toThe Institute of Memory, "Rhyme, rhythm, repetition and melody will help you remind you by taking advantage of the auditory encoding and the impressive capacity of your brain to store these audio triggers."


Keep things in your "memory palace".

Shot of Corridor in Working Data Center Full of Rack Servers and Supercomputers

You can create your own "Memory Palace" when you start combining memories and things you want to memorize with physical elements in your environment. This method of learning is also called Locu method (MOL). It has been developed in ancient Greece and has been used since. You can exploit this learning method by combining a physical element in your current location with a concept you are trying to learn. When you try to recall this information, you will need to visualize the part you were when you learn it. By imagining the article, your memory should remember the fact that you want to remember.

A study published inAdvances in physiology educationObserved 78 second year medicine students when learned on endocrinology while using the "Memory Palace" method. Students found the method useful for retaining information. The study concluded: "When asked to declare whether they found the useful mol, all participants agreed. About 85.7% of the participants agreed that he was helping them better."


Test yourself

Man writing at the desk

When your quality school teachers were used to spring pop questionnaires on the sporadically class, they were really on something. As a result of yourself can be one of the most useful techniques for memorizing information. According toRosalind Potts, Ph.D., from the University College London, "people often think that the tests are useful because it tells you what you know and what you do not do. But the most important test power allows you to retrieve information that you have learned and make this connection in the brain. "

You do not need to create a formal test only to remember your grocery list. Simply take the time to contact you periodically on the relevant information you want to keep.


Focus on one thing at a time

Depressed business woman

As humans, especially adult humans, our brains go a mile a minute. In an instant, your brain can simultaneously think whether you turn off the stove, what time your meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and if there are good movies. According toPsychology todayYou have about 70,000 thoughts a day. With all this happening in your head at a time, no wonder it's hard to remember things.

If you learn something you know you want to remember, you will need to block these thousands of reflections. Focus and remember, theMAYO Clinic suggests leaving the multitasking while you try to learn something new. You should also:

  • Stop thinking about what you need to do after your focus.
  • Take moments to train you focus on specific topics.
  • Learn the time of day when you are the best targeted and cut the soft in the times you know you're not.
  • Keep away from distractions when you focus, including cognizer cat, television, radio or smartphone.

When you have mastered the ability to focus on one thing at a time, you can find improvements in your memory and productivity.


Use acrostics or acronyms

the word acronym wooden cubes

Acrostics and acronyms are mnemonic devices that you can use to memorize words or sentences. One of the most popular acrostics you may remember if you have already learned to play a musical instrument is "every good boy does". This acronym helps you remember the Order of the Treble Key, which is EGBDF. If you were ever instructed to learn the names of the Great Lakes, your teacher may have used the acronym "Homes", which means Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Enerie and Superior.

According toDenver University, acrostics and acronyms are useful when you need a fast memory aid. However, the use of these word associations can only be useful for memorization and can not usually help you remember in-depth and meaningful concepts or contexts at the moment of sentences.


Tell new concepts to what you already know

teacher smiling in school corridor

As we already know that re-learning is much easier than learning from scratch, it can also help connect new concepts you want to memorize to those you already know. This concept of learning is officially called "relational learning".

For example, if you try to remind you that a knowledge works as a teacher, you can try to associate a characteristic of that person with one of your previous teachers. By connecting a new concept to something you already know, it can be easier to remember.


Try new hobbies

Diy woman painting, renewing chair at home.

Your brain function deteriorates if you do not use it. Learning new things is important for brain health, but you do not have to read a mathematical manual to keep your brain Sharp. When you take a new hobby, you have never tried before, there will be a learning curve. You will need to learn a new terminology and movements you will need to memorize and practice.

