40 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping

Here's how to eat your way to a better night night.

After a slim sleep night, most people play the blame game, pointing the working stress fingers, the blue light of their devices, or their firms throwing, turning or stirring. But there is another common disruptive of ZZZ's private sleeping people do not think about: their dinner or late snack.

As it turns out, what you choose to collalation before you sleep can play an important role in the way you hit the hay.

"Some foods are energized squarely and others may aggravate conditions such as stomach burns, indigestion and acid reflux," says Lisa Richards CNC, nutritionist and founder ofThe candida regime. Eating these food around bedtime will drop (and stay!) Asleep difficult, she says. If you can not sleep and you can not understand why, cut out sneaky foods that ruin a restoration night, the rest can help you.

Good news: All foods do not spoil your chances of closing your eyes. Some our nocturnal noshes actually double as sleep aid, according to Richards. Some foods can help you sleep - they have a soothing effect and inducing sleep on the body that makes fatigue more tiring, she says.

Of course, avoiding eating and reducing other than others can cure insomnia or calm of a baby of teething. Nevertheless, adjust your food consumption before the bed is not injured. Scroll down for a list of 20 that can help you facilitate in the dreams of dreams and 20 foods that will ruin much faster than you can say "heartburn".

First of all ... the best




A popular garnish on meat and fish (especially in France!), Tarragon is as medicinal as the flavor. "Tarragon has been used as a cure for poor sleep", explains the integrated health practitionerKristin Grayce McGary Lake., Mac., Author ofHolistic Keto for Gut Health: A Program for Resetting Your Metabolism. Spring grass also has antioxidant properties, supports digestion and is a good source of potassium, she says.

Your move: Buying either fresh tarragon (whether FYI can last in the refrigerator about 4 days) or its dried tarragon. So, either do thatDuration of squash of 30 beggars, fennel and hash to the tarragon, thisCreamy mushroom, chickenTestragon soupOr sprinkle the grass on a salmon, chicken, calf or meat slab.



kale in a bowl

Sleeping badly? It's not an excuse to cut Kale. "You should eat dark leafy greens with dinner," says Celebrity NutritionistDr. Daryl Gioffre (Who worked with Kelly Ripa). "They will give you a lot of fibers, prebiotics and probiotics, which help keep your colon clean." And, like spinach, Kale is packed with calcium, which helps your body produce melatonin inducing sleep, he says.

If you have the opportunity to skip the soft green and eating raw, Dr. Gioffre recommends that heal can reduce the contents of vitamin C of food.

Caution: Because green greens are so full of slow digestion fibers, it recommends giving the leaves about three hours to pass through your system before closing your eyes. So, avoid Kale the nights when you plan to snochend immediately after the snack.


Chicken noodle soup

Chicken noodle soup

The ultimate comfort food, the fact that the chicken noodle soup is soothing is exactly what makes it a good snack at bedtime. "Comforting foods (such as chicken soup) can help your nervous system relax and relax to give a sense of security," says acupuncturist and specialist in Chinese medicineTsao-linen Avg. In addition, the soup is easy for the body to digest, he says, so you will not be maintained with indigestion. If you go the purchased route from the store, opt for an option of less sodium. Too much salt can keep you big awake.

Try ourChicken noodle soup recipe or pick up one of theCanned options best tasting (according to our taste test).



sliced sweet potatoes

As long as they are not in French fried form, sweet potatoes can help you sleep better! Dietitian Registered Lisa Mastela, MPH, R & D, Founder and CEO ofBumpin Blends Explains: "The sweet potatoes contain B6 that stimulates mood and melatonin that prepares for sleep, so eat sweet potatoes help you feel both relaxed and asleep." In addition, Veggie is fibrous, so you do not have to worry about waking you hungry in the middle of the night. How is it for a win-win victory?

Try one of our25 healthy and delicious recipes of sweet potatoes.


White rice

white rice brown bowl

Yeah! Keep what's left of the white rice that came free with your last sushi or your Chinese food order. Eating it before the bed can decrease for how long it is necessary to fall asleep, according to Richards. "White rice is high in carbohydrates, which are thought to promote a feeling of fullness and rest." And, he also has a high glycemic index, thought of reducing the duration necessary to fall asleep, she says.

