Why should not control iced tea at McDonald's

Why may you want to think twice on the control of an icy tea in McDonald's, another profit for the health of coffee drinking and more.

Your healthy tip for the day

Shocking: The average chicken piece has 266% grease more than in 1971, while its protein content has dropped a third party.

AFP: Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis

"People who drink four to six cups of coffee daily will be less likely to achieve multiple sclerosis, according to Thursday's international search." The contribution of caffeine has been associated with a reduced risk of diseases of Parkinson and Alzheimer, "said the main author Ellen Mowry from the University of Hopkins University of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland. "Click here to read the full story.

ABC News: McDonald's client says he has received a cleaning liquid in his tea

"An Indianapolis police officer took a sip of McDonald's icy tea during the weekend and went to the hospital because the drink has apparently been contaminated with cleaning chemicals, his wife said ABC News. "Click here to read the full story.

Adweex: Infographic: Here's how many shit beer Americans drink

"Of course, Americans drink a lot of light beer, but do you realize how? The infographic of the Vinepair alcoholic site team shows the staggering range of traditional beer sales - especially bourgeois light, which has $ 3 billion more for sales than its nearest competitor, COORS LIGHT. "Click here to read the full story.

Categories: Restaurants
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