A study published inJournal of Science Psychology If some of its aged 200 participants learned new skills, including digital photography and quilt, while others have made familiar hobbies, such as setting up puzzles or listening to music. Cognitive skills have been tested before and after participating in activities. "Overall, the results suggest that learning digital photography, alone or in combination with learning at the quilt, had the most beneficial effect on cognition and that the positive impact was mainly on the memory function. "


Say it high

woman in t-shirt demonstrate, looking, pointing with two forefingers up

One of the best ways to commit something to memory is physically involved in the learning process. Reading aloud or repeating a fact verbally, it is more likely than memory, name, face or pulled.

Colin M. MacLeod From the Department of Psychology in Waterloo, said: "When we add an active measure or a word element to a word, this word becomes more distinct in the long-term memory and therefore more memorable." Repeated sentences aloud is a different way of presenting the information and hire it to your long-term memory.


Have a good night

man sleeping in bed

TheNational Sleep Foundation Recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Not only a solid and uninterrupted sleep night help your body recharge, it can also help in memory and cognition of your brain. A study published inPhysiological Reviews concluded that "REM sleep can stabilize transformed memories".

Sleep was also found to help your brain process memories, which can allow you to keep them longer. The study revealed that "the memory of sleep benefits not only in the neurobéhavioral field, but also in the formation of long-term immunological memories, stimulating the idea that forming long-term memories represents a general function of sleep. "


To do yoga

Middle aged woman sitting in lotus position on a carpet in his living room. her eyes are closed. she is in the foreground

Yoga is a great way to get your daily exercise and calm your mind. But the dog down can also improve your cerebral function. Yoga is proven to improve the gray matter of your brain, which contributes to:

  • Muscle control.
  • Sensory perceptions, including speech.
  • Decision making.
  • Memory.
  • Seen.

A study published in theJournal of physical activity and healthI have found that participants who have practiced yoga for only 20 minutes a day had increased brain function. This allowed these participants to better mark on brain operating tests that measured the speed with which they could relax information about their memories and accuracy of the information. Adding yoga to your exercise routine can help your memory stay clear and your brain works clearly.



man relaxing after work breathing fresh air sitting at home office desk with laptop

Meditation can help you get in touch with your inner thoughts, and it's sometimes everything you need to feel more confident in the power and memory of your brain. A study published in theAlzheimer's Disease Journal Observed participants who attended an 8-week meditation program. "Most topics indicated that they were subjectively perceived that their cognitive function has been improved after the 8-week program."

Meditation can help strengthen and exercise the components of your brain responsible for memory. By meditating for only 10 minutes a day, you force yourself to practice laser focus and control of your thoughts. It works your mental muscle, keeps your young brain and prevent you from treating memory loss.


Relearn things

middle age woman working at home sit on the sofa using a laptop

We already know that repeating information that we want to remember can help us in the memorization process. Spacing This repetition on different increases can meet your short-term or long-term memory. But if you have not followed your rehearsal game to put something in your long-term memory bank, you may need to relearn.

The reappearance is different from the first time you learn something because your memory can be jogged at any time while you fill the task. You do not really come from scratch and you can still have weak memories or information about the subject you are trying to relearn. Therefore, it is easier for this information from "paste".

AsMark Hübener Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology explains: "Since an experience that has been made can reproduce at a later time, the brain apparently opts to save some appendages for a rainy day." Thus, while re-learning may seem like a problem, you should find it easier than when you have examined information on a topic for the first time.


Read every day

Man in casual clothes and eyeglasses reading a book while lying on couch at home

Whether you are in science fiction, romantic novels or self-help books, the act of reading can keep your brain net and the loss of memory to the bay. Since playback engages your brain, keeps it active and strengthens your cognitive function, just a few minutes every day can help improve your ability to remember things.

A study published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. concluded that participants who engaged their brains through puzzles, readings or chess were 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who participated in less stimulating activities such as watching the television. When you practice focusing on an activity, such as reading, your brain can also get the same positive effects as if you have been meditating, which is proven to help strengthen your memory.

