A major side effect of lifting heavy goods, says science

When it comes to gaining strength, a new study shows why any lifting is not created equal.

Here is a fact of weightlifting that surprises a lot of people: the most important muscles do not necessarily mean a huge force. In fact, bigger muscles mean bigger muscles. AsSuperman Actor Henry Carill has just revealed to our sister siteCelebration, he does not raise huge weight to get his huge arms - he is actually raisingsmaller Weight to pump as much blood to its muscles as possible to develop their size. "You make micro-tears and you create a size in the muscle and not necessarily huge amounts of force," he explained.

A new study published in the journalMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise actually backs up his beliefs on lifting. According to the study, conducted by researchers in Australia, there is a wide range of load quantities (or "weight") that you can lift, but only one type of load lifting is actually associated with growth not only the size of your muscles but alsosignificantly Improve your strength. Read more about what it means for you. And for more on the incredible advantages of force formation, do not miss theSecret side effects of lifting weights that you have never known, say experts.


Yes, you should be a force training

Fitness girl doing dumbbells plank row exercise lifting dumbbell weights. Woman doing floor workout renegade row or commando alternating plank row at gym.

Let's start with one thing first. It's just a fact that cardio exercising-exercising-exercging-culing, cycling, particular particular, etc., remains the most popular exercise form on the planet. According toto some statisticsAbout 60% of all exercises are not part of the force at all, which is almost doubled the amount that does not undertake in the aerobic exercise. Now, if you believe that the best doctors, trainers and other exercises experts, it must change - and especially if you get older.

Force training will help you burn fat andmanage your weight, improve your balance and coordination, help you sleep, build your muscle mass and yes,even improve your self-esteem. It is crucial to lift weights during your age.

A study published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise concluded that women who snail weights are 17% less likely to develop heart disease than those who do not do. Anotherto study Posted in the same scientific journal reports that, barely less than one hour per week, lifting weights can reduce the risk of cardiac attack or stroke from 40 to 70%.

"For men and women, it can be extremely beneficial," "Traci D. Mitchell, PT, a health coach and the author ofThe belly burn plan,explained to us. "Not only does the strength of the force increase muscle mass, which stimulates metabolism, but it also stimulates the production of natural collagen of the body. It is essential that we have optimal collagen levels to maintain the common health. It is produced. At high levels up to 18. Around 25, it falls, then Swan dives after 40. "

If you are still not convinced of the importance of hitting the weight room, know that a study published inThe American Journal of MedicineConcludes the more muscular mass, an older adult has (once again, muscle mass is won through force formation), the less the person is to die prematurely.


The benefits of heavier weight lifting

Two woman lifting kettle bell in cross fit gym

The new study published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise Analyzed 28 studies including information on more than 700 healthy adults and the amounts of weight they have risen. At the end of the study, they found that different types of weights were able to increase the size of your muscles (for the record, it's called "hypertrophy"), but only those who raisedupper or moderate loads have considerably improved their strength.

"This means that lighter charges can" grow "your muscles, but it's the heavyweights that make them much stronger, depending on the principal investigatorPedro Lopez, M.Sc., Ph.D. (C), at the research institute on medicine exercises at Edith Cowan University in Australia, "observesRider's world.


Why is this the case?

Fit serious Asian sportsman exercising with weights in gym

According to Lopez, when you lift heavier weights instead of lighter weight, you are simply forced to use more muscle fibers to complete the elevator. "It improves the coordination between the muscles and between the muscles that contribute to more force," wroteRider's world. "Translation: more force thanks to an increased cooking frequency."


How should you put this into practice?

dumbbell deadlift

Our resident coach, TIM LIU, C.S.C.C.S., recommends that people raise 2 or 3 days a week, okay. As to whether you lift heavily, he says you should be able to achieve between 8 and 12 repetitions in a set and feel tired. If you can do more than 12 people in one go and you are not tired, you do not lift enough. If you are on the market for other workouts to try, you go here:

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