Just make sure you keep you a drop to a cup. Although it can help you snochet, it is not the healthiest food in the world. A 250 calorie cup, less than 1 gram of fiber per serving and very few protein.



man using tool to debone salmon skin

Forking in a fish dinner before lieking is a great way to make sure you get a good night of rest. Fat fish such as salmon, herring and sardines contain both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, important nutrients for the regulation of serotonin, which regulates sleep, a study inAdvances in nutrition States. Another study in theClinical Sleep Drug Log investigated the effects of fatty fish consumption on sleep and found that those who have eaten 10.5 ounces of Atlantic salmon three times a week for six months fell asleep 10 minutes faster than those who do not have ate fish.

Try one of our21+ Best salmon recipes.



Best worst foods sleep kiwi

Get under the DOWN duvet with this diet inducing by sleep below. Participants who consumed two kiwifruits 1 hour before the night's sleep for 4 weeks fell asleep 35% faster than those who have not eaten the New Zealand fruit, a study in theAsia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition find. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, carotenoids and vitamins C and E, it also contains a familiar hormone, serotonin. This sleep hormone is linked to the rapid eye movement (REM) of sleep and its weak levels can cause insomnia. Similarly, Kiwi is rich in folate and insomnia is one of the health problems that are a symptom of folate deficiency.

RELATED: Become skinny for life with that14-day flat stomach plan.



Best worst foods sleep cherries

Sleep is a lot of doing diet work and exercise plan because it allows your body to treat and recover sweat and muscle degradation. And cherries are the perfect fruits for work. A study published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper I found that people who drank one oz of cribrie juice a day reported that they slept longer and deeper than those who did not do it. So what's going on here? The cherries act as a natural sleep aid thanks to their melatonin content, a hormone produced naturally that indicates to our bodies that it is time to go to bed. So enjoy a cup of cherries fordessertYou will help keep your tonic physics by replacing less virtuous desserts and moving the process of your snooze.


Cereals with skimmed milk

Best worst foods sleep cereal and milk

Although this is traditionally considered a breakfast option, acereals Twin with skim milk is a perfect snack at bedtime. The milk contains the trhyptophan of amino acids, which serves as a precursor for hormonal serotonin, an inductor sleeping agent. (Just make sure your milk is skimmed. The higher milk of fat will take your body longer to digest, keeping your body late rather than snoozing.)

And according to a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating blood glucose glycemia such as jasmine rice (or rice cereals) 4 hours before the bed can not cut the amount of time it takes to fall asleephalf compared to a low GI food. Indeed, high blood glucose carbohydrates, which film insulin and blood glucose faster than low GI foods, can help increase the relationship between tryptophan flowing in your blood by siphoning other amino acids to your muscles. This allows tryptophane to nick these other amino acids to enter your brain, allowing more sedative to report that it is time to head to the pillow.




Because they are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium,banana Can put your body with a sleeping state by helping muscle relaxation. In a study in theJournal of Research and Medical SciencesMagnesium has had a positive effect on sleep quality in seniors with insomnia by extending time spent sleeping (rather than lie down) and wake up easier. Bananas also contain tryptophan, the precursor of soothing hormones and regulating Semonin Sleep Hormones and Melatonin.

Try one of our20 healthy banana recipes.



Best worst foods sleep almonds

Another great source of muscle magnesium? Nuts! Cashew nuts and peanuts are good, but almonds are considered one of the best foods that help you sleep. It's because almonds (one of ourIndispensable staples for a flat dish kitchen) are also high in calcium. This tag team works together to calm the body and relax the muscles. Calcium plays its role by helping the brain to convert amino acid tryptophan by inducing melatonin inducing sleeping. This also explains why dairy products containing both tryptophan and calcium are one of the best sleep incident foods.



Best worst foods sleep spinach

Another reason to love this versatile food. With its long list of sleepless nutrients, spinach are a best friend of the insomniac. Not only is it a source of tryptophan, but the green green is also an excellent source of folate, magnesium and vitamins B6 and C, which are all key co-factors in the synthesis of serotonin and, afterwards. , melatonin. Spinach also contain glutamine, an amino acid that stimulates the body to get rid of cell toxins that lead to insomnia.

When it comes to cooking spinach, avoid the flame. The heat breaks down glutamine as well as vitamins C and B, so it is better to eat spinach to combine spinach with a banana milk and almonds for the perfect front-bed snack. For more advice on food preparation for the best benefits of health, do not miss our report,How to extract the most nutrients from your food.



