Secret side effects of exercise attached

Seriously, stay in bed.

Exercise is typically thelatest thing in my mind when I'mhangover. Usually, my thoughts are more in line with "Why Tequila still betrayed me?" And "Will I be able to keep this piece of Toast?" But some people swear of a good workout to help avoid their hangover - the logic being that they "sweat" their toxins to the gym.

However, this idea is more myth than the scientific fact. There is no difficult evidence that exercise with a hangover will help you feel better. In fact, the opposite seems to be true, especially if you try to make a long run or a class of intense fitness. Do not believe me? Discover these surprising side effects of exercise with a hangover. And for more Intel, checkA major side effect of drinking a glass of wine, says science.


You will have even more dehydrated

drinking water

Many symptoms of hangover - headaches, exhaustion and thirst - are caused by light dehydration. It's because alcohol consumptionDeletes a hormone that helps regulate your fluids, you pee more and lose more liquid. So, push yourself to train when you are already dehydrated can potentially make you feel worse. Read more:Secret side effects of drinking alcohol, declares expert.


You could hurt yourself

Female runner suffering with pain on sports running knee injury

According toSleeping background, drink alcohol before going to bedcan disrupt the sleep possible-AKA The deep sleep cycles where you have your best rest. This can happen to a certain extent, regardless of the amount of alcohol you drink. A 2018 study inMMIR MENTAL HEALTHfound that even small amounts of alcohol consumption can affect the quality of sleep.

Do not sleep enough, in turn, can make you more likely to hurt you. "Working when tired can increase your risk of injury injury when a tired person is trying to sprint"Leon Creainey, an orthopedic doctor based in the UK, saidWomen's Health in the United Kingdom. "The tired muscles can not react as quickly as your coordination and agility are also compromised." For more information on sleep, do not miss:Nocturnal habits that ruin your sleep, according to science.


Or just become more painful

athlete has a pain in his knee while running

Go too hard at the gym while you are the hippover could also make you super pleated. Why? Well, alcohol is technically a toxin and your body must work overtime to expel it from your body. This temporarily changes the normal processes of your body to compensate. "Alcohol affects your normal physiology, resulting in increasing the levels of kinase creatine and lactate in your blood, which can have adverse effects on other organs and can lead to increased muscle pain"Damion Martins, MD, a sports medicine doctor, saysCharm.


You will have less endurance, too

Exhausted female runner overtraining and sweating after training on hot summer at beach. Fitness sweaty woman on workout.

Even if you can stand out from the bed and on the treadmill when bodybuilding, you probably will not get an excellent workout anyway. A 2020 study published in theClinical Medicine Journal Compared the performance of hikers that were suspended and hikers that were not. They found that musical hikers were significantly more exhausted by the same amount and the same level of activity as ordinary hikers. Basically, you can expect to have less endurance if you work while you work while the hippover.

You could also not have the same beneficial results. A small study of 2014 inPlos afound that alcohol consumption before a training affected the synthesis rates of muscle proteins from athletes (MPS). Members are fundamentally how your muscles are repaired and rebuilt after exercise. Although this study is small (and therefore not conclusive), the authors of the study wrote that their results seem to imply that alcohol "can therefore alter the recovery and adaptation to training and / or future performance. " Read more:This exercise melts fat faster than any other, says science.


However, the softer movement can help you feel better


That said, some exercises can help support the recovery of hangover. "Avoid training at high intensity intensity intervals or extremely painful workouts when recovering a hangover,"Lynn O'Conne, MD, RecountNBC News, like these can dehydrate you further. She recommendedwalking Or light jogging on a treadmill instead of reaping the benefits of endorphin exercise without pushing you.

Before you train (if you choose to do it), make sure you rehydrate water and electrolytes. Eat a snack with protein and carbohydrates to fill you too.Alcohol often exhausts blood sugar rates. And if you feel still nauseating, dizzy, or with miserable dish, jump the gym and stay at home. You will not gain anything in pushing you. Read more:Secret side effects of walking only 15 minutes a day, says science.

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