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To meet new people

Group Friends Video Chat Connection Concept

An article published inPsychology today Blame our inability to remember the names of people after just encounter them on stress and cortisol. You may be psychingering so much to remember names you have eager under pressure. Try to fight against this stress by focusing on the people you meet instead of reacting your body to the situation. Remember a new person name or details,Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D., you recommend:

  • Treat the name as soon as it says.
  • Repeat the person.
  • Listen to his name correction, if there is one.

The more people you meet, the more you can train from committing these personal data to the memory. You can reinforce this part of your brain and possibly you will feel more confident of your brief in social situations.


Pay attention

Concentrated middle aged woman working on her computer

It may seem simple, but a reminder to pay attention can sometimes be everything you need to improve your memory. We already know that multitasking makes memory and less effective learning, so it's also important to calm your brain when you try to remember or learn something new.

According toCurriculum Supervision and Development Association(ASCD), "Attention usually starts as a passive process - the brief unmocked reception of the multitude of molecules and rays that continually bombard the specialized sensory receivers from our body with information about the external environment". Since paying attention starts as a passive process, you will need to make a conscious effort to forget everything that happens and focus only on the concept you want to learn or remember. You will know that your attention has been captivated when unexpected distractions do not disturb your goal.


Play cerebral games

Thoughtful young woman doing a cryptic crossword puzzle in a newspaper

Crosswords and sudoku puzzles are not just fun activities to spend time. They can also be able to slow down a drop in cognitive memory and function during your aging. Commercial brain game applications on your smartphone or computer have also been removed in popularity and for good reason. According to a study published inNeurology"More frequent cognitive activity throughout the life has an association with a slower late cognitive decrease."

The more you keep your brain more active, the lower your cognitive decline. But you do not have to study complex mathematics concepts to engage your brain.Glenn Smith, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist at the Mayo Clinic, led a study on brain games and geriatric participants without previous cognitive problems. He had some participants to participate in brain games while others were just looking at educational videos for a period of eight weeks.

Mr. Smith found that "those who finished computerized training showed a significant improvement in the general memory and attention tests, even if these capacities were not explicitly formed for". Those who participated in computerized brain games also reported fewer daily problems with memory in the weeks that followed that the study participants who only looked at educational videos for eight weeks.


Teach others

portrait of confident teacher solving math's equations on whiteboard in classroom

You must have a clear understanding of a concept before you can teach it to someone else. So, if you load yourself with the facts reiterated on a person you know or your daily schedule to another person, you must first make sure you have good adhesion.

Teaching is a great way to review what you want to memorize and can be useful if you try to get a memory or concept to stick with you. A study published inContemporary educational psychology Used two groups of students to put the concept of teaching as a method of learning to the test. Some students have been invited to simply study the material for a test later, while others have been invited to study with the intention of teaching other students about the concepts they have learned.

Although the two groups of students learned the material, students to teach others still remember these concepts when tested later.


Eat healthy foods

healthy diet foods

A healthy diet does not only feed your body, but also your mind. Have you ever occurred on an unhealthy snack, such as ice cream or potato potatoes, and felt instantly slowly and groggy? If your body is full of bad food, it can be difficult for your brain to focus and keep information. According toHarvard Health"Cholesterol-rich diets and fat can accelerate the formation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. These clusters of sticky protein are blamed for a large part of the damage that occurs in the brain of people with a disease with a disease Alzheimer. "

If you eat foods rich in saturated fats and trans, a gene called Apolipoprotein E or APOE may be to blame for your increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. This gene is bound to high cholesterol and is found in people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Although these greases are bad, mono-and polyunsaturated fats can be useful for preserving memory. To make sure you get enough of these fats in memory of memory in your diet, eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


Stop pointing out

tired businessman with eyeglasses and laptop computer rubbing eyes at office

Stress facilitates the opportunity to forget things, usually because you are focused on too many things at once. If you live a life full of stress, you can also prematurely slow down your memory performance and your cerebral function. According to a study published inExperimental gerontologyThe animals that had prolonged exposure to stress hormones experienced adverse effects on the hippocampus of their brain. This is the brain area that is associated with memory and learning.

