Surprising habits that cause sustainable damage to your body, says science

Here's why these "small" daily errors are not so small, after all.

Humans areCreatures usually, and it's easy to see why. There is the comfort of having a firm routine and perhaps, more importantly, a sense of control. Everyone has its own daily schedules, routines and habits, but you have already stopped determining how some of the most trivial aspects of your day can affect your health?

We all know that some habits like eating poorly, spend too much time in front of the television and do not have enough sleep can take their toll. But there are other seemingly harmless habits you do every day that also cause sustainable damage to your body. Keep reading to learn what they are, and for more things you do who affect your body and life, do not miss these4 bed habits that hurt your body, according to science.



tired woman at the gym

Done: There are people who just comenever want their workouts to end. But knowing your limits and give your body the amount of time needed to recover, are just as important for the success of fitness as something else.

Running can be particularly addictive. Arecent study published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health documented the dangers of the rider's dependency. "Most of the race-related injuries are maintained as a result of adequate overrunning and recovery, simply due to an obsessive passion for the race", explains the co-author of the study.University of South Australia Auxiliary professor Jan de Jonge.

Take too many hiit shots or shorter fast fire, really intense exercises - is not great, either. According to a new study published in March in the journalCell metabolismThe exercisers who performed a 152-minute leg of a one-week high intensity workout sessions came with altered mitochondria, the organs of your cells that burn calories. In addition, study participants tooincrease their resistance to insulin. "It's quite similar to the changes you see in people who are starting to develop diabetes or insulin resistance," Filip Larsen, from the Swedish Sport and Health Science School, who supervised the experience, explained withThe scientist.For healthier ways to exercise, see whyWalk this way can add 20 years to your life, says the top scientist.


Eat lunch at your desk

businesswoman eating a sandwich at her desk in her office

Enjoy a sandwich or salad while catching up arrears, may seem a convenient way to save time, but it's probably a better idea to eat your keyboard.

Despite daily use, most people rarely clean only their keyboards, leading to incredible accumulation of bacteria, germs and fungi. Ato study, led by researchers atUniversity of Arizona, found that the average keyboard is much more dirty than a given toilet seat. Various forms of harmful bacteria, including E. coli and staph have been collected from keyboards, which means that it is advantageous to keep your food as much as possible from the space bar.

In addition, eating at your office is more generally an unhealthy thing to do. A 2012 study published in the journalAppetite I found that people who eat at their offices are much more likely to eat too much.

"If you eat at your desk when you are distracted while working and you do not give yourself an appropriate lunch break, the food you eat does not fill you as much," Jane Ogden, Ph.D., a teacher in psychology of health at the University of Surrey, who led the study, explained toCable. "You do not remember that you have eaten in the same way and you do not code the food in the same way. You are more likely to feel hungry in the afternoon and eat more."


Night round

Sleepy exhausted woman working at office desk with her laptop, her eyes are closing and she is about to fall asleep, sleep deprivation and overtime working concept

Some of us are naturally alive at night, so the idea of ​​working the night shift might seem like attractive. Try not to make us a habit, however. Work regularly all night can throw the body's natural clock down, which can lead to aincreased risk ofheart attack, cerebral vascular accidentand arterial hypertension. A modification of waking hours will also disorientate the production of hormones responsible for your metabolism, possibly raising the chances of obesity and diabetes. For more information on side effects to burn the candle at both ends, do not missWhat happens to your body when you have a busy job, says science.


Not dental silk

dental floss

The human body is interconnected hard to understand, and your oral health can greatly contribute to negative and positive health developments. It does not seem terribly important when we are in a hurry to get out of the bathroom, but maintaining a constant silk schedule can help protect your heart. It does not argue that dental silk often leads to the disease of the gum. Well, gum disease is related to heart disease. A lot ofresearch Support this notion.

"Dental health professionals need to be aware that oral health is indispensable to global physiological health, including cardiovascular status," said Davide Pietropaoli, DDS, Ph.D., University of Aquila In Italy, the author of the head of aresearch project This discovered a link between your poor oral health and high blood pressure.



persephone bakery drive thru window with coffee pastry bag
Persephone Bakery / Yelp

The food and all the wonderful flavors coming with it - are part of the simplest pleasures but the greatest of life. Of course, sometimes we are all forced to eat as fast as possible because of packaged schedules and lively lives. From time to time, it does not matter, but if you make it a routine to finish eating in less than five minutes flat, it could come back to haunt you a day.

Research published in the scientific journalTraffic found that rapid feeding is associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome (which includes high blood pressure and diabetes). "Eating rapidly causes of greater glucose fluctuation, which can lead to insulin resistance," adds the study author and cardiologist Takayuki Yamaji, MD.


Take too many vitamins

B-complex pills on a clay plate

Many people swear by taking a daily multivitamin. And let's be clear: it is certainly important to make sure that you get enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet. That being said, too much of anything can become a problem.

Now it's almost impossible to take it in too many vitamins while eating regular food, but if you take supplements youcan Back. A study published in theJournal of Clinical Oncology Found a "clear link" between high doses of vitamins B6 and B12 over time and lung cancer. In the same way,another study Too much vitamin A reports can work against the immune system. And for great ways to lead a healthier life, make sure you are aware ofThe secret turn that makes every exercise so much better.

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