Best worst foods sleep turkey

Do not count the sheep, eat Turkey! Tryptophane, an amino acid found in most meats, has demonstrated powerful sleep incident effects. A recent study among insomniacs found that only 1/4 gram - on what you will find in a skinless chicken battery or three oz of skinny turkey meat - was enough to significantly increase deep sleep hours. And this can result in an easy thin thin. Associate your tryptophan source with a diet rich in carbohydrates such as brown rice (also in magnesium and sleep vitamins B3 and B6) to improve the closing effects of the eyes.

Try one of our31+ Best turkey recipes with good health.


Yogurt with perfect gras

Best worst foods sleep yogurt and granola

For a triple traitor tryptophanic, combine low fatGreek yogurt, darling, and a banana. The yogurt and bananas all contain tryptophan and banana carbohydrates will help the foods rich in tryptophan to be absorbed by the brain. Need a little more filling? Mix in raw oats (they will soften in yoghurt), which are a primordial source of tryptophan.


Peanut butter on whole grain toast

Best worst foods sleep peanut butter

The whole "whole" part is important. Whole grains include grain germ, which is eliminated when refining whole wheat grains in white flour. This germ includes important B vitamins such as folate and vitamin B6 - the two important micronutrients needed for proper tryptophan-as well as magnesium to loosen your muscles. Associate it with tryptophan containerPeanut Butter (and perhaps bananas and honey) to help you catch zzz.


cottage cheese

cottage cheese in glass bowl

By completely avoiding food before bed can not really be bad for your weight loss goals. Instead of sleeping with a roaring belly, have a small cottage cheese. Not only is it rich in casein protein - a slow relaxed dairy protein that will keep hunger in the bay through the night - it also contains amino acid tryptophan. Mix it with hummus for salt propagation and a boost of the added tryptophan (the amino acid is also present in chickpeas!), Or with a guacamole for muscle magnesium!

Try one of our18 smart ways to eat cottage cheese.


Passionate tea

Best worst foods sleep passionflower tea

What relief can not be solved with a cup of tea? At least no insomnia! Many herbal teas offer sedative effects through their flavons, flavonoids and resins. For the starters, PassionLower's tea has Flavone's chrysine, which has wonderful anti-anxiety benefits and is a light sedative, which helps you calm nervousness so you can sleep at night.


Lemon balm tea

Best worst foods sleep lemon tea

Another relaxing tea is a lemon balm. Tangy tea serves as a natural sedative and researchers reported having observed a reduction in sleep disorders in subjects using lemon balms compared to those who received placebo.


Valerian tea

Best worst foods sleep Valerian tea

Valerian is a herb that has long been valued like a slight sedative and that research now shows what tea lovers have known for centuries. In a study of women in the newspaperMenopauseThe researchers gave half of the test topics a valerian extract and a half-placebo. Thirty percent of those who received Valerian received an improvement in the quality of their sleep, compared to 4% of the control group. Although researchers have not yet identified the exact active ingredient, they suspect that brain receivers can be stimulating to press "Standby Mode" when in contact with Valerian.



Best worst foods sleep hops tea

Does the legend only when the workers gathered hops from the last beer of Master Brewer, they fell asleep at work! People started realizing that there was a sedative property in hops, and they started using them in teas to help insomnia. Now, researchers have found that its pharmacological activity is mainly due to bitter resins in its leaves. Acting similarly to melatonin, hops increases the activity of GABA neurotransmitter, which helps to combat anxiety. While the hops have been used for centuries to help sleep, studies could only prove its effectiveness when combined with Valerian.

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And now ... the worst


Ice cream

Cookies and cream ice cream

This portion of Ben & Jerry that you have been spoon before crawling between the leaves does not make your sleep schedule for favors. Functional medicine Guru Dr. Josh AX, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., founder ofAntique nutrition, author of the best-selling booksKeto diet andCollagen regime Explain explains: To begin, "the ice cream is high in sugar, which can stitch your levels of insulin. And it has been shown that high insulin rates make it difficult to fall asleep," he says. Beyond that, most people eat ice cream late at night, as opposed to, as at six o'clock. "The end-of-evening snacks on ice cream can cause an increase in cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone that canmake it difficult to fall asleep In addition, he says.

Of course, there are nights when a bowl of the veteran monkey is worth the stirring that follows. But you can try to whip a portion of frozen banana "ice cream", which tastes shocking like the real deal. In addition, bananas (as we have said) effectively promote sleep.



red ruby grapefruit

"Very acidic foods can aggravate the symptoms of stomach burns by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, which can cause acid reflux to disrupt sleep", explains Dr. Ax. And unfortunately, it does not become much more acid than grapemiites and oranges. If it's a healthy dessert you have after, check out this list of73 Recipes of healthy desserts.



tomato bunch on wood

Another fruit (yes, who says fruit, not vegetables) it's great acid? Tomatoes. "Tomatoes and tomato products can really wreak havoc on your ability to sleep," says AMANDA Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, which serves on the advisory board forFitter Living. The reason? Once again, stomach burns.