With regard to humans, it has been found that those exposed to several days of stress and increased cortisol have experienced memory and disability problems. The researchers also conclude that extreme stress can make people who are victims more likely to develop anxiety or depression disorders. These types of disorders are directly linked to a drop in memory loss. If you want to make sure your brain remains sharp, it is important to eliminate the daily and chronic stress of your life.

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Create your own visuals

woman worker have Webcam group conference with coworkers on modern laptop at home

Assigning a visual feature to something you want to memorize can be a great way to keep it accessible. For example, let's say you will attend a video networking event. You are presented to a group of people at the same time. It's six names you have heard by saying "Hello"! How do you remember all this? Choose a visual feature defining each person and associate it with the name he told you. Then, when you need to remember the name of the person, this feature must trigger your memory and the name must come to flood you.

You can also create an imaginary visualization. For example, you put your car keys on the coffee table and you must obviously remember where they are later. Create a visual of your keys dancing on the table and when you need to remember where they are hours later, this vision should come back to you. According toPsychology today"This requires mental efforts to do it, but if you are practicing, you will be surprised at the speed with which you can find creative ways to generate these images."


Summarize in your own words

Horizontal portrait of stressful stylish unshaven male regrets something, keeps hand on head, looks down in despair

Memorize something that someone else said or written can be difficult. In most cases, how a person communicated information is not necessarily the way you would have communicated the same information. In addition, in most cases, the information given to you are in the long form and can be verbonated. If you can summarize it in your own words in brief concepts that you understand, it is more likely that you will remember it longer.

According toThe University of North Carolina Chapel Hill University, the summary can facilitate the retention of information and is an important skill to control. "If you are not familiar with the material you analyze, you may need to summarize what you have read to understand your reading and get your thoughts in order." Since the summary requires you to identify only the most important elements, this can be a useful step in memorizing important facts.


Stick to a healthy weight

woman stepping on scale in pink flats

Dr. Small warned: "People with excess body fat have a greater risk of diseases and hypertension. These conditions related to obesity increase the risk of cerebrovascular disease, which often leads to a decline in memory and a dementia." Maintaining healthy weight can not only maintain your risks to develop some weak diseases, it can also keep your memory and cognitive abilities.

High fat schemes including many processed foods are known to contribute to memory loss and other unhealthy side effects. However, a study published inNeurology I found that regimes rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (Mufas) could help protect against cognitive decline. The study said: "In an elderly population of southern Italy with a typical Mediterranean regime, high contributions of the MUFA seemed to be protective against the cognitive decline related to age."

If you want a diet that protects your memory and is also healthy heart, plan to follow a Mediterranean diet. This regimen focuses on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy grease daily. Limited portions of red meat and dairy are generally consumed on the Mediterranean diet.

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Let go of things you do not need

image of a man from side profile showing brain

Your brain will never be so full that it can not take new information. However, what is the point of filling your brain with things you do not need? Although this is great to challenge your memory, if you do not necessarily need to memorize something, consider keeping some information as a note in your smartphone or simply let it go completely.

According toAmerican scientist, "The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, which represents more than one trillion of connections. Neurons combine so that everyone helps to Many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the storage of the memory of the brain. Ability to something closer to about 2.5 petitabytes (or one million gigabytes). "It's a ton of space! But as we get older, the information can be cluttered and crossed, which means that it is difficult to recall some memories or creation when we need it. Consider "unloading" some of the information you have so that you do not feel so much pressure to store it in your brain.


Do not drink too much

A couple makes a toast with two glasses of whiskey

Alcohol can have a negative effect on your long-term memory and oversizing can make it almost impossible to make facts to memory. If you are heading for a party, but you want to remember the new people you meet for a while, keep your drink at a minimum. If you drink too much alcohol too early, you can experience the dreaded "electricity failure". If you have an electricity failure, you will not remember conversations or actions that you participated in the next day.

