Surprising side effects of the weight raised

It's not just about swelling.

Anyone who looked atPokeye like a child (orJersey Shore In adulthood) knows the basics of what happens when you startlift weight regularly: You build muscles and ripe. Basically, the stress of moving the weights creates microtrears in your muscles,Michael R. Deschenes, PhD, FACSM,previously said ETNT. These microtrears heal, allowing your muscles to become bigger and stronger.

Of course, nothing in the human body occurs in a vacuum. When we exercise and strengthen our muscles, it also benefits our overall health in a number of other unexpected ways.

"We are very familiar with the aerobic exercise such as running, cycling or walking, but we did not focus on the lifting and strength exercise," Stuart Phillips, PhD, professor of McMaster University in Kinesiology and Research Chair in Canada in Skeletal Muscle Health, saysWorld News. "They are seen on both ends of the spectrum-one makes you strong and muscular and help you live longer, but it is not true. The reality is the two, in terms of health benefits, overlapping more that they differ. "

So, what can we lift weights and force force for you, in addition to building more muscle? Here are some secret side effects of the weights raised. And do not miss:The secret exercise trick for the strength of the building and power after 40 years.


Improvement of cardiac health

doctor with a stethoscope

You are more likely to associate walking with cardiovascular health than bench pressing, but a number of studies indicate that weight training is excellent for our hearts. A study published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exerciseconcluded that women who snail weights are 17% less likely to develop heart disease than those who do not do. Anotherto study Posted in the same scientific journal reports that, barely less than one hour per week, lifting weights can reduce the risk of cardiac attack or stroke from 40 to 70%.

Why is bodybuilding the heart? ThroughSelecthealthWhen we train our muscles, lean muscle mass increases. Therefore, there are more blood areas to travel, which leaves less tension on the arteries. Are you looking for other ways to support your cardiovascular health? Check50 best food for cardiac health.


Best sleep

Front view portrait of beautiful resting woman cover white blanket

Nothing exceeds body energy reserves as an intense weight training session - which means you also find more time to fall asleep after.

This study published inThe European Journal of Applied Physiology I found that resistance and bodybuilding helped a group of older men to reduce the frequency they woke up in the middle of the night. Meanwhile, this study published inPreventive medicine reports Featuring a much larger population sample (23,000 German adults) indicates that any amount of muscle building exercises is associated with improved sleep quality.

"There are strong scientific evidence that exercise is associated with better sleep quality, but most of these evidence is based solely onAerobic exercise, "Jason Bennie, PhD, Chief Author of the Subsequent Study and Associate Professor in Epidemiology of Physical Activity at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia, saidRider's world."Our study was the first to describe associations between the muscular strengthening exercise and the quality of sleep, especially among a large population sample. Do you want to sleep better?This super trendy sleep thing actually works.


Improvement of mental health

happy woman laughing

Lifting weights can help us improve outside, but what we feel inside is what really matters, right? Fortunately, weight training can help with that too. Examine the findings of an in-depth review of the benefits of mental health of adult strength training published inThe American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. Researchers conclude that many evidence is based on the notion that regular weight training can help improve self-confidence, mitigate depression and reduce anxiety.

In addition, this study published inBorders in psychologyReports that even low-to-moderate weight and intensity formation can provide severe anxiety relief. In summary, the authors of the study conclude that "these conclusions provide support for the use of resistance exercises in the clinical management of anxiety".


A longer life

Affectionate middle-aged couple relaxing on a sofa together at home laughing at something on a tablet computer, natural and spontaneous

This advantage should be enough to motivate even the greatest skeptics of lifting the weight room. To researchUCLA Published inThe American Journal of MedicineConcludes the more muscular mass than an older adult has, less likely than the person is to disappear prematurely.

"In other words, the greater your muscle mass, the lower your risk of death," said the co-author of the studyArun Karlamangla, MD in aLiberation of the University. "Thus, rather than worrying about the index of weight or body mass, we should try to maximize and maintain muscle mass." And how do we do that? Lift weights and do other force training exercises. And make sure to check:A new study reveals the side effect of lifting weight only twice a week.


Brain boost

Senior man using smartphone during sunset. Close up

Bodybuilding can also help keep our healthy and strong spirits. This study in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine I found that a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises an improvement in cognition among a group of adults aged 50 and over.

There are also a number of studies suggesting that maintaining strong leg muscles is particularly useful in terms of cerebral health. This one, published inGerontology, concluded that the strength of the robust age of old age helps protect against cognitive decline. Another study published inNeuroscience bordersTake things further, reporting that the leg exercises are essential for the optimal functioning of the brain. According to researchers, when we raise weights with our legs, he sends a message in mind the instructor to start producing more neural cells. Read more:More than 60 years? Here is a side effect of only 20 minutes per week

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