The bad amount of water to drink each day, declares exercise scientist

Do you drink too little or too much? Here's how to know for sure.

Your body is 60% of the water, health and fitness experts will tell you and the reconstruction of your body with its most vital need is one of the angular stones of a healthy and active life. According toOrganic Chemistry JournalYour brain and heart are 73% water, your lungs are 83% water, your muscles are 79% water, your skin is 64% water, and even your bones are composed of 31% water. After all, it'sWhy consume enough h20 Provides energy, optimizes your metabolism, illuminates your skin and helps your body flush toxins and focus your brain.

That being said, you can still consume water incorrectly, whether it's drinking too little, drinking in the bad weather of the day or drink too much. Social media are filled with "hydration challenges" that require people to drinka lot water and scientists will tell you that too too much, too. Recently, Tamara Hew-Butler, DPM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at Wuene State University, sounded the alarm on bad hydration habits. Here are some nods according to her, as well as other notable experts. And for more tips for living a healthier and more active life, see here forThe exercise of ABS that science says is the best absolute.


Is eight glasses of water a day is it the right amount?


According to Hew-Butler, the joint recommendation of 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day is not necessarily correct and its origins are disturbances. "He staysnot clear when the recommendation of "8 x 8" water admission comes from, "she wrote in an article forThe conversation. "Perhaps this two-liter admission threshold is derived from a misinterpretation of the original recommendations offered by theAmerican Food and Nutrition Council in 1945 as good asEuropean Food Security Authority 2017, Which indicates that the daily amount of recommended water includes all drinks plus moisture contained in food. "

On this last point, she notes that many of us do not necessarily represent the water we receive from food. We get water every day of our food, including fruits, as well as soups, milk and even soda and alcohol. The "8 x 8" guideline is not perfect, and it may not be an exact amount of water you should aspire to drink every day. And for more great healthy life tips, do not miss theSecret exercise tips to reduce your weight for good.


You need enough water, but not too much


If you are active on social media and you have friends in shape and motivated, you have probably seen the Gallon Water Challenge in action. That's exactly what it seems: you have to drink a gallon of water every day. A gallon is 160 ounces a day, which is a lot - it's almost 100 ouncesFollowing that the recommendation "8 x 8" mentioned above. The people who did it will tell you that it's incredibly difficult, and they must go out their drink over the whole day. They also find theyUse the bathroom-Ausfi in, like every 20 minutes.

Is it necessary? The short answer is no. "The hydration levels of everyone are different, but most people do not need a daily gallon",advise DietitianBeth Czerwony, MS, Rd, CSOWM, LD, from the clinic of Cleveland.

As Hew-Butler explains, there is a point where all this extra water is just not good, and everything has everything to do with your kidneys. "You have heard a lot of people you need to drink more, more, more," she writes, but notes that this is just not the case.

Your kidneys make molecular adjustments all the time depending on your hydration levels, and when you overcome the water, your body simply adapts to get rid of it. "That's why, when we drink more water than our body needs - above thirst - we must immediately [use the bathroom to get rid of] any excessive water. Or when we forget Our bottle of water during practice, we stop [using the bathroom] Keep the body of the body. This coordinated action fast between thebrain, cranial nerves and kidneys is much more efficient and accurate than any phone application, gadget or custom recommendation available. "


You can cause personal injury by drinking too much

choking woman while drinking water

Durning Water, like undertaking the Gallon Challenge, is uncomfortable for us to do because our bodies tell us not to do it. "Our brain tries to discourage chronic superstor, or polydipia, because"Polydipsia Social"Causes [of chronic urination] (polyuria), which can lead to internal plumbing modifications such asRelaxation of the bladder, ureteral dilatation, hydronephrosis and renal failure, "HEW-Butler Notes.

The Clezlend Clinic's Czerwony notes that drinking too much water can actually become dangerous and even life in danger. "Hyponatremia is when the sodium levels in your body drop too low because of too much water, "she explained to the clinic of Cleveland." Other conditions can trigger a hyponatremia, but it can also be caused by Too much water consumption in a very short time. All water dilutes your sodium levels and your blood can become "watered". "



healthy beautiful young woman holding glass of water

The General Point of Hew-Butler is clear: your body has a million years of evolution here when it comes to consuming water, and it is smarter to provide hydration instructions that any guideline or challenge of social media. Yes, drink plenty of water, but you should drinkthirst. If you exercise, you will obviously want to restore your water stores, but, if in doubt, the best indication that you need more water is likely in your bathroom bowl.

"A good rule is to take a look at the color of your [urine]," says the Cleveland Clinic. "If you are hydrated, it should be a light lemonade color, but it does not necessarily need to be clear. If it's darker, it could be an indicator of your consumption of Water, but keep in mind that some medications (and even food) can also touch the color. "

And remember: If you drink too much water before going to bed, you are preparing a bad night's sleep. For more things about it, seeWhy you should never drink water before going to bed.

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