According to a study published in theJournal of Addiction Medicine"Alcohol alters different functions of the brain at different rates, and cognitive performance and memory are differentially altered by the increasing concentration of downward blood blood alcohol." So, if you quickly drink in succession, you are more likely to experience an electricity failure.

And you and your friends may not know that you are blackening at the time, because there are usually no physical symptoms. "Cognitive impairment and memory occurs before the motor deficiency, possibly explaining how a fully functional reversing drinker may have little subsequent memory." If you want to remember your evening, take it easily on the drink.


But maybe drink a little

Pour glass red wine

While undressing darkness is obviously bad for your memory, light to moderate alcohol consumption can be linked to a lower risk of developing memory loss. A study published inLancet 7,983 study participants were used aged 55 or older and showed no sign of dementia or loss of memory. Some of these participants have not drank alcohol or drunk sharply, while some alcohols slightly or moderately consumed. In a follow-up with these participants six years later, it was confirmed that "a mild to moderate consumption (one to three drinks per day) was significantly associated with a lower risk of any dementia".

The reason why alcohol protects the brain from the effects of dementia is not perfectly understood. However, the Dr. Small hypothesis that "may involve an antiplatelet effect that reduces the tendency of blood to curb and cause tissue lesions". The study also showed that the type of alcoholic beverage consumed had no differential effect on the result.

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Associated facts with movements


If you want to memorize something, it may be tempting to sit down and think about it. After all, you want to eliminate as many distractions as possible so that you can focus on the commitment of something to your long-term memory. But many studies have shown that it really moving is better for your memory than to sit in a place.

An article published inBorders in psychologyConfirms the importance of involving your body in your mind. "The incarnated cognition approach suggests that driving production is an integral part of the cognition and that converging evidence of several ways of research also indicates that the role of our body in memory processes can be much more widespread than previously . " If you try to memorize facts or a long list of items, walk while studies can be more beneficial than sitting.


Save your voice

happy man using voice command recorder on smartphone at home

If you think you are an auditory learner, you learn better on hearing information. A study published inCurrent Journal of Health Sciences Affirms that about 30% of the population learns best by listening. According to this study, hearing learners "require conferences and verbal discussions, role play exercises, structured sessions and reading aloud. In other words, written information may have little meaning until what it is heard. "

So if you study a written list of grocery items or a group of people names, you may find it difficult to memorize on paper. Instead, register the reading of the information you want to remember. You can easily do this on your smartphone or computer. Play your audio as frequently as possible and focus on what you say or repeat it. With this technique, it may be easier to make information in memory.



Man doing bridging exercise, lying on his back on black mat in empty office interior. Viewed from floor level from his head

Physical activity is proven to keep your brain net, which facilitates the memorization of things. Not only is the daily exercise is a great daily exercise for your body and can keep chronic conditions and diseases, it can also help you remind you of stopping at the post office tomorrow or want your cousin a happy birthday. According to Dr. Small, "a recent study of healthy adults between 60 and 75 has found that the mental tasks involved in monitoring, planning, planning, inhibition and memory are improved in a group taking aerobic exercises, but not in a group group. "

A study published in psychology and aging revealed that the study participants showed an improvement in memory and cognitive treatment after only a 15-minute exercise session. If you want to keep your brief on the spot, add exercise to your daily routine.


Go to school

High angle view of video conference with teacher on laptop at home. Top view of girl in video call with personal tutor on computer listening audio course, distance and e-learning education concept.

Education can help you develop learning and memory strategies. With courses, you are obliged to quickly determine your favored learning method and work on focus so you can succeed. If you had the opportunity to understand how you learn better when you are younger, you can find more easily when you are older to memorize a phone number or names of your colleagues in a new job.

