Delta symptoms usually appear as this one

Know these signs can save your life.

With a variant that is as contagious as the chickenpox - and in fact twice as contagious than the variants before you have caughtCOVID is essential. After all, you want to look for care as soon as possible and do not want to transmit it to someone else. What is interesting is that the delta variant can be different in bothvaccinated and unvaccinated people. Read on what deltasymptoms usually appear as - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You can have symptoms a lot like a cold

Blonde woman coughing.

If you are vaccinated, "the symptoms we see now are much more generally identified with cold," Dr. Andrew T. Chan, epidemiologist and doctor of Massachusetts General Hospital and one of the main investigators of theSymptom Covid Symptom, say itNew York Times. "We always see people presenting a cough, but we also see a higher prevalence of things like the nose that flows and relaxing."


You can have headaches or sore throat

Woman touches her throat.

If you are vaccinated: "Headaches and sore throat are other main complaints," he added, "says time. These headaches can look like a "jackhammer", in the words of a patient, and some last for many months, if you get a post-Covid syndrome.

RELATED: I am a doctor and here's how not catch delta


You can have a fever or lose your sense of taste or smell

woman trying to sense smell of half fresh orange, has symptoms of Covid-19

If you are vaccinated: "Fever and loss of taste and smell are reported to a lesser extent," says the times. "When a vaccinated person tests a positive COVID-19 test, most have no symptoms or very light symptoms, and rarely leads to hospitalization or death," addsUC Davis Health. "No vaccine is 100% effective. Are Covid-19 vaccines average about 90% of efficiency, health experts expect about 10% of vaccinated people could be infected."

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Here's what it may feel if you are not vaccinated

Doctor examining female patient in critical health conditions using a stethoscope in the intensive care unit of a modern hospital during covid-19 pandemic

"The first information on the gravity of the Delta included ato studyScotland that has shown that the delta variant was about twice as likely that the alpha to result in hospitalization in unvaccinated persons, but other data showed no significant differences, "reports reportsYale medicine. COVID symptoms for non-vaccinated people include cold-type symptoms, but also traditional COVID symptoms:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Tired
  • Muscle or body
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Irritated throat
  • Congestion or flowing nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Said UC Davis Health: their "doctors noted that a number of younger patients, when they enter with a serious illness, say they wanted they would have had the Covid-19 vaccine. Many patients said to Their doctors "Why do not I have the vaccine? Where did not I listen? ' "

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What if you feel you have delta

Healthcare worker with protective equipment performs coronavirus swab on a woman.

"It's a moment to be humble to the fact that it's a new variant. We are always learning, Dr. Mark Mulligan, director of N.Y.U. Langone Vaccine Center and Head of Infectious Diseases at N.Y.U. Langone Health, said at the time. "Be careful and careful on the side of caution in terms of moving forward and having a test." And protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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