Cassette recipe of the Spire Woodford Spire

For Kentucky Derby or at any time, this cocktail recipe of all seasons serves excitement.

AllHot cocktail should be encountered with a version of the snack just as thrilling. It's just what you will get in thisDerby Kentucky Model recipe of the Woodford Reserve, the Derby Presentation Sponsor of 2021 Kentucky.

They wiped the whiskey from their traditional recipe of the woodwood arrow, then used unsweetened tea to balance the fruitjuice flavor and avoid extra sugar. Whether for the Kentucky derby or at any time of the year, this model of all seasons is an exciting way of sipping responsibly ... and deliciously.

Serves 1

You will need

1.5 ounces of unsweetened tea
2 ounces lemonade
1 ounce cranberry juice

How to do it

Build in an ice cream drink.
Garnish with a lemon zest.
Serve in a large glass on ice.

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