Removing on your education, it is not only more difficult to develop these learning skills, it can also increase your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. A study published in theGirona newspapers Found, "Case control analyzes with prequalent cases showed low education to be a risk for Alzheimer's disease." In this study, "low education" participants were those who were six years old or less of schooling. Use your school experiences to support learning methods that work for you so that you can keep your net memory.

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Make a list

Woman writing a 'to do list' at her desk with a cup of fresh coffee

Have you noticed the growing popularity of lists as a way to provide information? (You read one!)

Your brain can more easily keep concepts when they are organized and a list can help your brain feel that it plans to watch information that is not overwhelming. An article published inPsychology and information confirms that there is a "human trend to locate spatially information". The way information is organized and where it is on the page can be directly related to your ability to understand and remember.

If you try to memorize a piece of information, your brain may not know where to go first. Consider reorganizing it in a list, maybe even a numbered list, so you can focus on one thing first, another thing else, etc.


Understand the context of what you memorize

Mature man with bad headache at home

If you just need to keep some facts, names or mandates in your head for a bit, you should be able to get away from the storage tactics. However, if you are looking for something to stick in your long-term memory, you will need to deepen and try to understand the context of the information.

An article published inHigher Education discusses differences between learning information through memorization and context learning. "By using a deep approach, a student intends to understand. Information can be recalled, but this is considered a by-product almost involuntally."

To understand the context of a fact, you will have to read it and connect it to the world. Instead of simply trying to memorize names, dates or numbers associated with information, apply it to your life and knowledge of the world can help you reach the context.



cheerful man having video call on laptop computer

If you remember something is important to you, make a priority. Get ready to focus on what you need to remember and do not let the distractions enter your way.

For example, if you participate in a social event and your priority is to make new friends, focus on the names of the participants and personal flows and making them stay in your brain. Do not let the environment or your inner thoughts are moving away from listening and reminding you what you are learning about your new knowledge. If you can identify information as a priority you want to memorize and can keep other thoughts or distractions at the bay, you are more likely to stay focused on your long-term memory.

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Take the ibuprofen (only if you are already)

Boxes Of Prescription Painkillers Ibuprofen

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are inibuprofen And are what can help stop your ills, pains or headaches. Some studies also show that a small daily dose of these NSAIDs can expand the beginning of Alzheimer's disease. A study published inFrontiers to aging neuroscience Claims, "Meta-Analysis has shown that the current or old use of DSID was considerably associated with a reduction in Alzheimer's risk of disease compared to those who did not use NSAIDs."

However, most doctors do not recommend starting an ibuprofen regime to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease because the results are simply not enough to outweigh the risks. If you already take ibuprofen regularly for another disease, such as arthritis, you can also reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease. But there are other negative side effects associated with daily use of ibuprofen, such as stomach bleeding. So, do not start taking it every day unless your doctor has been asked by your doctor.


Stop smoking

Man breaking up a cigarette

Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe chronic conditions and deadly diseases, including cancer and heart disease. But this bad habit can also negatively affect your memory. A study published inNeurology Linked to smoking directly on the appearance of Alzheimer's disease.

The study concluded that "smokers had doubled the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease that those who have never smoked". Smoking increases your risk of loss of memory as your body's age. However, if you stop smoking, no matter how old you are, you can instantly reduce your risks.

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Determine your learning method

Don't Forget Notice Reminder Words

Everyone has its own way of remembering the details. You may be able to remember things better when you can see them visually, while another person can find easier to remember concepts after hearing about them orally. The only way to determine which directions your memory is triggering to try different learning methods.

According toLearning and Development CenterYou should try several methods of learning and memory, such as relational learning or acronyms. Although you can identify a learning method that seems to work better for you, some concepts can be better stored using a different learning method, so you must be opened. For example, you can best meet relationship learning. However, if you are trying to remind you of all the capitals of the United States, you can find easier to use a rhyming method so that your memory buys you.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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