This 3-minute exercise trick clears the terrible effects of the session

Why follow this simple exercise formula can reduce your 30% death risk, said a study.

You know that leading aSedentary lifestyle is bad for your body and you have probably heard health experts offering simple tips for critical effects of the assistance session. For example, according toEdward R. Laskowski, M.D., a sports medicine expert at the Mayo Clinic, just taking a break from the session "every 30 minutes" or getting up while talking on the phone will go a long way when it comes to your overall health. CornA whole new published study in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine Offers a very specific formula for how you can thwart the harmful effects of the session and make sure you live a long and fruitful life. Read on to learn what it is. And for the best way in # 1should Sit down, do not missThe secret sitting position can prolong your life, tell experts.


30 minutes of exercise a day may not suffice

Young woman in sportswear having a morning exercise walking in the park with skyscrapers on the background in Frankfurt city

The four-year study was conducted by an international team of scientists, but led by researchers from the University of Glasdow Caledonian. The research teams dug in six other studies including data of more than 130,000 adults in three countries, including the United States. Researchers have examined different exercises and other daily activities - rigorous training facilities on the couch - to measure the impact they have on your risk of early death. The results led the researchers to question the dominant guideline that 30 minutes of exercise each day is sufficient for everyone.

"Researchers have found that the current 30-minute exercise recommendation a day has reduced early death opportunities up to 80% for those who have sat down for less than seven hours," writes the BBC. "However, it did not reduce the risk of mortality for people who attended more than 11 to 12 hours a day." And for some stellar exercise tips to sit less every day, checkThe 15-second exercise thing that can change your life.


Enter the new formula


According to the study, if you want to erase the harmful effects of the session and to reduce your chances of dying more than 30%, you have to do exactly 3 minutes of "moderate to vigorous" exercise for every hour of the day you Expense session. If you can not do more moderate exercises to vigorous, "12 minutes of light physical activity" for each time of sitting will work. For superb fitness tips, do not miss theseSecret tips to walk better to start now, say experts.


What about other hours?


"The remains of hours should be devoted usually to move as much as possible and have a good night's sleep", Sébastien Chastin, professor of health dynamics and behavior at the University of Glasdow Caledonian, told the BBC. "This new cocktail or a simple formula, really stimulates the protection of health."

It is important to use this calculation, he says, because the current government guidelines could be short for you, depending on the quantity you are sitting. "Thirty minutes of physical activity a day or 150 minutes a week is what is recommended, but you still have the potential to cancel all this good job if you are sitting too long," he warns.


It's the least you can do

Female worker sit at desk touch back suffer from lower spinal spasm, hurt unhealthy biracial woman stretch have strong backache.

If you reduce your risk of early death is not enough to get up and move,know that staying too linked to Weight gain, back pain and shoulder, depression, terrible sleep, fertility problems and risk of diabetes. Moreover, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and published in theInternational Journal of ObesityThere is yet another side effect to sit for long periods that you should be informed: you will do your reach and make you a lot more vulnerable to distraction. So get up and get you moving! And for more reasons to be more active every day, see here forWhat happens to your body when you walk more, says science.

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