Assorted cheeses

Spoiler Alert: If you even have some dairy or allergy intolerance, and you choose a cheese tray before going to bed, it will disrupt your ZZZ. At least according to average, "any intolerance can cause inflammation, gas and bloating, which can lead to pain and discomfort that make quality sleep more difficult."

Even if you arenot Diron-opposite, according to Dr. Ax, there are cheeses to avoid. It explains: "The elderly cheeses contain tyramine, an amino acid that increases the production of norepinephrine: neurotransmitter released during stressful situations as part of the combat or flight reaction, which can lead to increased vigilance and a decrease in The quality of sleep, "he says. So save the Gouda for your morning omelet and opt for cheese like goat cheese, friable feta and hallum at night.



red wine pouring

This relaxing glass of Chardonnay could do the opposite of its intention. While a glass of end-of-evening wine can help you relax and make you feel faster, it prevents your body from fully engaged in its REM cycle (fast evolution of the eyes), which is a really sleep. relaxing and his dream. According to the nutritionist, Mitzi Dulan, RD, "research shows that alcohol consumption before going to bed can make you more likely to wake up throughout the night and diminish the quality of sleep. We also know that the alcohol can lead to snoring since it is a powerful muscular relaxator. "For a little motivation to cut on the alcoholic beverage, see these incredibleBenefits of abandoning alcohol!




Sorry, fans of Stout, but beer is also out of bounds. "With beer, the amount of alcohol may not be as high as with a martini or wine, but it is enough to dehydrate the body, cause muscle cramps in the middle of the night and disrupt your sleep cycle", declares the intuitive nutrition coachJoanna K Chodorowska NC, TPTH, PETS, CSG. Beyond that, "Beer drinkers also tend to get up every 2 to 3 hours after being in bed to go to the bathroom because of the excess liquids consumed after dinner. "

If you like the idea of ​​a terrestrial night box, trykombucha. Pour it into the glass of thistle and your friends will even know it's non-alcohol.


Coffee & Soda

Best worst foods sleep caffeine coffee

We hope you would know it here now! But in case you need a small background information: "Caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system several hours after consumption", say the nutritional twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN , CDN, CFT. "If you are always sensitive to that, you will probably stay awake." The stimulating effects of caffeine can last from 8 to 14 hours, so be sure to keep your sleep in mind when considering the timing of this cupa joe or afternoon dieta soda. We recommend that you give about 8 hours before you plan to hit the hay.



Best worst foods sleep chocolate

Sorry to be the wearer of bad news, but that the chocolate Treat after dinner does not make your favors. As coffee, dark chocolate also containscaffeine, which can increase the excitement, prevent your body from closing and decreasing your ability to develop and maintain deeper sleep stages. Chocolate bars have variable quantities of caffeine, but an average black chocolate bar of 70% contains about 79 milligrams - more than half of what is in a cup of 8 ounce coffee. If you know that you are sensitive to caffeine, but you do not want to completely give up dark chocolate, try to savor your Treat softness earlier in the night or reduce the portions.


Fat food

Best worst foods sleep - burger

We are talking about the usual suspects here, likehamburgers, loaded burritos and pizza. (Yup, you will have to say goodbye on this side of sweet potato fries or nachos before going to bed, too!). "These fat foods take longer to digest", offer the nutritional twins, that they explain will keep your body working rather than relax. The fatty foods "often cause bloating and indigestion that interfere with a night of good night," they continue. This leads to sleep more fragmented, so you wake up the next morning without feeling refreshed.


High sugar cereals

Best worst foods sleep -lucky charms

Pass the Froot loops, please. "To eatHigh sugar cereals Doing your blood and your cross, which will affect your sleep, "says Nutritionist Lisa Séfazio, Ms., RDN. She continues, "Choose a cereal with less than five grams of sugar per serving."


Hot peppers and spicy foods

Best worst foods sleep - hot red peppers

Spicy foods are a taste when it comes to revealing yourmetabolismBut they also ruin your chances of falling asleep. Spices like Cayenne and Tabasco receive their capsaicin metabolism-boosting properties, which can trigger stomach burns in sensitive individuals. Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, explains that this compound also gets your blood flowing also, "its thermogenic properties can increase the central temperature of the body." Since your basic temperature naturally decreases when you prepare to sleep, lift it can prevent you from feeling more awake and struggle to stay asleep.


