A healthy shrimp and spinach salad with a hot recipe of the bacon

With all these delicious fasteners, it's hard to believe how much this dish is calorie.

Word"spinach" Creates a health halo for cooks and guests. People think that because the base of asalad is done with asuperfeumentThe rest of the salad can be filled with all the troubling trim they love. That's how we finish with dozens ofSpinach salads of 1000 calories In the restaurants of the chain. This interpretation of the shrimp and spinach salad with hot bacon breeze the halo in pieces to give you a seriously healthy salad.

Nutrition:220 calories, 11 g of grease (3 g saturated), 560 mg of sodium

Serve 4

You will need

6 bacon bardens, cut into small pieces
1/2 red onion, sliced
1 cup of sliced ​​mushrooms
Shrimps of 8 oz, peeled and discouraged (Shrimp is one of the greatest sources of selenium of nature, a microminera that helps reduce articular inflammation and combat cancer-causing free radicals.)
Black salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of walnut pine
1 tablespoon of dijon mustard
3 c. Soup of red wine vinegar
Olive oil (optional)
1 bag (6 oz) baby spinach
2 hard eggs, sliced

How to do it

  1. Heat a large skillet or a pan with medium heat. Cook the bacon until it is crisp, 5 to 7 minutes. Use a slit spoon to transfer to a paper towel on a plate and a reserve.
  2. Add the onion and mushrooms to the hot pan and cook until the onions start brown, about 3 minutes. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper and add it to the hot pan, as well as the pines.
  3. Bake until shrimp is pink and firm, no more than 4 minutes (prawns faster than almost all other proteins and nobody likes shrimp too cooked).
  4. Stir the mustard and vinegar in the pan; Season with salt and pepper. If the pan looks dry, add an olive oil splash.
  5. Divide spinach and eggs from 4 plates and high with the hot shrimp mixture and a part of the liquid in the pan. Sprinkle with bacon.


So, the idea of ​​a hot vinaigrette of the bacon does not suit you as excited as it brings us, huh? No problem. Replace the bacon in the recipe with a tablespoon of olive oil to start (to blow vegetables, shrimp and pine nuts) and two others at the back, when you stir in the mustard and the vinegar. You will save about 75 calories per plate, the more you will increase the meal with a solid dose of healthy mononature grease.

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