This forces your risk of dementia in a spectacular way, say doctors

Eight ways to keep your brain in the best form of your life.

Since childhood, we have been taught there are things you can do to improve the health of your heart, your lungs and your GUT: Eat more plants, avoid processed foods, get regular exercises. But did you know that many of these same things - and other daily activities also simple - can keep your brain healthy? And we are talking where he really counts: by reducing your risk of developing neurodegenerative diseasesAlzheimer and dementia. Here are 8 things that doctors say can dramatically reduce your chances of dementia. Some are as easy as to literally pick up the phone. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others,Do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Do not be too lonely. This can increase your chances of dementia of 50%

Glad mature pensioners relaxing near chessboard in park

Do you want to reduce your risk of dementia in two? Staying social. "Social isolation and loneliness have negative impacts on healthy health with obesity, physical inactivity and smoking 15 cigarettes per day and are associated with approximately 50% an increased risk of dementia", explainsScott Kaiser, MD, Certified by the Board of Directors of the Saint-Jean Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California and Geriatric Cognitive Health Director for the Pacific Neuroscience Institute.

Scientists do not know why it's. Loneliness can cause chronic inflammation as part of the body stress response, damaging the brain. But recent research suggests that the risk is reversible, says Kaiser. "Just take a moment to connect to someone - even through a brief phone call, can reduce the feelings of solitude, anxiety and depression and cerebral protection benefits," he said .

I do not know how to start? Online services likeCallhubhave recently increased to help volunteers and those they call, increase their social connectivity.


Maintain a sense of purpose or meaning

older black woman looking at tablet

A study that has followed several hundred people over time noted that those who have marked an assessment of the objectives of life were 2.4 times more likely to remain free from Alzheimer's disease than people with low scores. said Kaiser. Preserve a goal or meaning season seems to keep your brain in good health, even if it has been physically damaged. "Here, and in many similar studies, the positive impact of the goal is twice: both through a reduction in real pathological changes (things that could be observed on a brain analysis) and an improvement in the Cognitive function (performance on issues to evaluate the brain function) regardless of the underlying condition of the brain. "

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Give back

Female Tutor Teaching Class Of Mature Students

"Volunteering research clearly demonstrates its rich benefits and important role as a valuable film for healthy aging," Kaiser said. A 2013 study revealed that the elderly who participated in volunteering had a lower risk of hypertension, physical disability, cognitive decline and mortality.

Other studies suggest that seniors could particularly benefit from mentoring or host family programs. Helping young people with problem solving, academic work and professional development can help keep the volunteers' brains as well.

"Experts in the field of aging agree so as to improve public health if we can get committed seniors, feel useful and give back," says Kaiser.


Stop thinking that being older means "game on"

senior couple dancing together at dance hall

"Have a positive view of aging is associated with longer life and live better," says Kaiser. He plans research done by Becca Levy, professor of Yale Psychology and Senior Researcher of the Psychology of Aging. In one of his studies, participants who had a positive self-perception on growth over 7.5 years of more than 7.5 years and that lower rates of Alzheimer's disease are better than people with a more negative view.

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Exercise your brain and body together

Senior couple is doing fitness training at home.

"The benefits of regular physical activity are so many, especially for our brain health, that in a meaningful exercise is the closest thing we have a miracle medicine," says Kaiser. "With regard to the healthy exercise of the brain, evidence suggests that there is an extra boost when you combine aerobic and cognitive challenges." For example, the practice of a new dance routine provides a cardio workout, while your brain benefits from learning stages and stay coordinated.

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Eat more fruits and vegetables

healthy vegetable plant based bowl tomatoes carrots avocado brown rice cucumbers leafy greens

"A vast and growing research body demonstrates the advantages of certain brain health foods, especially those rich in certain antioxidants and other neuroprotective compounds," Kaiser said. In several studies, higher levels of flavonoid intake have been associated with a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. "These phytonutrients-chemical chemicals that produce to keep healthy - can actually reduce cerebral inflammation, protect the brain cells from injury, support learning and memory and offer other obvious health benefits. cerebral, "he said.

Some foods rich in flavonoids include berries, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, tea and dark chocolate.


Get a better sleep

woman sleeping

"There are entire books that start only to scratch the surface of the crucial importance of a good nightto sleep For the health of the brain, "says Kaiser." The quantity and quality of sleep have profound physiological impacts that affect our daily reflection, our memory and our mood, as well as our long-term risk of cognitive decline and dementia. "It could be because during sleep, the brain clears debris, resets neuron networks and provides downtime at various systems.

A Sleep Disorder In particular - Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - has been linked to an increased risk of dementia, said Frazier, noted that up to 75% of serious cases can be undiagnosed.

The symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, irregular respiration observed during sleep, day drowsing or waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat. A health care provider can diagnose sleep apnea and prescribe effective therapy that can protect your cerebral health.

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Stay (or get) creative

senior woman sitting at table in office and

"Singing, playing an instrument, a painting or a writing of a poem, are just a few examples of creative type of expression that enhance the health of the brain," Kaiser said. "And while some activities, like playing an instrument throughout your life, are associated with a risk of reduced dementia, there are advantages for arts and creativity at any age. It is never too late. to try something new. "And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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