A high protein dinner or large fat

Best worst foods sleep high protein steak

A small lesson of logic: "You may think that a high protein or high fat dinner will keep you fully all night, preventing you from waking up. But search shows that eating a high protein meal before Block can not lead to sleep disorders, "explains Palinski-Wade. Experts believe it's becauseprotein rich The meal contributes less tryptophan - the amino acid which is a precursor of soothing hormone serotonin, than other amino acids. A tryptophan less than another large amino acid ratio really reduces serotonin. And, like many other foods on this list, you can end up with indigestion or acid reflux since you will be lying with a full stomach.


Dried fruit

Best worst foods sleep - dried fruit

Consuming too many high fiber dishes like dried fruits can disturb your stomach and you have gas and cramps during the night, depending on the diffazio. "It is thanks to their high fiber content with low water content." Come in the morning, do not eat it either. They are one of the best food nutritionists want you to stop adding to your oats.


The water

Best worst foods sleep water

You may want to rethink that this great glass of H2O on your bedside table - unless you save it for the morning. "Yes, you should drink a lot of water during the day to stay hydrated. In fact, even a slight dehydration can dramatically drain your energy levels, "offer Palinski-Wade. "But if you drink too just before going to bed, you can end up wake up several times to urinate. Instead, start conical for your cash consumption about three hours before bedtime." To stroll more water during the day and help help your weight loss efforts, try one of those deliciousDetox Waters!




A slice of pizza could satisfy your evening desires at the end of the evening, but it will leave you worse in the am. "The combination of grease in cheese and acid in tomato sauce can have a negative impact on your sleep quality," says Palinski-Wade. "High acid foods can triggeracid reflux, especially when I ate near bedtime bed. Even if you do not feel "stomach burns", this reflux can prevent you from waking up in part and tiring you the next day. "


Pepper mint

Best worst foods sleep mint candy

Let these after-dinner Mints on the check and head at home! There is a lot of healthBenefits of mintBut sleep well is not one of them. "Many people celebrate pepper in their mouths after dinner to refresh their breath," says Hayim. "Some people have it in their tea thinking that it appeases them. But, as it is, peppermint is a burning burns burns burns burn trigger. So, stay without hesitation before to sleep!"


Green tea

Best worst foods sleep green tea

We are huge fans of grease incinerationgreen teaBut be sure to reduce several hours before bedtime, at least. At the top of caffeine, green tea contains two other stimulants, called theobromine and theophylline, that Hayim tells us can cause an increase in heart rate, feelings of nervousness and general anxiety.


Fries with ketchup

Best worst foods sleep ketchup and fries

This fast food combo serves a double Whammy when it comes to disrupting these sweet dreams. The fries are greasy, which is a sign that they are raised in fat and will keep you as and when your body tries to digest them. Diving them in Ketchup require more problems. "Ketchup is extremely acidic thanks to the tomatoes it has done," Hayim offers. "In addition to the natural acid there, the ketchup is generally preserved with other chemicals that make them even more acidic and can lead to stomach burns." Pay attention to tomato sauce, too: "Pasta and sauces of Marinara can contribute to indigestion andstomach pains"The twins of nutrition say." This is particularly important if you are subject to indigestion. When you lie down to bed, digestion slows down and the horizontal position can make the burns of stomach and an indigestion even worse. "


Raw onions

Best worst foods sleep onions

Being able to kiss someone good night is not the only reason to give up these guys just before bedtime. "Onions can cause gases that affect pressure in your stomach," says Hayim, who can cause the acid to enter the throat - and not a pleasant feeling when you try to catch zzz. She explains: "Studies have found that gross onions can cause powerful and sustainable feelings of reflux in people who already have heartburn." Now it's something to throw and turn around. So even if you eat healthy for these finnics in the office, make sure of NIX of yoursalad.


Too much food

Best worst foods sleep - person eating too much pasta

While you should not go to the hungry bed (which presents his own busting problems, like exhausting your lean muscle storage), you should not also hit the bag completely stuffed. When you eat a large meal before going to bed, your body works to digest it long at night - and if your body is still hardened, you too. Later, you fall asleep, the less rest, you will wake up to feel groggy and more likely to reachCalorie-dense articles.

Additional report of Gabrielle Kassel.

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