These are the real reasons why you are sneezing, explains the pediatric nurse

And yes, for recording, it is possible to sneeze with your eyes open.

AAAA-CHOO! While your first thought can be to say "Gesundheit!" Your second might be to ask, "Where did this sneeze come from?"

Sneezing is a phenomenon that occurs inPeople and animals. This happens when your bodyexpels from air force From your lungs through your nose and mouth.

Most of the time, sneezing occurs when something infectious, such as a virus or bacterium, or irritating, like an allergen or chemical, enters your nostrils. Your body uses sneezing like adefense mechanism To erase your mucus nose, also called snot and prevent foreign objects and particles from entering your respiratory tract.

Lydia Bourouiba and his laboratory at MIT study the physics of sneezing.

But sneezing can also occur as a reaction to more unusual stimuli.

Chemicals like piperine or capsaicin found in foods likeBlack pepper and pepper peppers Can irritate nerve endings inside the mucous membranes of your nose and lead to sneeze.

Another type of sneezing ispsychogenic, which means it is caused by something more mental than physical. Although not well understood, researchers believe that this happens when a strong emotion triggers your brain to send a chemical signal to your nose that makes you sneeze.

And finally, about one in four people feels something calledPhotosyestic, or a sneezing photick reflex, where light, especially sunlight, cansneeze.

Is it possible to sneeze without closing your eyes?

Despite aPopular myth This sneezing with your open eyes will make them appear, it is actually possible to keep your eyes open when you sneez.

Close your eyes for an eternate is aautonomous reflex. This means that your body does it without you needing consciously thinking about it. Scientists believe that your body makes your eyes close when you sternate toReduce the probability that germs enter them.

It is possible to fight this reflex and intentionally keep your eyes open. But it may be better to keep them closed to avoid getting the germs you have expelled in your eyes.

Why do you do noises when you sneeze?

Some people have very strong sneezing, while others have more delicate sneezing.

The noise you make when you eternate is the result of the air that escapes your mouth or nose. Generally, the more air you breathe, thestronger your sneeze will be. As closing your eyes, inhalation before sneezing is largely a reflex but could be consciously controlled.

Some people even occupy or "swallow" their sneezing, even if health experts do not recommend it because ofPotential risk of injury. Some sneezing can be so powerful that they expel mucosal droplets as well as force as100 miles per hour!

What is appropriate label label?

Although sneezing is sometimes only a reflex, or the result of irritation of allergies or chemicals, sneezing can also be a symptom of contagious disease or upper respiratory infection.

When you feel that the urge to sneeze, the best practice is to sneeze into a fabric or your sleeve to catch the germs that can go out with the air you have expelled. If you caught your sneeze with a handkerchief or you touched your nose and mouth,Good hand hygiene, like washing with soap and water or with a hand disinfectant, is particularly important to help prevent germs spreading.

If you sneeze with your eyes open or closed, strong or quietly, covering your mouth and your nose when you sneez and wash your hands for20 seconds After can help protect others from becoming sick.

This article is republished byThe conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read itoriginal article.

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